MONDAY, June 6, 2011, Antara News and Daily Republia carried stories titled "Australian diplomat to Ask Radicalism Islamic School". Interestingly, in the news, nanny An-Nur Islamic School Students, Wonocolo, Surabaya, East Java, KH Imam Ghazali Said to answer questions Australian diplomat Greg named Ralph who was accompanied by activists of The Wahid Institute, saying, KH Imam Ghazali Said, who is also professor of IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya was answering questions by saying the diplomat in Indonesia's boarding school there were 20,000 property Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), but in Indonesia right now there are hundreds of boarding schools that are affiliated with a nurtured Pesantren Ngruki Abubakar Ba `asyir and boarding schools affiliated with a group of Wahhabis in Arabia Arabia.
"If it's NU pesantren numbering tens of thousands of it, I guarantee none of which scored a radical cadre, but radikalime in Indonesia always has associated with Pesantren Ngruki and branches throughout Indonesia as well as a number of schools that carry understand Wahabis in Indonesia," so she quoted.
This statement is really exciting to be addressed.
First, I was deeply surprised. How can someone nicknamed kiai fatal mistake? How could he know that radicalism in Indonesia has always had links with schools Ngruki and branches all over Indonesia? whether Imam Ghazali Said've never been to PP al-believer? How learning atmosphere in the al-Mukmin Solo
During 13 years at least once a month I visited the cabin al-believers. In this cottage the fourth son and my daughter had received his religious education and acid salts sciences others. Several years ago the eldest son and his brother had finished his S1 of the ITB. The third child had passed the competency examination conducted by the Indonesian Doctors' Medical Council of Indonesia and two months ago has been sworn in as a general practitioner. The smallest child is currently stepping 5th semester majoring in medical education at public universities in Jakarta.
It's not right to say that al-believers in the religion teaches violence. The truth is that al-believers have been proven to teach with a hard and focused so that students who had in his cottage to his Tahfidz and religious sciences, but can radically deliver santrinya to master the general sciences, while still in al-believer, not the focus of attention of the doctrine.
I remember, in 1974, while giving mau'idzah to the last class students, Niha'y, in Gontor, Mr. Zar (KH Imam Zarkasyi, Director of KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor) highly praised the establishment of PP al-believers in Solo. He stated that the cottage was actually founded with the principle of taqwa. Therefore, many of KMI alumni who are willing Gontor commissioned in 1974 served to raise this cottage. What is clear is the senior chaplain at the cottage is a graduate Gontor year older again.
In view of the subject matter in al-believer, the model is not far to the IMA Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo. Therefore, the most common model is started from KMI Gontor plus teaching materials with a material adjustment from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the memorization of the Koran. At least it seems to Gontorian (alumni Gontor) that elements of the gontoran it really exists. Plusnya is the obligation for students to memorize the first chapters of the Koran every year shall be paid to the supervisor Tahfidz.
In addition, the activities of students running for 24 hours nonstop, mimicking the cottage of the founders deliberately used as benchmarks. That started getting up before dawn to go back to sleep again. Times when students are enjoying the rest of the night, also remain students who do hirasah (keep) the cottage as haris Lail (night watchman). Supposing that read "State Tower 5" must have seemed as if Ahmad Fuadi the author is describing the life pulse of PP al-Mukmin Solo.
Witr prayer, prayer and repair materials tahajjud memorization of the Koran is his daily activities. Fajr prayers in congregation in the mosque must be carried out. Students at the mosque princess for girls, while male students carry out the worshipers at the mosque each dorm environment that special man. The students aware of and memorize the hadith that the two rekaat before the dawn prayer greater than everything in the world. Therefore, after the call to prayer rang out, the entire congregation praying sunnah 2 rekaat short.
After the devotions and prayer, there is usually a short tausiah of elderly cleric. The material is about morality. Students are always taught to live in a society. Each individual must deal with a society should not be alone (uzlah). For doing good to neighbors is the teaching of the Prophet.
Another interesting material is the program-Tasy Qismu ji'il-lughah. That is part of a push to empower the mastery of foreign languages. This is done from the dark till the morning after returning from mosques.
Arabic lessons use materials that are also used by KMI Gontor, "al-Arabyyah Lughah Duruusul", by Sir. Zar. Methods of teaching, actually copy-paste from Gontor method. That is indeed a modern method which is often referred to as the "undzur Qul wa" (See and Say). Grade 1 lesson taken from the hadith "al-Birr was-Silah" or "an-Nawawy Arba'iin", was sorof use "al-Amtsilah at-Tasriifyyah" by scholars Jombang.
Usul Fiqh uses material from the work of Dr.. Hakim Abdul Hamid, who is a standard book Gontor model. What is different is the lesson Fiqh and Tafsir. Fiqh at higher grade using the textbook "Minhaajul Muslims" are being drawn from its interpretation of certain letters are quoted from "Mukhtasar Ibn Katsiir".
General lesson to take referrals from the ministry of religion, because the PP al-believer intentionally follow the official curriculum. The location of the campus of al-Mukming PP were on the edge of the city of Solo, so that the students are very easy to get a common source of materials science studies are being sold around Sriwedari. This really helped speed up understanding and learning of the students.
In college PP al-believer is certainly well students perform science lab lesson exact sciences. Such measurements, light, electricity is also chemical and biological. There is a teaching practicum violence, when the biology lab to study the anatomy of frogs, fish and semisalnya. Why is it called hard? Because using a sharp knife to cut the materials lab. As in public schools, all students also get lessons computasi, history etc. are also diajarkarkan how to use IT facilities are available.
With the learning process as above, not weird al-Mukmin PP alumni active in various fields of life. Many of the cleric, traders, journalists, doctors until the engineer who is active in various companies in Indonesia. So what strange of all that activity?
Second, the more surprised, if a Kiai Imam Ghazali Said, who is also a lecturer at IAIN Sunan Ampel said: "But radicalism in Indonesia has always had links with Ngruki boarding school."
Are any schools outside of NU, and then everything is said to have links with affiliated and Al Mukmin? Does a statement like this does not offend other pesantren institutions actually no connection with Al Mukmin?
Seeing a word, I suspect, he used to using the analysis of "blinders" and gebyah uyah (generalization).
Third, how is it possible, an educated like Imam Ghazali can be so disbelief foreigners, who must have had a memorandum-bene vested interests against the activities and development of Islam in Indonesia. The one hand, he really trust a stranger and more suspicious of your own easy.
As a good Muslim, there's nothing wrong I suggested, should come soon Imam Ghazali, see, checks and explore all the activities in the PP al-believers to see the facts. If it is called radical, whether because of the many who continue in college studying public so-called radical? Let us cultivate ukhuwwah .*
By: Fatchul Umam
The authors are parents and guardians of students at Al Mukmin, Ngruki
"If it's NU pesantren numbering tens of thousands of it, I guarantee none of which scored a radical cadre, but radikalime in Indonesia always has associated with Pesantren Ngruki and branches throughout Indonesia as well as a number of schools that carry understand Wahabis in Indonesia," so she quoted.
This statement is really exciting to be addressed.
First, I was deeply surprised. How can someone nicknamed kiai fatal mistake? How could he know that radicalism in Indonesia has always had links with schools Ngruki and branches all over Indonesia? whether Imam Ghazali Said've never been to PP al-believer? How learning atmosphere in the al-Mukmin Solo
During 13 years at least once a month I visited the cabin al-believers. In this cottage the fourth son and my daughter had received his religious education and acid salts sciences others. Several years ago the eldest son and his brother had finished his S1 of the ITB. The third child had passed the competency examination conducted by the Indonesian Doctors' Medical Council of Indonesia and two months ago has been sworn in as a general practitioner. The smallest child is currently stepping 5th semester majoring in medical education at public universities in Jakarta.
It's not right to say that al-believers in the religion teaches violence. The truth is that al-believers have been proven to teach with a hard and focused so that students who had in his cottage to his Tahfidz and religious sciences, but can radically deliver santrinya to master the general sciences, while still in al-believer, not the focus of attention of the doctrine.
I remember, in 1974, while giving mau'idzah to the last class students, Niha'y, in Gontor, Mr. Zar (KH Imam Zarkasyi, Director of KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor) highly praised the establishment of PP al-believers in Solo. He stated that the cottage was actually founded with the principle of taqwa. Therefore, many of KMI alumni who are willing Gontor commissioned in 1974 served to raise this cottage. What is clear is the senior chaplain at the cottage is a graduate Gontor year older again.
In view of the subject matter in al-believer, the model is not far to the IMA Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo. Therefore, the most common model is started from KMI Gontor plus teaching materials with a material adjustment from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the memorization of the Koran. At least it seems to Gontorian (alumni Gontor) that elements of the gontoran it really exists. Plusnya is the obligation for students to memorize the first chapters of the Koran every year shall be paid to the supervisor Tahfidz.
In addition, the activities of students running for 24 hours nonstop, mimicking the cottage of the founders deliberately used as benchmarks. That started getting up before dawn to go back to sleep again. Times when students are enjoying the rest of the night, also remain students who do hirasah (keep) the cottage as haris Lail (night watchman). Supposing that read "State Tower 5" must have seemed as if Ahmad Fuadi the author is describing the life pulse of PP al-Mukmin Solo.
Witr prayer, prayer and repair materials tahajjud memorization of the Koran is his daily activities. Fajr prayers in congregation in the mosque must be carried out. Students at the mosque princess for girls, while male students carry out the worshipers at the mosque each dorm environment that special man. The students aware of and memorize the hadith that the two rekaat before the dawn prayer greater than everything in the world. Therefore, after the call to prayer rang out, the entire congregation praying sunnah 2 rekaat short.
After the devotions and prayer, there is usually a short tausiah of elderly cleric. The material is about morality. Students are always taught to live in a society. Each individual must deal with a society should not be alone (uzlah). For doing good to neighbors is the teaching of the Prophet.
Another interesting material is the program-Tasy Qismu ji'il-lughah. That is part of a push to empower the mastery of foreign languages. This is done from the dark till the morning after returning from mosques.
Arabic lessons use materials that are also used by KMI Gontor, "al-Arabyyah Lughah Duruusul", by Sir. Zar. Methods of teaching, actually copy-paste from Gontor method. That is indeed a modern method which is often referred to as the "undzur Qul wa" (See and Say). Grade 1 lesson taken from the hadith "al-Birr was-Silah" or "an-Nawawy Arba'iin", was sorof use "al-Amtsilah at-Tasriifyyah" by scholars Jombang.
Usul Fiqh uses material from the work of Dr.. Hakim Abdul Hamid, who is a standard book Gontor model. What is different is the lesson Fiqh and Tafsir. Fiqh at higher grade using the textbook "Minhaajul Muslims" are being drawn from its interpretation of certain letters are quoted from "Mukhtasar Ibn Katsiir".
General lesson to take referrals from the ministry of religion, because the PP al-believer intentionally follow the official curriculum. The location of the campus of al-Mukming PP were on the edge of the city of Solo, so that the students are very easy to get a common source of materials science studies are being sold around Sriwedari. This really helped speed up understanding and learning of the students.
In college PP al-believer is certainly well students perform science lab lesson exact sciences. Such measurements, light, electricity is also chemical and biological. There is a teaching practicum violence, when the biology lab to study the anatomy of frogs, fish and semisalnya. Why is it called hard? Because using a sharp knife to cut the materials lab. As in public schools, all students also get lessons computasi, history etc. are also diajarkarkan how to use IT facilities are available.
With the learning process as above, not weird al-Mukmin PP alumni active in various fields of life. Many of the cleric, traders, journalists, doctors until the engineer who is active in various companies in Indonesia. So what strange of all that activity?
Second, the more surprised, if a Kiai Imam Ghazali Said, who is also a lecturer at IAIN Sunan Ampel said: "But radicalism in Indonesia has always had links with Ngruki boarding school."
Are any schools outside of NU, and then everything is said to have links with affiliated and Al Mukmin? Does a statement like this does not offend other pesantren institutions actually no connection with Al Mukmin?
Seeing a word, I suspect, he used to using the analysis of "blinders" and gebyah uyah (generalization).
Third, how is it possible, an educated like Imam Ghazali can be so disbelief foreigners, who must have had a memorandum-bene vested interests against the activities and development of Islam in Indonesia. The one hand, he really trust a stranger and more suspicious of your own easy.
As a good Muslim, there's nothing wrong I suggested, should come soon Imam Ghazali, see, checks and explore all the activities in the PP al-believers to see the facts. If it is called radical, whether because of the many who continue in college studying public so-called radical? Let us cultivate ukhuwwah .*
By: Fatchul Umam
The authors are parents and guardians of students at Al Mukmin, Ngruki
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