Enough Sleep Can Make Slim Stomach

Adequate sleep is well known for brains and make optimal mental performance. But there are other benefits obtained if getting enough sleep, which can make the stomach so slim.During this time the public know that people burn more calories while awake than when sleeping. But enough sleep can also help the body burn more calories, thereby reducing fat accumulation. Studies show the number of hours of sleep has affected a person's risk obese, fewer hours of sleep obtained the greater the buildup of fat in the abdomen. There are various things which is why adequate sleep is very important in losing weight and getting rid of fat in the abdomen, especially in women, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG and nursingmenopause.com on Friday (08/12/2011), namely:
1. Helps control yourselfSleep is very important in helping a person to control themselves. If someone is sleeping less than 6 hours of sleep quality would be bad then that will affect people's ability to make decisions. This condition is of course an impact on his diet so that it triggers more snacking.
2. Reduced levels of ghrelinGhrelin is a hormone that triggers hunger. Studies show men and women who have time to sleep less than 4 hours for 2 consecutive days will experience a drastic increase in ghrelin, which makes a lot of eating and snacking on salty foods and sweet.
3. Reducing the amount of the hormone cortisolStress has been shown to cause hormonal imbalances, particularly those involving the hormone cortisol, a hormone released during stress. The hormone cortisol can stimulate fat storage around the abdomen. But if someone gets enough sleep, the levels of the hormone cortisol is low and the fat that accumulates in the abdomen is reduced.
Sleep is essential for the body. If you want to avoid the belly, then adjust your diet and exercise alone are not enough. Still required hours of sleep enough and enjoying life that exist and avoid stress.

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