Establishing Harmony, Confidence Guarantee

"Maintaining harmony, to ensure confidence." That's the title papers which I delivered in the event of inter-religious dialogue and Socialization Regulations for Religious Harmony, which was organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional DKI Jakarta, Monday, 18/4/2011, in Cipayung Bogor. To the participants, I emphasize, that despite the number of cases in a matter of inter-religious relations, and also internal religious people, in fact in general, face religious harmony in Indonesia remains "pretty." The cases that happened was like a "pimple "in a pretty face, which need to be resolved well, but do not let acne was constantly stared at and exposed, to cover" pretty face "as a whole. The way this kind of view is clearly not proportional.

As we've said in previous CAP, disclosure of cases of sectarian conflict excessive, will not solve the problem, but rather aggravate the condition. Film "?" By Hanung Bramantyo beginning with stabbing a priest in front of the Catholic Church, like herding the audience to imagine, the case was a pastor in stabbings visualization Ciketing, Bekasi, some time ago. The scene is of course redundant, although not clearly mention who was responsible, because the scene was not raised in the "empty space".

Logically, the religious people would want to live in harmony and peace. But, admittedly, in a life among humans, the potential conflict must always exist. In life husband and wife are co-religionists, many potential conflicts. There is no human life is devoid of conflict. Human beings are not angels. Especially in inter-religious relations, which each have different beliefs.

The harder the conflict also frequently occur in the internal life of religious communities. Among Muslims, there are groups who mengkafirkan others outside the group. In recent days, there are some people who ask me about the NII (Negara Islam Indonesia). One mother told me, a friend invited her to "re bersyahadat", because the creeds that have dilafalkannya daily, is considered not valid. The mother still required to recite the shahada in front of a priest.

Teachings such as this reminds me of a story in the 1980's, while still studying at IPB. One time, roommates, Ustad to bring a boarding house. The Ustad explained, that during my creed is invalid because it has not been witnessed. He recited some verses of the Koran about the testimony, such as "bi-anna Isyhaduu muslimuun."

I asked, verses which indicate that the "shahada in front of the priest repeated obligatory?" While some verses of the Koran that clearly shaped command (ficil amar) of God, the fall it permissible, not mandatory. For example, the verse "faidzaa qudhiyatish-shalaatu tashiruu fan-fil-Ardhi"; ("if after Friday prayers accomplished, then you bertebaranlah on earth").

I said at the Ustad, if the clear command only, could fall permissible legal, what about the legal status of any action that is not clearly commanded in the Qur'an and Sunnah, such as law pronounce "shahada again"? The Ustad apparently have not learned or do not want to use the Fiqh Usul Science in determining the legal status of any deed. The Ustad istinbath method is artificial own group.

End, the discussion ended without result. The Ustad go away. Since then, I am increasingly convinced, the importance of Islam among the students understand the various kinds Ulumuddin (Arabic, Tafsir Studies, Science Usul Fiqh, etc.), that are not easily interpret the Koran interpreted arbitrarily.

Internal conflicts also occurred in the religious community in the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and so on. Differences and conflicts are part of human life. Therefore, to achieve harmony, does not mean to eliminate the difference. Included in the matter of truth claims. Harmony actually be beautiful, when materialized in the midst of differences.

Religious harmony, whether internal or inter-religious community, is a desirable ideal conditions every religious community. One thing that is important to note in the matter of the construction of religious harmony is, that the efforts to create religious harmony, should not be done by sacrificing their religious beliefs. Therefore, these religions are standing on their respective beliefs. In today's terms: each religion has its truth claims (truth claims) respectively.

Islam has the basic teachings of which rests on the basis of creed: "I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." Islam recognizes God as the only God. And Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet. He (PBUH) received revelation which is then collected in the Koran.

"Islam is that you testify that indeed there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah indeed, you establish prayer, give charity, perform shaum Ramadan, and perform the pilgrimage to the House - if you are capable of implementing it." (Muslim).

"Verily, blessed by God's religion is Islam." (Sura 3:19). "Those who seek a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted and in the hereafter will include people who are losers." (Sura 3:85).

This is the faith of Islam. Confidence is typical of this kind also exist in other religions. The Christians also have what they call "shahada" (Nicene Creed), which was formulated in 325 AD: "We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of all that is visible or invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only Son of God conceived, from the nature of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, born but not created, consubstantial with the Father ... "(Norman P . Tanner, Church Councils).

Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross. Jesus is one of the "Three Person" within the Trinity. This is very different from the Islamic concept which states that 'Isa is the messenger of God. Al-Quran explains: "And remember when Isa Ibn Maryam said, O Children of Israel that I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming what is to me, namely the Torah, and convey the glad tidings of the coming of a messenger named Ahmad (Muhammad). "(Sura 61:6).

Pope John Paul II states: "Islam is not a salvation religion (Islam is not a religion of redemption). In Islam, the Pope said, there is no room for the cross and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was called, but only as a prophet who prepares the arrival of the last prophet. Therefore, knot pope, not only in theology, but in anthropology, Islam is very different from Christianity. (Not only the theology but also the anthropology of Islam is very distant from Christianity). And about the Koran, the Pope said, that anyone who reads the Old Testament and New Testament, and then read the Koran, then it will find that this book (the Koran) reduces both the book. "(" Crossing the Threshold of Hope ", New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994).

In 2006, Media Publishers Hindu, published a book titled The World's Biggest Hindu religion, which makes a clear statement about the superiority of Hindu religion (hal.xi-xii):

"Hinduism serve the needs of each person. He is the only one who has the breadth and depth like that. Hinduism contains the Gods, temples are sacred, esoteric knowledge from the core of consciousness, yoga and meditation discipline. He has a genuine love and genuine tolerance and appreciation of other religions. He is not dogmatic and open to be tested .... And remember the Hindu religion is not an aggressive mission such as Christianity or Islam ... "

Thus, the claims are typical of every religion is something reasonable, so it may be omitted. Attempts to remove the truth claims of each religion, to build a shared theology that justifies all the theology of religions, known as the concept of "Theology of Grey" (Religious Pluralism). Dr. Stevri Lumintang, a Christian pastor in Malang, in his book, Abu-Abu Theology: Challenges and Threats Poison Pluralism in Contemporary Christian Theology, (New York: Wheat Mas, 2004), wrote that Gray Theology is the position of the pluralist theology; that theology is being poisoned, either Christianity or any religion, by revoking and dispose of all absolute elements claimed by each religion.

Confirmed in this book:''The essence of Theology Gray (Pluralism) is a denial of the essence or identity of all religions. Because, they struggle to build Theology Grey or theology of religions, should be started from the attempt to destroy the stumbling blocks that hinder the realization of their theology. The main stumbling block they have to destroy or at least is a claim that must be overthrown and kefinalitas kabsolutan (an) truth in each religion.''

Thus, religious harmony, can not be built on the concept of removing the claim of truth in every religion. Let each faith remains secure, while the harmony should be established. That's the whole essence of "Unity in Diversity", different beliefs but still merrupakan one nation. Respect for individual beliefs does not mean confuse or undermine religious beliefs.

Indeed, the harmony will feel more beautiful and meaningful, when harmony is manifested in the difference in truth claims. Claims against the truth in each religion should be respected, and can not be forced to be eliminated. Islam forbids Muslims to force others to convert to Islam, as it was clear, where the Truth and which bahil.

Christianization and Islamization

Undeniably, there are two central issues that become "hot discourse" in the matter of religious harmony in Indonesia, especially between Muslims and Christians. This issue should be discussed fairly and openly in order to reach a mutual agreement. Of course it is not easy to solve this problem. In 1969, the event inter-Religious Council, also failed to agree on a Charter on the subject of the spread of religious harmony.

For the Christian, the Christian mission is seen as a fundamental obligation. Protestant leaders, Dr. AA Yewangoe, asserts: "Religion without a mission is not a religion ... Without a mission, the church is no longer a church." (Voice Reform, 12.26.2005). In the book "We in Indonesia Call Today" (1964), Indonesian Christian leaders, Dr.. W.B. Sidjabat, wrote a special chapter on the Islamic challenge for Christian mission in Indonesia: "The message Indjil in Indonesia, if so, will still continue to face the" challenge "Islamic country this cluster ... WB Sidjabat, in Indonesia we call TODAY, (National Christian Publishers, 1964), p.. 133-135.

In the 'Document Unity Church-Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI-DKG), which was decided in the General Assembly at Wisma PGI Kinasih XIV, November 29-December 5, 2004, in part''Chapter IV: Witness and Preach the Gospel to every creature' ', asserts: "The Church Must Preach the Gospel to every creature". Mentioned in this section:''Churches in Indonesia asserts that the gospel is news passions are intact and complete, to all creatures, human and natural environment and its integrity: that the whole Gospel preached to whole human beings ... ''

Catholic Mission. In 1990, the parent of the Catholic Church in Indonesia, namely the bishops (Catholic Bishops' Conference of Indonesia) to translate and publish the text of Pope Paul VI's apostolic appeal of the work of Proclaiming the Gospel in the Modern Age (Evangelii Nuntiandi), delivered on December 8, 1975. Mentioned in this document:

"The first proclamation is also addressed to a large part of humanity that embraced non-Christian religions .... Non-Christian religions are full of" seeds of the Word "countless and can constitute a" preparation for the Gospel "which is true .. . We want to show, especially in this day and age, that both the honor and respect for religions before, so did the complexity of the problems that arise, not as an excuse for the Church to not proclaim Jesus Christ to those non-Christians. Instead the Church argues that the people had a right to know the mystery of Christ's riches. "

In his speech on December 7, 1990, entitled Redemptoris Missio (Mission of the Redeemer Task), also published KWI 2003, Pope John Paul II said:

"Christ the Redeemer's mission, entrusted to the Church, is still very far from completion. When The Thousand Years after the Second coming of Christ to a close, a holistic view of mankind shows that the mission is still in its early stages, and that we should involve ourselves wholeheartedly ... missionary activity that specifically addressed "to the nation "(ad gentes) appears are retreating, and this trend is certainly not in line with the directives of the Council and the Magisterium statements afterward. The difficulties that come both from within and those coming from outside, has weakened the Church's missionary thrust of the work to those non-Christians, a fact that should arouse concern among all who believe in Christ. For in the history of the Church, missionary movement has always been a sign of life, just as well as its decline is a sign of a crisis of faith. "

So, for the Christians, the Christian mission is a fundamental obligation that they shall be accomplished. Similar things also exist in the teachings of the Islamic da'wah. Muslims are obliged to preach, calling on Muslims and non-Muslims to hold to the truth. (Sura 3:104). Prophet Muhammad is also very active in preaching to non-Muslims, encouraging them to return to monotheism, ie worship Allah alone and not associating others with Allah (Sura 3:64).

Prophet Muhammad had sent a letter to Heraclius (Roman emperor), which read: "In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. From Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to the great Roman Emperor Heraclius.

Salvation for those who follow the instructions. Besides, I actually took Mr to convert to Islam. Mr. Go into Islam, then the Lord will be saved, and let Mr. embraced Islam, Allah gives reward for Tuan Tuan twice and if it turned, then the Lord will bear the sins of the Romans. "

So, one might say, is understandable if Christians tried to do the Christianization and Islamization of the Muslims do. In a context like this, to bring about harmony among religious communities in Indonesia, it would require mutual understanding and an agreement will be a grammar-rule or code of ethics in the spread of religion, in order to avoid collisions that damage religious harmony. Agreement and understanding of this requires constant dialogue, because the issue of religious broadcasting is a sensitive thing.

Christianization, for example, are very sensitive not only to Muslims, but also for the people of other faiths. Hindu leaders of India, Mahatma Gandhi, also known to be highly critical of Christian missionary movement in India. In April 1931, he once made a comment about foreign missions in India: "If instead of confining themselves purely to humanitarian work and material services to the poor They limit Their activities, as at present, to proselytising by means of medical aid, education, etc. Certainly I would then ask Them to withdraw. Every nation's religion is as good as any other's. Certainly India's Religions are adequate for her people. We need no converting spirituality. "(John CB Webster, 'Gandhi and the Christians: Dialogue in the Nationalist Era', in Harold Coward (ed.), Hindu-Christian Dialogue: Perspectives and Encounters, (New York: Orbis Book, 1989 ), p.. 80-88).

Thus, religious harmony does require a serious effort. The difference between religions is not possible eliminated, because these religions are indeed due to the claim on the truth of each. Religious harmony can stay in touch, without compromising their beliefs. Precisely, that's the beauty of a harmony. Different but harmonious but nevertheless .* / Depok, May 27, 2011
By: Dr. Adian Husaini

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