Egyptian Revolution that ended Feb. 11 last, in addition to creating euphoria huriyah / freedom also leaves a myriad of essential problems in the State. In the matter of the order of the State system of government, politics, social, economic and legal. Revolution is a symptom of massive changes in social, political and economic consequences of a particular cause that has been complex. Usually the success and the success of the revolution was accompanied by ta'dil Dustur / amendment to the Constitution in a State is, of course, the Act relating to siyasa / politics and law are miserable and not in accordance with the ideals of the people.
Currently, Egypt is looking for the best way to improve the State, government, law, social and economic. Some time ago two great men of Egypt invited Indonesia, Prof.DR Amien Rais (chairman of the MPR 99/01) and Ing BJ Habibie Prof.DR (President of the Republic of Indonesia 98/99). Two major figures Indonesia is an important actor in the reform of Indonesia and how to deal with the change toward democracy is good and facing various problems soaial, post-political and economic reform. Mr. Habibie, Amien and Grandmother who became the driving wheel 98 post-reform pemeritahan Indonesia certainly knows the ins and outs of that, what are the advantages and disadvantages they have done in the transition state towards the ideal of democracy. Because they were both invited to share stories, experiences, views and knowledge of what to do post-revolutionary Egypt, what are the things that should be prioritized, what are the barriers or the big problems that are usually present after the revolution, and how to counteract this solution it all, how to run a good democracy.
Although Egypt had invited several leaders from various countries to provide a view of democracy that runs from either country, but all the decisions how the shape of the fitting and the ideal of democracy in Egypt on the shoulders of the people of Egypt. And this is what I would argue, because this issue was raised in Egypt and warm to be discussed.
There are at least three sides in the fight formulation system of government of Egypt, one. Camp who want Islamic democracy, 2. Faction that wanted a secular democracy, 3. Camp who wants Islamic State with a narrow understanding of daulah or State in Islam. However, later narrowed into two great camps only to be supporters of Islamic democracy and secular democracy, after the issuance of the Charter of the Azhar in response to the issues of the Egyptian Muslim who wanted to make Egypt such as Iran led by Ayatollah Khomeini and the military does not want any new Ayatollah Khomeini in Egypt .
Secular Democracy vs. Islamic democracy
Previously we have to know what is meant by a secular democracy and Islamic democracy. Democracy is a government in which power or sovereignty in the hands of the people (whether it mubasyir / straight, syibhu mubasyir / semi-direct, ie, combined direct and parliament, or niyabi / parliament). While the secular or 'almaniyah (in Arabic) sebagimana said by leaders of Islamic thinker Prof. Dr. Emirate, al'maniyah drawn from the word 'meaningful natural world and with yes disnisbahkan ratio (read: the nature) that is translated into the mundane. The point is to make sense, trial, reality, the world as the source of everything, made man, the world and free society with a substance without any intervention Shari'a commands of God. From here the Mantiqi (read: logical) in accordance with the minds of free men, free in religion according to his reason and makes it possible to proscribe lawful or justify God has forbidden.
From this it can be defined that secular democracy is a government that comes from the people or the people as owners of power (as-as-Sulthat shahib) dengat pure substance without any divine intervention, regardless of worldly oriented hereafter. While Islamic Democracy is a government that comes from the people or the people as the holder of power based on Islamic shariah, or Islamic orientation in the frame covers the world and the hereafter. The point is that even if people are given the freedom and power in running and form a government but in the corridors of Islam, must not conflict with Shari'a and Islamic values. Thus an Islamic democratic government can not proscribe lawful or that which is forbidden by Allah SWT. Because in Islam human created and passed down to the earth as a vicegerent or representative of Allah Almighty to set this earth, but human power in terms of the rule of God, man can not justify the unlawful and proscribe lawful, such as allowing adultery, same-sex marriage, to allow the sale buy liquor and drugs, buying and selling of the uterus, mebolehkan fraud and so forth or prohibit women wear veils, forbidding people to worship, get someone to do the forbidden and others.
Humans are allowed in researching and developing the science as widely as possible but will not be until memudharatkan earth, as the case of Lapindo, or build a nuclear reactor without looking at the safety aspects of the environment. In humans Islamic democracy may also form a government with any model but with shariah requirements remain a reference source of Dustur (read: law) that State, because Islamic law is perfect coming from the Creator who knows more serious benefits slave Him, because Islamic law is also flexible and relevant or applicable in every age and place, because Islamic law also provides for religious freedom of others in worship and teaching practice in relation ahwal syakhsiyah (as in other religions worship and only regulate issues ahwal syakhsiyah) condition not to disturb Islam. And it's not enough to write bagimana perfection of Islam with its laws, as well as the wisdom of a silver lining here. It is enough if we look at how prosperous and sejahteranya statehood at the time of the Prophet and the Companions, as well as in the days of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz. What a harmonious relationship of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the shade of the State of Medina. How prosperous Muslims in the shade of Umar ibn Abdu Aziz government. What scientific advances of Islam and Muslims in the shade Daula Abbasid Dynasty Almohads and Murabithun (in Spanish), which became the center of advanced civilization and the source of western civilization today.
Certainly not the time for us to boast of the glory of the past, the task now is to try to re-Muslims to Islam who had forgotten that only used for worship. And efforts towards better have started gradually rises, the Islamic economic system is now starting to become the center of world attention, as well as civil law system in Islam is widely used in several countries, stayed the criminal system that is still a lot of people are allergic to even the Muslims themselves, but Islam is not cruel criminal imagined.
Most people who are allergic to Islam and its laws because the shallowness of their knowledge about Islam, or the doctrines of other people who hate Islam, and most people who run Islam does not correspond to a correct understanding of, say suicide bombings in areas that are not war zones or in areas safe, the practice of polygamy which is only indulged in excessive and one party, or people who claim to mimic the righteous Salaf (righteous predecessors scholars) but really very far from the ideals and values of their methods, see Islam in the narrow sense without science, or people who are Muslims but to interpret the Qur'an and Sunnah in accordance with the taste and the weather was like the activist liberal and pluralistic menasakh even postulates that qath'i / established. And there are many areas or countries that use sharia, but selective logging only for lower-class people, as happened in Saudi Arabia.
Egyptian dilemma between Secular Democracy and Islamic Democracy
It becomes a dilemma, because this formulation will determine the future of Egypt in the future, this peremusan otherwise decided by the wise and mature may lead to civil war that ended disentegrasi State. Egypt's Revolutionary Youth majority want Islamic democracy, while the minority chose secular democracy. Egyptian Revolution youth who want Islamic democracy are those of the early members of this revolutionary movement with lofty ideals remove the tyranny of government, while the Egyptian Revolution Youth who want a secular democracy the majority of them are newly joined in the middle and in the recent times that the revolution will succeed. According to the authors as there are hidden agenda of those who joined in lately, they fear that later tsauroh or revolution is a success then Egypt will be ruled by the devout Muslims, they fear Egypt will become an Islamic state but so far they are safe and reassured by some Islamic law is applied. There is even one Muslim group that had been forbidden action in the revolution and then enter the arena. People like this are now trying to disrupt security and stability, tranquility in Egypt, the hypocritical and opportunistic. Where there is good there is evil, it becomes a challenge of Egypt, how to overcome things like this.
This is no different with Indonesia as early-onset of independence, authority figures and Muslim hero who fought desperately against invaders berates-hundred years, the expense of the whole body and soul for the sake of the State of Indonesia, but in these days of impending This independence or days before the proclamation, the people who just sit at home, licking the colonialists, afraid to die fighting for Indonesia popping up and confusing the ideals of noble heroes and warriors in Indonesia. And oddly enough already in their hearts love heart ask. The framers of the law has been generous to remove and replace the first principle wisely, they are still blaring and want to part with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. All the turmoil and opposition that there is actually only caused a superficial knowledge, jealousy and envy, hatred, selfishness and lack of a sense of well-tolerated. One hand there are individual Muslims who carry Islam, but in a way and understanding that is not true if it is true but not with wisdom, on the other hand there are also non-Muslim elements are very hard wing hate anything that smells of Islam. It is ironic, but all can be run properly if there is an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect, religion is supposed to bring peace to the universe actually tarnished by people or believers who are not responsible, because religion is never wrong, wrong is adherents.
Well, something like the above must be dilesaikan wisely and full justice by Egypt if Egypt wanted to move forward. Religious tolerance in Egypt who had been running in harmony and both must be maintained, lest there are those foreigners who interfere in their affairs. That's why Al-Azhar as a religious authority that is famous worldwide and with kemoderatannya, offering the concept of charter Azhar, that Egypt still run a democracy with a fashl bayn sulthaat / the separation of power / separation of powers, but Islamic law became the main legal basis in any law making, law-making or legislation must not conflict with Islamic law, since Islamic law is able to answer many existing problems of small things to big things to be fair, there is nothing in Islamic law that human memudharatkan, only human mind and the passions which says Islamic law is irrelevant.
If the Egyptians used a flexible Islamic democracy is not rigid, and with the supervision and the correct procedure and correct without any particular individual interests, it could be Egypt will become a developed country in terms of social, political and economic. Justice, peace will be created, Egypt will be the first example of a modern Islamic democratic system and may be many other countries that the majority were Muslims or even non-Muslims to use it. Islamic economic system are now mushrooming all over the world are part of Islamic law. Then, why not try to use Islamic law as a whole? After all, Islam gives freedom must not only be contrary to the universal values of Islam. Allahu A'lam.
By: Muhammad Rakhmat Alam, Student of Al-Azhar University Department of Shariah and Law, member of the senate FSQ (Shariah wal Qonun Studies Forum)
Currently, Egypt is looking for the best way to improve the State, government, law, social and economic. Some time ago two great men of Egypt invited Indonesia, Prof.DR Amien Rais (chairman of the MPR 99/01) and Ing BJ Habibie Prof.DR (President of the Republic of Indonesia 98/99). Two major figures Indonesia is an important actor in the reform of Indonesia and how to deal with the change toward democracy is good and facing various problems soaial, post-political and economic reform. Mr. Habibie, Amien and Grandmother who became the driving wheel 98 post-reform pemeritahan Indonesia certainly knows the ins and outs of that, what are the advantages and disadvantages they have done in the transition state towards the ideal of democracy. Because they were both invited to share stories, experiences, views and knowledge of what to do post-revolutionary Egypt, what are the things that should be prioritized, what are the barriers or the big problems that are usually present after the revolution, and how to counteract this solution it all, how to run a good democracy.
Although Egypt had invited several leaders from various countries to provide a view of democracy that runs from either country, but all the decisions how the shape of the fitting and the ideal of democracy in Egypt on the shoulders of the people of Egypt. And this is what I would argue, because this issue was raised in Egypt and warm to be discussed.
There are at least three sides in the fight formulation system of government of Egypt, one. Camp who want Islamic democracy, 2. Faction that wanted a secular democracy, 3. Camp who wants Islamic State with a narrow understanding of daulah or State in Islam. However, later narrowed into two great camps only to be supporters of Islamic democracy and secular democracy, after the issuance of the Charter of the Azhar in response to the issues of the Egyptian Muslim who wanted to make Egypt such as Iran led by Ayatollah Khomeini and the military does not want any new Ayatollah Khomeini in Egypt .
Secular Democracy vs. Islamic democracy
Previously we have to know what is meant by a secular democracy and Islamic democracy. Democracy is a government in which power or sovereignty in the hands of the people (whether it mubasyir / straight, syibhu mubasyir / semi-direct, ie, combined direct and parliament, or niyabi / parliament). While the secular or 'almaniyah (in Arabic) sebagimana said by leaders of Islamic thinker Prof. Dr. Emirate, al'maniyah drawn from the word 'meaningful natural world and with yes disnisbahkan ratio (read: the nature) that is translated into the mundane. The point is to make sense, trial, reality, the world as the source of everything, made man, the world and free society with a substance without any intervention Shari'a commands of God. From here the Mantiqi (read: logical) in accordance with the minds of free men, free in religion according to his reason and makes it possible to proscribe lawful or justify God has forbidden.
From this it can be defined that secular democracy is a government that comes from the people or the people as owners of power (as-as-Sulthat shahib) dengat pure substance without any divine intervention, regardless of worldly oriented hereafter. While Islamic Democracy is a government that comes from the people or the people as the holder of power based on Islamic shariah, or Islamic orientation in the frame covers the world and the hereafter. The point is that even if people are given the freedom and power in running and form a government but in the corridors of Islam, must not conflict with Shari'a and Islamic values. Thus an Islamic democratic government can not proscribe lawful or that which is forbidden by Allah SWT. Because in Islam human created and passed down to the earth as a vicegerent or representative of Allah Almighty to set this earth, but human power in terms of the rule of God, man can not justify the unlawful and proscribe lawful, such as allowing adultery, same-sex marriage, to allow the sale buy liquor and drugs, buying and selling of the uterus, mebolehkan fraud and so forth or prohibit women wear veils, forbidding people to worship, get someone to do the forbidden and others.
Humans are allowed in researching and developing the science as widely as possible but will not be until memudharatkan earth, as the case of Lapindo, or build a nuclear reactor without looking at the safety aspects of the environment. In humans Islamic democracy may also form a government with any model but with shariah requirements remain a reference source of Dustur (read: law) that State, because Islamic law is perfect coming from the Creator who knows more serious benefits slave Him, because Islamic law is also flexible and relevant or applicable in every age and place, because Islamic law also provides for religious freedom of others in worship and teaching practice in relation ahwal syakhsiyah (as in other religions worship and only regulate issues ahwal syakhsiyah) condition not to disturb Islam. And it's not enough to write bagimana perfection of Islam with its laws, as well as the wisdom of a silver lining here. It is enough if we look at how prosperous and sejahteranya statehood at the time of the Prophet and the Companions, as well as in the days of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz. What a harmonious relationship of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the shade of the State of Medina. How prosperous Muslims in the shade of Umar ibn Abdu Aziz government. What scientific advances of Islam and Muslims in the shade Daula Abbasid Dynasty Almohads and Murabithun (in Spanish), which became the center of advanced civilization and the source of western civilization today.
Certainly not the time for us to boast of the glory of the past, the task now is to try to re-Muslims to Islam who had forgotten that only used for worship. And efforts towards better have started gradually rises, the Islamic economic system is now starting to become the center of world attention, as well as civil law system in Islam is widely used in several countries, stayed the criminal system that is still a lot of people are allergic to even the Muslims themselves, but Islam is not cruel criminal imagined.
Most people who are allergic to Islam and its laws because the shallowness of their knowledge about Islam, or the doctrines of other people who hate Islam, and most people who run Islam does not correspond to a correct understanding of, say suicide bombings in areas that are not war zones or in areas safe, the practice of polygamy which is only indulged in excessive and one party, or people who claim to mimic the righteous Salaf (righteous predecessors scholars) but really very far from the ideals and values of their methods, see Islam in the narrow sense without science, or people who are Muslims but to interpret the Qur'an and Sunnah in accordance with the taste and the weather was like the activist liberal and pluralistic menasakh even postulates that qath'i / established. And there are many areas or countries that use sharia, but selective logging only for lower-class people, as happened in Saudi Arabia.
Egyptian dilemma between Secular Democracy and Islamic Democracy
It becomes a dilemma, because this formulation will determine the future of Egypt in the future, this peremusan otherwise decided by the wise and mature may lead to civil war that ended disentegrasi State. Egypt's Revolutionary Youth majority want Islamic democracy, while the minority chose secular democracy. Egyptian Revolution youth who want Islamic democracy are those of the early members of this revolutionary movement with lofty ideals remove the tyranny of government, while the Egyptian Revolution Youth who want a secular democracy the majority of them are newly joined in the middle and in the recent times that the revolution will succeed. According to the authors as there are hidden agenda of those who joined in lately, they fear that later tsauroh or revolution is a success then Egypt will be ruled by the devout Muslims, they fear Egypt will become an Islamic state but so far they are safe and reassured by some Islamic law is applied. There is even one Muslim group that had been forbidden action in the revolution and then enter the arena. People like this are now trying to disrupt security and stability, tranquility in Egypt, the hypocritical and opportunistic. Where there is good there is evil, it becomes a challenge of Egypt, how to overcome things like this.
This is no different with Indonesia as early-onset of independence, authority figures and Muslim hero who fought desperately against invaders berates-hundred years, the expense of the whole body and soul for the sake of the State of Indonesia, but in these days of impending This independence or days before the proclamation, the people who just sit at home, licking the colonialists, afraid to die fighting for Indonesia popping up and confusing the ideals of noble heroes and warriors in Indonesia. And oddly enough already in their hearts love heart ask. The framers of the law has been generous to remove and replace the first principle wisely, they are still blaring and want to part with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. All the turmoil and opposition that there is actually only caused a superficial knowledge, jealousy and envy, hatred, selfishness and lack of a sense of well-tolerated. One hand there are individual Muslims who carry Islam, but in a way and understanding that is not true if it is true but not with wisdom, on the other hand there are also non-Muslim elements are very hard wing hate anything that smells of Islam. It is ironic, but all can be run properly if there is an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect, religion is supposed to bring peace to the universe actually tarnished by people or believers who are not responsible, because religion is never wrong, wrong is adherents.
Well, something like the above must be dilesaikan wisely and full justice by Egypt if Egypt wanted to move forward. Religious tolerance in Egypt who had been running in harmony and both must be maintained, lest there are those foreigners who interfere in their affairs. That's why Al-Azhar as a religious authority that is famous worldwide and with kemoderatannya, offering the concept of charter Azhar, that Egypt still run a democracy with a fashl bayn sulthaat / the separation of power / separation of powers, but Islamic law became the main legal basis in any law making, law-making or legislation must not conflict with Islamic law, since Islamic law is able to answer many existing problems of small things to big things to be fair, there is nothing in Islamic law that human memudharatkan, only human mind and the passions which says Islamic law is irrelevant.
If the Egyptians used a flexible Islamic democracy is not rigid, and with the supervision and the correct procedure and correct without any particular individual interests, it could be Egypt will become a developed country in terms of social, political and economic. Justice, peace will be created, Egypt will be the first example of a modern Islamic democratic system and may be many other countries that the majority were Muslims or even non-Muslims to use it. Islamic economic system are now mushrooming all over the world are part of Islamic law. Then, why not try to use Islamic law as a whole? After all, Islam gives freedom must not only be contrary to the universal values of Islam. Allahu A'lam.
By: Muhammad Rakhmat Alam, Student of Al-Azhar University Department of Shariah and Law, member of the senate FSQ (Shariah wal Qonun Studies Forum)
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