Drink 2 cups a day's Alcohol Can Trigger Cancer Risk

Alcohol was often warned by the experts can be dangerous for the body and cause various diseases. Even two glasses of alcohol alone can increase the risk of cancer.A study has shown that drinking two glasses or more alcoholic drinks per day can significantly increase the risk of some cancers.Previously, guidelines for the NHS (National Health Service) England declared that men should not drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol per day, while women should not be more than the unit in a day. But new research has found the risk of cancer can be increased even at a lower level than the level that has been recommended in NHS guidelines.

"Our data suggest that many cases of cancer could be avoided if alcohol consumption is limited to two drinks of alcohol per day in men and one alcoholic beverage per day in women, which is the recommendation of the health organization," explained the researchers, as reported by Timesofindia, Saturday (6 / 8 / 2011).

But the researchers also explained that more cancer cases could be prevented if people want to reduce your intake of alcohol at lower levels of the recommended guidelines for the NHS or even stop drinking alcohol altogether.

Esophageal cancer, pharyngeal cancer and voice box cancer is the most commonly caused by alcohol, followed by liver cancer.

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