When asked what it is philosophy, a student said simply: philosophy's search for truth. By way of thinking and asking questions-menerus.Tentang everything: from the question of the elephant to the ant problem, the problem of law and politics to a matter of morals and metaphysics, from about the galaxy until about bacteria. If so, then that philosophy is everywhere. True, there philosophy in the West and the East. There are Greek philosophy, Indian philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Christian philosophy, as well as Islamic philosophy. This is the meaning of philosophy as wisdom (sophia) and knowledge (Sapientia) is achieved with a reasonable human mind.
Three term
In the Islamic intellectual tradition, we find the three terms that are common to philosophy. First, the term wisdom, which seems deliberately dipakaiagar impressed that philosophy is not the foreign goods, but originate from and lead to the Koran. Al-'Amiri, for example, wrote that wisdom comes from God, and among the first human wisdom granted by God is Luqman al-Hakim. The mention of the seven ancient Greek philosophers as expert wisdom (al-hukama 'as-sab'ah)-ie, Thales, Solon, Pittacus, Bias, Cleobulus, Myson and Chilon.
Similarly, al-Kindi, who explains that 'philosophy' that means hubb al-wisdom (love of wisdom). While Ibn Sina states that wisdom is the perfection of the human soul when he managed to grasp the meaning of everything and is able to reveal the truth to the minds and actions limited ability as a human being (an-nafs al istikmal insaniyyah bi-al-age tashawwur t wa bi-l-haqa tashdiq 'iq wa an-l-'amaliyyah nazhariyyah' ala al-insan thaqat Qadri). Who managed to reach the 'wisdom' in such a makaiatelah receive abundant grace of goodness, says Ibn Sina.
Of course not everyone agrees with this term. Imam al-Ghazali including those against it. According to him, lafadz 'wisdom' has been corrupted for the benefit of philosophers, because the 'wisdom' referred to in the holy book the Koran is not a philosophy, but the Islamic Shari'ah which God revealed to the prophets and apostles.
The second is the term philosophy, which is absorbed into the vocabulary of Arabic through translations of ancient Greek works. Definition given by al-Kindi: philosophy is the study of the nature of things merely human abilities. Theoretical philosophy to seek the truth, when the direct perpetrator of practical philosophy in order to join the truth. Philosophizing was trying to imitate the behavior of the Lord. Philosophy is a human attempt to know him. Writes al-Kindi.
A group of scholars bernama'Ikhwan as-Safa 'added:' Philosophy is left darirasaingin know. The peak was said and done in accordance with what you know (al-philosophy-'Ulum awwaluha mahabbatul ... wa al-qawl akhiruha'amal wal-bi-ma-'ilm yuwafiqul) '.
Third, the term 'ulum al-awa'il meaning' sciences the ancients'. That is science that comes from the ancient pre-Islamic civilizations such as India, Persia, Greece and Rome. Including logic, mathematics, astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, and so on.
Three Perspectives
There are several views on the matrix of Islamic philosophy. Pertamadipegang view by the majority of Orientalists. Islamic philosophy is a continuation of ancient Greek philosophy: 'It is Greek philosophy in Arabic Garb, "says Renan, Gutas, and Adamsonyang prefer to call it' philosophy [speaking] Arab '(Arabic Philosophy). Behind this view is misplaced intellectual racism that Greek philosophy is pure products and hence the Muslims simply took danmemelihara to bequeath to the generations after them. Indeed, in the literary history of world philosophy, role and position of Islamic philosophy are often marginalized and reduced, or even ignored altogether. Starting from Hegel to Coplestone and Russell, the philosophy of Islam is only discussed in passing, as a "bridge of civilization" (Kulturvermittler) of the Dark Ages to the Enlightenment.
The second view considers Islamic philosophy was a reaction against the doctrines of other religions that have evolved in the past. Muslim thinkers have been accused of snatch and affected by tradisiYahudi-Christian. This opinion is represented Monks Maimonides: "Know that all that was brought by Muslims from the group Mu'tazilite and Ash'arite about these problems berasas on a number of propositions drawn from the books of Greek and Syriac written to refute philosophers and break their arguments. "
The two perspectives mentioned above, among others, sharply criticized by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Orientalist who embrace the perspective of Greco-Arabic philosophy usually examines Islam as a museum of antiquities or artifacts, so the only historical and philological approach. In the eyes of orientalists such as Van den Bergh, Walzer and Gutas, Islamic philosophy is like a mummy figure that lived between the 9th century to the 12th AD. As a result, more Nasr, the Orientalists did not know and do not care about the facts of Islamic philosophy as an intellectual activity that continues to live from the past till now: Islamic philosophy has remained a major intellectual activity and a living tradition intelllectual within the citadel of Islam to this day, at the centers of scholarship in the Muslim world.
The third is a revisionist perspective that sees the Islamic philosophy was born of intellectual activity during the centuries since the first period of Islam. Do not talk about omnipotence and justice of God, the nature of freedom and human responsibility is the forerunner of the growth of philosophy? The emergence of the Khawarij, Shiite, and other Mu'tazila, who threw various rational arguments in addition to referring to the verses of the Qur'an clearly encourages the development of philosophical thought in Islam. For example a letter from al-Hasan al-Basri told the Caliph about qadha and Qadr, where he is fending off arguments of the fatalist as well as secular rationalist argument. Immediately following a lively debate in the following centuries about the position of logic, atomic matter, vacuum, time, and infinite in relation to God as well kewujudan keazalian and eternity of the universe.
This revisionist view, represented by MM Sharif, Oliver Leaman, and Alparslan Açıkgenç. Islamic philosophy is not originated with al-Kindi and stop with the death of Ibn Rushd. As a product of internal dialectic elements Muslims themselves, building the foundations of Islamic philosophy can be found in the scriptures of the Koran which occupy a central position in the spiritual-intellectual life of Muslims. For Oliver Leaman, Islamic philosophy is a generic name that the whole idea was born and developed within the scope of Islamic civilization, regardless of whether those who had contributed to the Arab nation or non-Arab, Muslim or non-Muslims, living in the Middle East or not, Arabic, Parsi , Hebrew, Turkish, or Malay as the medium, since the ancient times until today. Leaman observes the Islamic worldview that frames it all (framed within the language of Islam, within the cultural context of Islamic society). That is, the philosophy of Islam is vast and rich.
Styling Philosophy
Still according to Oliver Leaman, Islamic philosophy was very philosophical in the sense of logical-analytical, kept alive and full of turmoil, not simply continue the previous tradition, but also demonstrate creative breakthroughs in answer to the problems of classical and modern: MuchIslamic philosophy, like much philosophy of any kind, is just the accretion of new representaions of existing technical issues .... new traditions of thinking about problems and resolving Difficult conceptual issues (See: History of Islamic Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 1-10).
A similar claim is expressed by experts such as philosophy of Egyptian Ibrahim Madkour, Mustafa 'Abdur Raziq, and Shaykh' Abdul Halim Mahmud. Islamic philosophy is 'Islamic' from four aspects: first, in terms of issues discussed, secondly, from the aspect of socio-cultural context; third, from the point of trigger factors and objectives, and the fourth, from the fact that the perpetrators living under the auspices of Islamic rule (See: I. Madkour, al-Islamiyya al-Philosophy: Manhaj wa tathbiquhu, hlm.19).
Indeed, if explored and studied his works, the Muslim philosopher is not merely parroting or simply reproduce what they learned from the ancient Greek thinkers. They are not passive-receptive, do not accept at face value or swallow without resistance and critical attitude. Conversely, Muslim thinkers like Ibn Sina, al-Baghdadi and al-Razi peel and break down, do the analysis and elaboration, explain and argue, criticize, modify and filter, confirmed and added, introducing new concepts, or inject new meaning on terms that already exist, and offer new solutions to perennial problems in philosophy.
In addition to successfully spawn a brilliant synthesis and build its own system of thought, the Muslim philosophers in particular managed to accommodate the treasures of ancient Greece within the framework of the scientific world view (Weltanschauung) of Islam. In other words, they seek mengislamkannya. Then there is the Islamization of philosophy in the negative (expulsion elements of kufr) and positive (income Islamic elements).
Islamic KontroversiFilsafat
Although part of the Islamic intellectual tradition, not the least antipathy toward philosophy-not (i) as a mental attitude, a process of reason and wisdom, but philosophy (ii) as 'imported goods' which contains elements of atheism, secularism, relativism, pluralism , danliberalisme. Philosophy in the second sense (ii) is rejected by Muslim scholars, the philosophy that led the perpetrators to the anti-God and anti-religion, mendewakanakal, melecehkanNabi, dansebagainya.
In the fifth century AH, Imam al-Ghazali blows hard against the philosophy in his work al-Falasifah Tahafut, where he is considered Kufr three philosophical doctrine: first, the belief that the natural philosophers is an eternal second, they claim that God does not know the detail matters and third, their denial of the resurrection of the body on the day qiyamat. Fatwas are so hard to ban the teaching of philosophy was issued by Ibn as-Sholah: 'Philosophy is the base of the ignorance and fraud, confusion and error. Who's philosophizing, then his heart will butalah sacred primacy of Sharia which sustained the arguments and the evidence is clear. Who will study it with humiliation, sealed off from the truth, and deceived by Satan. "
The philosophy in the first sense, the dual purpose of justifying the righteous (al-haqq ihqaq) and cancel the falsehood (ibthal al-false) in a rational, persuasive and elegant, it could be categorized as fard kifaya. As a curiosity that drove the Prophet Ibrahim asked how God raise the dead. God asked, "Do you not believe?" Abraham replied, "I believe, but [akubertanya] so that my heart at ease (steady)." Thus, philosophy is to establish the truth as well as remove any doubt.
Three term
In the Islamic intellectual tradition, we find the three terms that are common to philosophy. First, the term wisdom, which seems deliberately dipakaiagar impressed that philosophy is not the foreign goods, but originate from and lead to the Koran. Al-'Amiri, for example, wrote that wisdom comes from God, and among the first human wisdom granted by God is Luqman al-Hakim. The mention of the seven ancient Greek philosophers as expert wisdom (al-hukama 'as-sab'ah)-ie, Thales, Solon, Pittacus, Bias, Cleobulus, Myson and Chilon.
Similarly, al-Kindi, who explains that 'philosophy' that means hubb al-wisdom (love of wisdom). While Ibn Sina states that wisdom is the perfection of the human soul when he managed to grasp the meaning of everything and is able to reveal the truth to the minds and actions limited ability as a human being (an-nafs al istikmal insaniyyah bi-al-age tashawwur t wa bi-l-haqa tashdiq 'iq wa an-l-'amaliyyah nazhariyyah' ala al-insan thaqat Qadri). Who managed to reach the 'wisdom' in such a makaiatelah receive abundant grace of goodness, says Ibn Sina.
Of course not everyone agrees with this term. Imam al-Ghazali including those against it. According to him, lafadz 'wisdom' has been corrupted for the benefit of philosophers, because the 'wisdom' referred to in the holy book the Koran is not a philosophy, but the Islamic Shari'ah which God revealed to the prophets and apostles.
The second is the term philosophy, which is absorbed into the vocabulary of Arabic through translations of ancient Greek works. Definition given by al-Kindi: philosophy is the study of the nature of things merely human abilities. Theoretical philosophy to seek the truth, when the direct perpetrator of practical philosophy in order to join the truth. Philosophizing was trying to imitate the behavior of the Lord. Philosophy is a human attempt to know him. Writes al-Kindi.
A group of scholars bernama'Ikhwan as-Safa 'added:' Philosophy is left darirasaingin know. The peak was said and done in accordance with what you know (al-philosophy-'Ulum awwaluha mahabbatul ... wa al-qawl akhiruha'amal wal-bi-ma-'ilm yuwafiqul) '.
Third, the term 'ulum al-awa'il meaning' sciences the ancients'. That is science that comes from the ancient pre-Islamic civilizations such as India, Persia, Greece and Rome. Including logic, mathematics, astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, and so on.
Three Perspectives
There are several views on the matrix of Islamic philosophy. Pertamadipegang view by the majority of Orientalists. Islamic philosophy is a continuation of ancient Greek philosophy: 'It is Greek philosophy in Arabic Garb, "says Renan, Gutas, and Adamsonyang prefer to call it' philosophy [speaking] Arab '(Arabic Philosophy). Behind this view is misplaced intellectual racism that Greek philosophy is pure products and hence the Muslims simply took danmemelihara to bequeath to the generations after them. Indeed, in the literary history of world philosophy, role and position of Islamic philosophy are often marginalized and reduced, or even ignored altogether. Starting from Hegel to Coplestone and Russell, the philosophy of Islam is only discussed in passing, as a "bridge of civilization" (Kulturvermittler) of the Dark Ages to the Enlightenment.
The second view considers Islamic philosophy was a reaction against the doctrines of other religions that have evolved in the past. Muslim thinkers have been accused of snatch and affected by tradisiYahudi-Christian. This opinion is represented Monks Maimonides: "Know that all that was brought by Muslims from the group Mu'tazilite and Ash'arite about these problems berasas on a number of propositions drawn from the books of Greek and Syriac written to refute philosophers and break their arguments. "
The two perspectives mentioned above, among others, sharply criticized by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Orientalist who embrace the perspective of Greco-Arabic philosophy usually examines Islam as a museum of antiquities or artifacts, so the only historical and philological approach. In the eyes of orientalists such as Van den Bergh, Walzer and Gutas, Islamic philosophy is like a mummy figure that lived between the 9th century to the 12th AD. As a result, more Nasr, the Orientalists did not know and do not care about the facts of Islamic philosophy as an intellectual activity that continues to live from the past till now: Islamic philosophy has remained a major intellectual activity and a living tradition intelllectual within the citadel of Islam to this day, at the centers of scholarship in the Muslim world.
The third is a revisionist perspective that sees the Islamic philosophy was born of intellectual activity during the centuries since the first period of Islam. Do not talk about omnipotence and justice of God, the nature of freedom and human responsibility is the forerunner of the growth of philosophy? The emergence of the Khawarij, Shiite, and other Mu'tazila, who threw various rational arguments in addition to referring to the verses of the Qur'an clearly encourages the development of philosophical thought in Islam. For example a letter from al-Hasan al-Basri told the Caliph about qadha and Qadr, where he is fending off arguments of the fatalist as well as secular rationalist argument. Immediately following a lively debate in the following centuries about the position of logic, atomic matter, vacuum, time, and infinite in relation to God as well kewujudan keazalian and eternity of the universe.
This revisionist view, represented by MM Sharif, Oliver Leaman, and Alparslan Açıkgenç. Islamic philosophy is not originated with al-Kindi and stop with the death of Ibn Rushd. As a product of internal dialectic elements Muslims themselves, building the foundations of Islamic philosophy can be found in the scriptures of the Koran which occupy a central position in the spiritual-intellectual life of Muslims. For Oliver Leaman, Islamic philosophy is a generic name that the whole idea was born and developed within the scope of Islamic civilization, regardless of whether those who had contributed to the Arab nation or non-Arab, Muslim or non-Muslims, living in the Middle East or not, Arabic, Parsi , Hebrew, Turkish, or Malay as the medium, since the ancient times until today. Leaman observes the Islamic worldview that frames it all (framed within the language of Islam, within the cultural context of Islamic society). That is, the philosophy of Islam is vast and rich.
Styling Philosophy
Still according to Oliver Leaman, Islamic philosophy was very philosophical in the sense of logical-analytical, kept alive and full of turmoil, not simply continue the previous tradition, but also demonstrate creative breakthroughs in answer to the problems of classical and modern: MuchIslamic philosophy, like much philosophy of any kind, is just the accretion of new representaions of existing technical issues .... new traditions of thinking about problems and resolving Difficult conceptual issues (See: History of Islamic Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 1-10).
A similar claim is expressed by experts such as philosophy of Egyptian Ibrahim Madkour, Mustafa 'Abdur Raziq, and Shaykh' Abdul Halim Mahmud. Islamic philosophy is 'Islamic' from four aspects: first, in terms of issues discussed, secondly, from the aspect of socio-cultural context; third, from the point of trigger factors and objectives, and the fourth, from the fact that the perpetrators living under the auspices of Islamic rule (See: I. Madkour, al-Islamiyya al-Philosophy: Manhaj wa tathbiquhu, hlm.19).
Indeed, if explored and studied his works, the Muslim philosopher is not merely parroting or simply reproduce what they learned from the ancient Greek thinkers. They are not passive-receptive, do not accept at face value or swallow without resistance and critical attitude. Conversely, Muslim thinkers like Ibn Sina, al-Baghdadi and al-Razi peel and break down, do the analysis and elaboration, explain and argue, criticize, modify and filter, confirmed and added, introducing new concepts, or inject new meaning on terms that already exist, and offer new solutions to perennial problems in philosophy.
In addition to successfully spawn a brilliant synthesis and build its own system of thought, the Muslim philosophers in particular managed to accommodate the treasures of ancient Greece within the framework of the scientific world view (Weltanschauung) of Islam. In other words, they seek mengislamkannya. Then there is the Islamization of philosophy in the negative (expulsion elements of kufr) and positive (income Islamic elements).
Islamic KontroversiFilsafat
Although part of the Islamic intellectual tradition, not the least antipathy toward philosophy-not (i) as a mental attitude, a process of reason and wisdom, but philosophy (ii) as 'imported goods' which contains elements of atheism, secularism, relativism, pluralism , danliberalisme. Philosophy in the second sense (ii) is rejected by Muslim scholars, the philosophy that led the perpetrators to the anti-God and anti-religion, mendewakanakal, melecehkanNabi, dansebagainya.
In the fifth century AH, Imam al-Ghazali blows hard against the philosophy in his work al-Falasifah Tahafut, where he is considered Kufr three philosophical doctrine: first, the belief that the natural philosophers is an eternal second, they claim that God does not know the detail matters and third, their denial of the resurrection of the body on the day qiyamat. Fatwas are so hard to ban the teaching of philosophy was issued by Ibn as-Sholah: 'Philosophy is the base of the ignorance and fraud, confusion and error. Who's philosophizing, then his heart will butalah sacred primacy of Sharia which sustained the arguments and the evidence is clear. Who will study it with humiliation, sealed off from the truth, and deceived by Satan. "
The philosophy in the first sense, the dual purpose of justifying the righteous (al-haqq ihqaq) and cancel the falsehood (ibthal al-false) in a rational, persuasive and elegant, it could be categorized as fard kifaya. As a curiosity that drove the Prophet Ibrahim asked how God raise the dead. God asked, "Do you not believe?" Abraham replied, "I believe, but [akubertanya] so that my heart at ease (steady)." Thus, philosophy is to establish the truth as well as remove any doubt.
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