The image of Jews and destruction of the Messenger of God

The image of Jews and destruction of the Messenger of God - NOT long ago, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) sent a formal protest strongly against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo insult that had been insulting Islam. This magazine, by deliberately put the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as the cover image. In addition, this medium has also been making fun of Islamic Shari'a.
In addition to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, on the cover of her magazine Charlie Hebdo derail the name to 'Charia Hebdo', Sharia Hebdo. On the back cover, featured cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad with a red nose, plus text reads, "Yes, Islam is compatible with humor."
In a statement, Secretary General of OIC, Ihsanoglu said that Charlie Hebdo action is outrageous and violates freedom of expression.
Reappearance of publishing material that contains anti-Islamic message, according to Ihsanoglu, shows the growing phenomenon of Islamophobia in Europe, which "triggered by journalism motivated by hatred of certain media organizations, including the Charlie Hebdo."
Prior to this, d Extraordinary Summit in Makkah, Saudi Arabia in December 2005, dozens of countries joined the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) sent a formal protest to the Danish government, who are reluctant to punish the perpetrators of abuse the Prophet Muhammad caricatures published in the newspaper Jyllands Posten issue of 30 September 2005.
After OIC protest, in early 2006, the Muslims in various cities around the world doing a massive demonstration to condemn Jyllands Posten and dozens of other Western media that went along with cartoons to reload the harassment.
Destruction of the image (character assasination) of the Prophet Muhammad through the cartoon is actually a sin of hereditary Jewish and Christian communities of the prophets and apostles since thousands of years ago.
History records that Paul et al., Jewish leaders who lived during the 1st century AD, is a pioneer of the destruction of the image of the messengers of God through the fictitious verses inserted in the modification of the Gospel (Bible).
Some of these, among others, can be seen as follows:
1. Prophet Adam
Paul et al. states that all human beings bear the sins of Prophet Adam and his wife, Christians call it Eve, the sin of eating the forbidden fruit in Paradise. (Romans 5: 1)
Both our grandfathers and grandmothers are also human beings who are not infallible. But Adam and his wife have repented and Allah SWT has given amnesty / forgiveness for them both. (Surat al-Baqara: 37)
Moreover, let His prophets, we as human beings will also be forgiven if you repent because Allah is All-forgiving. No fewer than 85 verses in the Qur'an which states that Allah almighty recipient repent for the mistakes of his servant.
Actually, slander sin above shows that Paul et al. have committed negligence. They forgot to change some scripture verses that affirm the gospel of the absence of the concept of original sin (Ezekiel 18: 20, Deuteronomy 24: 16; Matthew 16: 27; Jeremiah 31: 29-30; and Chronicles 25: 4). The Qur'an also strengthens the evidence that a person is not charged sins of others (Surat al-An'am: 164 and Sura Al Israa ': 15)
2. Noah AS
Through the Bible, Paul et al. damage the image of the U.S. Noah wrote that the messenger of God who have preached for 950 years is called as the first person in the world to make alcohol, never get drunk in his tent until not realize that-excuse me-the whole outfit him regardless. (Genesis 9: 20-22). Though Allah and His Messenger to defend the reputation of the Qur'an (Surah Ash Shaaffaat: 78-81 and QS. Al Israa ': 3)
3. Prophet Ismail AS
Prophet Ismail AS was also destroyed his good name by Paul et al., With the slander that he was not the son of Hagar, wife of Prophet Ibrahim AS legitimate. (Genesis 21: 10).
Though each of His prophets and apostles were selected from a noble family in the eyes of Allah SWT because nasab maintain his honor so that they are very clear. The Qur'an also confirms the glory nasab U.S. Ismail. (Surat al-An'am: 86-87)In addition, Paul et al. Also manipulate the history of that child which Abraham sacrificed Ishmael is not the U.S., but U.S. Ishaq. (Genesis 22: 2).
Harassment is also proved that Paul et al. Also careless in modifying the Gospel, which states Hajar Ismail U.S. born when Abraham was 86 years (Genesis 16: 6), and Isaac was born when Sarah was 99 years old Ibrahim. (Genesis 17: 16)
Thus, it is impossible that a single child sacrifice Isaac, Abraham is the U.S., because he was born 13 years after Ismail. Allah also defended the reputation of the sacrifice of Prophet Ismail AS (Surah Ash Shaaffaat: 102)
4. Prophet Lut AS
U.S. to Prophet Lut, Paul et al. slander he had committed incest and impregnates his own two daughters (Genesis 19: 30-38). Allah also defended the reputation of the U.S. as a servant-Lut His highest rank (Surat al-An'am: 86); and pious, and blessed (Surat al Anbiyaa ': 74-75).
5. Prophet Ya'qub U.S.
Prophet Ya'qub U.S. including many messengers of God who abused Paul et al. In the Bible, he was vilified by the biological mother conspired to deceive his own father (Genesis 27 :1-46). The eldest son of Prophet Ya'qub U.S. - mentioned named Reuben-do free association with his stepmother named Bilhah (Genesis 35: 22). In addition, his other son, named Judah-mentioned menzinahi and impregnates his own daughter (Genesis 38 :13-19).
Whereas in the Qur'an, Allah praises the virtue of many U.S. and their descendants of Prophet Ya'qub (Surat al Anbiyaa ': 72 and QS. An-Nisa': 163)
6. Prophet Musa
Paul et al. slandered Prophet Musa had been appointed as God by God when they wanted to sent mendakwahi King Pharaoh (see Exodus 7: 1). Though he was only an ordinary person who appointed senagai His messenger. (Surah Az Zukhruf: 46)
7. Prophet Harun AS
Paul et al. The Prophet also makes the U.S. as the target of harassment Aaron in the Bible. He is accused of being a person who has misled the Israelites by making a statue of the god-shaped golden calf. (Exodus 32: 2-4)
And that makes the calf to worship idols partly the Israelites fell into apostasy is Samiri, a Jew from the tribe Assamirah, which is also the ancestral Paul et al. Allah was at length told betrayal Samiri and defend the good name of the U.S. Aaron in the Qur'an (Surah Ta-Ha: 85-91; QS. Ta-Ha: 95-97; QS. Ash Shaaffaat: 119-122; and QS. Maryam : 53)
8. Prophet Dawud AS
Good name of the Prophet Dawud AS many dinista Paul et al. in the Bible. He slandered having an affair with Bathsheba, the wife of one of the Una-royal officer David. In fact he also slandered kill Una to marry Bathsheba who is pregnant due to adultery is (Samuel 11: 2-27 and Psalm 51: 1-2).
In addition, the slander in the Bible also says that he-sorry-love to do free sex with young virgins despite his advanced age (Kings 1: 1-3).
The destruction of the image are also addressed through a libel upon the sons of David AS. Paul et al. indulgence in false story that the boy he named Absalom-mentioned damaging the honor 10 people own stepmother (Samuel 16: 21-23). More painful, libel addressed to a son he named others-mentioned-sorry-Amnon had raped his own biological sister. (Samuel 16: 7-14)
And Allah has praised some of the virtues of Prophet Dawud U.S. in about 19 verses in the Qur'an, one of which was, "... And remember Our servant Dawood, who has the power: behold, he is very obedient (to God)." (Qur'an : 17)
9. Prophet Sulayman
Paul et al. Solomon had been harassing the U.S. with a vicious, with fictitious paragraph stating that he had 300 legitimate wives and 700 concubines people. Even the accused if he would not submit to God because it is more concerned with female 1,000 people. (Kings 11: 13)
Some verses of the Qur'an cemented the image of the U.S. Solomon, one of which is, "And We bestowed on David, (his son) Solomon, he is the best servant. Indeed he is very obedient (to Allah). "(Qur'an: 30)
10. Prophet Isa AS
Prophet Isa AS and his mother (Mary) is the messenger of God who suffered the most and the desecration of the image most sadistic of Paul et al. He was vilified as an illegitimate child-sorry-(Matthew 1: 18 and Luke 2: 1-8).
Some verses of the Qur'an (Surah Maryam: 16-22) was answered with firm slander Allah who defend U.S. honor Jesus and Mary. Even in another sura, Allah affirmed, "... They (the Jews and Christians) do not believe except a small sebahagian of them. And because of their unbelief (of Jesus) and their accusations against Mary a big lie (adultery). "(Surat an-Nisa ': 155-156)
The charges on Isa's infamous U.S. also asked Paul et al. in the Bible which states that he is-excuse me-an emotional and dumb (Mark 11: 12 -14). Slander is answered by the word of Allah who defend His Messenger as an intelligent and pious servant ((Surat Ali 'Imran: 45-46)
Harassment committed gruesome Paul et al. the Bible is when the U.S. declared that the Prophet Jesus as the son of Allah. John 5: 7-8; John 10: 34-36, Matthew 3: 16-17; Luke 3: 38; as well as some other fictitious verses).
In this case, Paul et al. automatically also attacked the honor of God Almighty, the One who does not have children, not begotten, and there is no partner for Him (Qur'an Ikhlash: 1-4; QS. Al Maa'idah: 72; QS. Al Maa'idah: 116 - 117),Based on the data above, it is clear that the harassment of the Prophet Muhammad today through Western mass media, is essentially a series of attempts the destruction of the image of these men of God who carried out vicious by Jews since 21 centuries ago, a lot of infiltration in the midst of the Christians. Moreover, in reality Jews currently dominate the print and electronic media throughout the world, especially Western countries are majority Christian citizens.
To stop the evil Jewish conspiracy to destroy the image of the Prophet Muhammad and the prophets / apostles through the mass media, Muslims are also required to control the mass media. So, how do you get to control the mass media in the midst of strong international Jewish domination of print and electronic means of communication like this now?
The answer is very easy! The Muslims can begin to learn to no longer buy / subscribe to the print media's pro-Western, both published in Western countries, as well as those published in Muslim countries like Indonesia. In addition, the people of Muhammad SAW also inactive access / subscribed electronic media broadcast or electronic media of West local / national employers dimodali Jewish advocates, such as George Soros's media network and Rupert Murdoch.
Furthermore, Muslims need to build a network of independent mass media itself. The network can be built by strengthening Islamic media that already exist and create a new Islamic media network. It does require a lot of capital and human resources that are not few in number. For that is required ukhuwah and strategic cooperation between scholars, umara, and Muslims around the world. Wallahua'lam .*
The image of Jews and destruction of the Messenger of God

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