Stop Begging At the UN, because Palestine is only free with the Resistance!

Stop Begging At the UN, because Palestine is only free with the Resistance! - Fight them (the disbelievers), Allah will torture them with the (medium) your hands, God will humiliate them and help you against them and comforting the hearts of the believers (Surat at-Tauba: 14).

Let us all ask ourselves. Who is taking over Palestinian land and then divide it into two parts and joined legitimize Israel coming to earth of Palestine? Who is silent when American support for the Ben Gurion made Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine in the speech on December 5, 1949? So now we rama-busy asking "inanimate stone" was to recognize the Palestinian membership? Stop begging to the UN! Since there is only one word to liberate Palestinian land: Fight!

What Can be Expected from the UN?

Of course the Palestinians will never forget, that on 29 September 1947, the UN issued resolution number 181 which later became the starting point of the legitimacy of Israel's right to clean the land of Palestine. UN divided Palestine into two areas; between Jews and Arabs. The resolution is very unfair because the owner invited cake thief annexed by dividing the holy land for Muslims between 43% and 53% of Palestine for the Jewish nation ruthless.

And of the UN Resolution No.. 181 that they brought David Ben Gourion to proclaim a Jewish state with the ideology of Zionism as a principle on May 14, 1948. Ideology can be defined as beliefs about the return of the people and the Jewish people for centuries, so it can save them from the power of those non-Jews. Ideology that would become the forerunner for a fact that little girls of Palestine had become an orphan at the age of five.

The fact martyrdom of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and Abdul Aziz Rantisi. The fact menghitamnya dead bodies of our brothers who blasted the Jewish state with white phosphorus. A cruel bomb detonated in a prohibited by the UN war. So does the United Nations that act? Not at all.

The UN had so far not been willing to appoint the nose of Israel as the culprit of global crime. We still remember, at the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly to follow up on Bloody Gaza at the turn of the year 2008-2009. The UN just passed a resolution which was considered too lenient and failed to identify Israel as the mastermind of the Gaza crisis. Although previously there were two resolutions offered by the United Nations.

First, the draft resolution that Israel wanted the troops withdrawn unconditionally from the Gaza Strip. A resolution sponsored by several countries such as Venezuela, Malaysia, Syria, Nicaragua and Senegal, plus the President of the General Assembly (MU) itself.

Second is the design of a more lenient and compromise towards a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The draft is sponsored by Egypt, with the approval of the European Union and the Palestinians. And sapa presume, the brutality of Israel which killed 1300 innocent Palestinian Muslims, only rewarded Egyptian draft resolution that eventually supported 112 countries and opposed by 10 countries, and chose the remaining 20 countries abstained.

Remember, Zionism will never know the language of "membership", let alone the UN membership. Meeting of the UN General Assembly itself has ever passed Resolution 3379 on December 10, 1975 by equating Zionism with racial discrimination. However, on December 16, 1991, what the power of the U.S. pressure Israel and its allies after the defeat of Iraq, the resolution is revoked. Then ever UN resolution 181 which revoked the Palestinian press and mentitahkan that Israel withdraw from Al Quds? Not ever. And now we all expect the UN to "court" which is really unfair for the fate of the Palestinians? Forget it.

"O ye who believe, do not take disbelievers became guardian to leave the believers. Would you hold a real reason for Allah (to torment)?" (Surat an-Nisa ': 144)

What happens is the only UN agency that likes to collect resolutions. Yes once again, the resolution! The resolution can only condemn, criticize, mengutimatum laknatullah without any realization of the Zionist means. As Resolution 106: The Palestine Question (29 March 1955) which 'condemns' Israel for Gaza attack. Resolution 111 which 'condemns' Israel for its attack on Syria that killed fifty-six people ". Resolution 162 which 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions". Or Resolution 237 which again is only asked Israel to allow return of Palestinian refugees in 1967 and many more. Then look at the resolutions that Israel would not budge.

Because imagine, the law of God alone that clearly the supreme law of the land they are broken, let alone man-made laws. Allah says,

"Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah and slay the Prophets unjustly, and kill the people which tells them to do justice, announce to them a painful chastisement". (Surah Ali Imran: 21)

Just One Word: Fight!

Then it's the solution to liberate Palestine will not be able to penetrate through the dialogue. The UN would not have been able to do much even if the Palestinians had admitted. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan. Although the two countries are independent states, America remains a power base that also allowed the United Nations.

Iraqi Muslims live in sorrow. Their right to live comfortably taken by America and Israel. Where the U.S. and Israel to divide the territory: the oil-rich area into American territory basis, while Nebuchadnezzar site belongs to the Jews. Therein they did nostalgia for the glory of Mesopotamia (read: Kabbalah) that they never stick nick stone at a time for the State of Greater Israel.

"Promised Land extends from the Nile to the Euphrates. That includes parts of Syria and Lebanon "(Testimonial Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, in front of the UN Special Committee of Enquirypada July 9, 1947).

Thus, once again, the road that could be just the way of jihad. Moreover, Israel is entering a period of crisis following the biggest acts in the history of the country where they protested its own citizens. This is what should be a momentum for Muslims berintropeksi that way 'oral', will never shake Israel to destroy Palestine. And Allah has told us how to disable them,

"And when comes the time for (Israel's crimes) the second, (We the people of Islam under the leadership of Imam Mahdi) to tarnish your faces, and they entered into the Mosque (Al-Aqsa), enter it as your enemies the first time, and to destroy to the utmost of what they conquered. "(Surat al-Isra ': 7)

'You find the people who most loudly enmity against those who believe are the Jews and the polytheists. "(Surah Al-Maidah verse 82)

Imagine how scared Israel if even one of the world's Muslims to wage jihad, and was simultaneously conducted throughout the world, from Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Albania, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Kuwait, Jordan. And Islamic Jihad factions in Palestine are mengobarkannya. Are we going to welcome him? This is what was said Shaheed Abdul Aziz Rantisi after the death of Sheikh Ahmad Yasin, "We're not afraid to die, but who fear death are those of the Zionist Jews. We of course will respond to Sharon in a language he understands, the language of blood ".

Sheikh Osama Bin Laden before his death has also been warned of this case. "Among our shortcomings in the current era, we are faced with many paths that carry the slogans of liberation of Palestine, whereas the majority of roads are those abandoned. Most major roads are the rulers of action today to hold meetings of ministers and to transfer the matter to the UN Security Council. This is a way to escape from responsibility and mentelantarkan Palestinian issue. "

So the ball is in the hands of Muslims, not the United Nations. Hands of the Muslim generation which will go down shoulder to shoulder to liberate Palestine with the "language of blood" rather than linguistic diplomacy. This is a case that never asked Abdul Aziz Rantisi, "We are ready to open war with Israel."

Therefore, at the end of the era such as this, the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam has prepared the Muslims to get standby to fight the Jews. With no doubt, Prophet Muhammad had predicted that Muslims and believers are all going to be involved in a war universe facing Jews in the end times.

Narrated Ibn Umar than he said: The Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam said: "You will kill all the Jews. Then you'll kill them all so the stone will say: O Muslim! Here there are Jews, come over here and kill him. "(Muslim)

And if we want to put it off? "One of the reasons why the enemies of Allah successfully defeating a group of Muslims and take over their land, because a group of Muslims have lost their love to become a martyr who died," said Anwar Al-Awlaki. Allahua'lam. (Pz)

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