End of Economic usury

End of Economic  usury - Global economy system had constructed by coming to an end the practice of usury. His life soon. Capitalism is the patron of the global economy, and glorified as it is believed capable welfare of mankind, now living mythology. Economic sectors in European countries like Greece, Italy, and France was shaken and threatened with collapse. Welcomes welcoming countries in the continent blue folded. America and even Asia, also helped underwrite the domino effect of the crisis.

Various measures taken by the government to rescue the country's economy, for example, cut social security funds, raise taxes, and other policies mendeterminasi people's rights. People were sick of seeing the government get out of hand, resulting in the occurrence of economic disparity.
They expressed frustration with the demonstrations. As the survey that was launched by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, no less than a third of the people of the United States (U.S.) ie 37%, supporting the protests that have spread from New York to other cities in the U.S..
End of Capitalism
Wall Street, the center of the New York Stock Exchange is the center of financial interests in the U.S. and has been the icon as well as the parameters of the global economy, has been criticized. Even the Wall Street complex at the heart of the business and the velocity of money in the U.S., continued to protest anti-capitalist activists. The movement calling itself "occupy Wall Street", Wall Street occupied movement. Movement has menggurita in over 83 countries around the world.
The protest U.S. citizens and the world community to rebound on Wall Street that occurred at a time when increasing numbers of layoffs, based on the belief that the government has been controlled by the banks and giant corporations are greedy. They do profit taking (taking profits) by ignoring the interests of most citizens.
Greed of the capitalists to nullify the moral value of doing business, causing huge economic development only in statistics but fragile fundamennya. The situation is getting worse because of the ways taken by the profit made by the system of usury.
Quoting from Agustianto Mingka (2011) that the heart of the economic system of capitalism is usury Usury be the root cause of all sorts of crises. Speculative activities in the form of margin trading and short selleing in the capital market is usury, because without dilandasari by the underlying transaction is riel. Even with traksaksi derivatives on stock exchanges and commodity futures, foreign exchange spekuasi with the motive for speculation, not for the transaction, all of which is usury.
And Allah has warned mankind away from the practice of usury. In the Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah verse 275, Allah says: "Those who devour usury can not stand but as stands one whom possessed by reason of insanity. That is because they say that buying and selling the same as usury. And Allah has made buying and selling and forbidden usury .. "
In the verse there are two phrases that according to the authors is very interesting in reminding the people to stay clear of usury, which is "crazy" and "demonic possession". That people who devour usury will dither, unable to erect and like a madman. If we komparasikan with life globally, then the current western economic kelimpungannya actually due to the practice of usury is a domino effect.
That is why in the next paragraph (2: 276) Allah affirms that "God destroyed usury and nourish charity. God does not love every person remain in unbelief and sinful ". The exegete interprets that to mean destroying usury can destroy property or negate his blessing, so that the abundance of things no longer useful to its possessor.
If we return to the capitalist economic system adopted by most countries in the world today to nourish even institutionalizing the practice of usury, such as derivatives trading in the financial sector that is not balanced by the movement of sktor real, then the simple fact is clear that one solution to overcome the crisis is by turning on the real sector.
As the Prophet gave major attention to the traditional markets, a place where people from all walks of transactions involved. Even the commercial practices of the Prophet is to revive the real sector, trading from market to market among bebebrapa city in the Arabian Peninsula.
Repositioning Economy Indonesia
Indonesia is a country which has by analysts and economists the world has always praised because it can survive and withstand exposure to the global economic crisis, mainly due to the crisis surbprime mortgage in the U.S. in 2008. We know that this current crisis, as occurred in 2008, sourced from the financial market sector.
Borrowing Anggito Abimanyu analysis, that the transmission of the global crisis caused financial market turmoil because of uncertainty. Finally things get bogged down in capital flows that interfere with trade and systemic effect on economic growth because terganggunga various development projects.
Secra niormatif, in the Masterplan Economic Development Acceleration and expansion of Indonesia (MP3EI), the government's main program is aimed at encouraging the good fortune of the national economy by targeting real sector such as agriculture, industry, mining, energy, strategic areas, marine, telecommunications, and tourism. However, this concept has not been fully implemented, as evidenced by the number of imported products still dominate the market with the pretext of maintaining national stock.
Seat belts during this economic Indonesia are those entrepreneurs who drive the real sector, which is identical entrepreneurs with small businesses, home-based businesses. Therefore, regulation is needed which means keberfihakan pemeritah in protecting products from the real sector and encourage the accelerated growth of the business world that has not been optimized. For example stop the import of various commodities that could be provided by local entrepreneurs such as agricultural products continue to flood every day.
The government must realize that the real sktor who save the national economy. The data of 2009 shows if the sector of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) accounted for 53 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product. There are 51.26 million units of SMEs, or about 99 percent of all business units that absorb a workforce of approximately 90 million persons or 97.04 percent of the total workforce Indonesia.
The lack of government berfihakan on the little people, the real sector because of the various interests of a black entrepreneur who had an affair with a rent-seeking bureaucrats hunters, will be very vulnerable to lead to the destruction of national economic good fortune. As said by Fadel Muhammad, if one at a micro, small, medium and die from not being able to compete in the free market, economic disaster will occur and the cost of recovery will be very expensive. Before all these concerns occur, we hope SBY Cabinet government which he said "cabinet accelerative" immediately act quickly .*
End of Economic  usury

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