Corruptors Remission: A Tradition?

Corruptors Remission: A Tradition? - CRIME corruption is considered the culprit of the downturn Indonesia. How not to bring corrupt behavior already deteriorating image of Indonesia. Induced corruption, many proclaimed Indonesia becoming a haven of corruption.

See symptoms of corruption that memawabah certainly left a deep concern. What a nation known for friendly and honest, were seized with the disease "camouflage". Widespread culture of deception to deceive so many state financial harm. Indonesia threatened with loss of cheap goods that are difficult to find, namely honesty.
Corruption in Indonesia began to strengthen since the New Order rule. Suharto turned into a mafia budget by legalizing the tradition of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN). The impact is at once sweet irony where the development of Indonesia developed rapidly but leaving large debts. Stay current generation being forced to bear the heavy burden.
But those concerns vanished when the President began to lead Indonesia. At the beginning of his reign, Yudhoyono promised to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. People began to harvest the glimmer of hope against the anti-corruption movement.
SBY good intentions are increasingly getting compliments after the establishment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Moreover, the Commission moved quickly capturing many many criminals who harm the state. Ad hoc agency began to trust the people to eradicate corruption.
But all hope is fading due to half-hearted policy of the government. Throughout 2011, recorded two times the government's "easy and light" issue a policy on remission. Ministry of Justice and Human Rights freeing criminals on the grounds of remission and the rule of law. Momentum Independence Day and Eid became criminals the opportunity to breathe fresh air free from prison.
Welcoming the 66 Anniversary of The Republic of Indonesia, as many as 21 inmates of corruption cases in Indonesia certainly free after receiving a general remission II. In addition, of 1,008 prisoners spread corruption throughout the country, 419 inmates received public partial remission.
Liberation corrupt paradox of the anti-corruption movement of President SBY. Especially the day before the celebration of independence to the RI-66, a speech he praised the improvement in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) Indonesia. According to him, based on the report of Transparency International (TI) provides the CPI score of 2.0 in 2004 improved to 2.8 in 2010.
Criticism flowed from many circles, including anti-corruption activists in Indonesia. Not content to give a surprise, the government re-give "gift" to the corrupt remission. At this year's Lebaran, Kemenkum human rights prize to give discounts to the 44,652 inmates in detention. Of that total, 235 of them corrupt. Eight criminals declared free after a remission.
Remissions policy makes a lot of protest among anti-corruption fighters. They considered too mild for the perpetrator of corruption rules remission. But Justice Minister Akbar Patrialis dodges, no legal basis for granting remission, the Penitentiary Act and the Presidential Decree.
Granting remission of symptoms corruptor leave deep concern. Liberation corrupt society can reinforce the view "the law can be bought with money". In addition, this condition can leave at least three adverse effects.
First, granting remission to prisoners can corrupt government's image in the eyes of the people of Indonesia. The government is seen running a half-hearted anti-corruption agenda. Assess the community, the government pretends to uphold the rule of law. Independence "robber" asserted state money, the law as commander in Indonesia just a big lie.
Second, remove the sense of justice. During this arrest the perpetrators of corruption prevailing discriminatory. A corrupt many distinguished from other prisoners. For example, the discovery Nazaruddin blackberries, and out of jail Misbakhun, and "plesiran" Gaius Tambunan. Remissions for more add to the evidence of how diskrminatifnya law in Indonesia.
Third, the weak rule of law in Indonesia. Remissions for the perpetrators of corruption does not suppress the potential corruption. Conversely, the penalties for corruption be taken lightly so as not to pose a deterrent effect. The detention period is not comparable with mild depletion of state funds.
Criminals should be given and not given the maximum sentence remissions to cause the learning to the community for no corruption. Because their behavior has caused losses of millions of people of Indonesia. Ease of remission only and is not worth the loss of state money dkorupsi. Especially during this time, law enforcement has often give privileges to corrupt.
Rightly, the government review the rules of granting remission. Discourse such as the proposed elimination of remission KPK chairman, Busyro Muqoddas needs to be appreciated. For removing corruption in Indonesia requires hard work including the repair rule. Not until, catching criminals is to drain the settled traditions of state money discount period of custody.
In a sociological perspective, we often hear the view of law always lags one step of human civilization. Therefore, we are reminded to always look for the social development of systematic corruption occurred and continue to repeat. To that end, corrupt remissions should be reviewed so as not to disturb the public sense of justice. It's time to give remission corrupt tradition tightened, if necessary, be eliminated in order to re-erect the rule of law.
 Corruptors Remission: A Tradition?

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