Low Libido in Women And How To Boost It

Low Libido in Women And How To Boost It - Midlife crisis is the time when most women undergo a lot of changes in their bodies as well as behavior. A drop in the production of female hormone or estrogen can result in poor libido and lot of other issues.

Besides drop in your estrogen levels, there might be a whole lot of issues and other factors that can make you lose all your interest in making love.

Some of the factors that can lead to a drop in libido include the following:

1. Relationship Problems

Marital discord and replationship problems can be one of the major reasons of poor libido in women. Women lose all their desire to get physically intimate when they are emotionally upset and there is nothing more upseting than your spouse having an extra marital affair. Lack of understanding and communication between partners can also result in poor intimacy.

2. Stress

A woman has to take care of a lot of things in daily life. Career, money matters, kids and a demanding spouse can leave her stressed and worn out with little energy to spare. Quite often than not, you would be left so tired that the only thing on your mind it to get some sleep. This i yet another cause of poor libido in women.

Stress management can be an effective technique to help reduce stress in your dialy life. Yoga is one great way to rejuvenate both your body and mind. Something as simple as deep breathing exercises can also do the trick.

Try to find out some time for yourself and do what you enjoy the most.

3. Poor Self Image

This is yet another factor that can affect libido in women. Women who are out of shape or over weight, often see think of themselves as somehow inadequate. This can be one of the factors that can affect libido adversely. The only solution in such a case is to get back in better shape with exercise etc., In any case, you must be confident of yourself. No one is perfect and should try to remember that.

Ways to Boost Libido in Women

1. Regular exercise

Exercise not only helps you get back in shape but also helps boost your energy and stamina. In addition to this, it can also help increase blood flow throughout the body and to the genitals as well. This helps boost desire in women. Thus, try to workout for at least 4-5 days a week. Even 30 minutes of exercise can bring about a huge difference in your body.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can increase stress that can take a toll on your libido. On the contrary, adequate sleep can help reduce stress and boost libido in both women and men. So, try to hit the sack early and make sure that you sleep for at least 7-8 hours each night.

3. Better Communication With Your Partner

Trust me, better communication with your partner can be a major step towards enjoying a more fulfilling relationship. It can also help you get more attatched to each other. In addition to this, it can also be a major step towards libido enhancement.

4. Libido Pills

Last but not the least, such pills can be a great help. They are made with age proven herbs and other natural ingredients that not only increase blood flow to the extremities but also help stimulate the production of hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Such pills are free of side effects and do not interfere with any other medication.
Low Libido in Women And How To Boost It

2 Responses to "Low Libido in Women And How To Boost It"

  1. after i got a low libido due to stress and work i take up a female libido enhancer. it fires up your body and mind giving you increased sexual desire and sustained energy, helping you balance the demands that life throws at you.
