Affairs of the Mafia and The Don

WEEK ago I stopped at a favorite mosque for Friday prayers. Mr. Bur secondhand booksellers and magazine subscriptions I have set up the books he regarded as my taste. Frankly, I am in awe of its sensitivity to serve and identify the needs and tastes of consumers.
One of the piles of books on offer is, The Last Don (Last Godfather), by Mario Puzo. I've never read it. But I do not have it. With a fairly cheap price, there is no reason to refuse. I seriously can not read this book, only in certain occasions when a long trip. But the longer I read, the more so the contextual conditions of Indonesia. Poor country that I love.
"Good books, Will lead to another," so I learned. A good book will lead readers to other great books, so he says. At least in this case, read The Last Don reminds me of another book with the same theme, mafia. The book is The Mafia Manager. A book written by someone who hides his identity. His name is written only V only.
Today, reading the two books above as if to see a replica of Indonesia. Beautiful country controlled evil. A country that is maintained and filled with manipulation, conspiracy, violence and corruption.
Bribery and money determine the weight scale or severity of a punishment. See, the Corps Adhyaksa which should keep the high institutions such as state law attorney. All punggawanya ingot because of bribery. Their stomachs were large, their stately homes and luxurious. Today we just know, where all they get.
Rank and importance, also determine the extent of the conspiracy is successful. To this day, killer activist for Human Rights (HAM), Munir, has not been revealed completely. One name mentioned other names. And will continue to do so, because of the high rank and great officers may be behind.
Not to mention coupled with political interests. The case was revealed to aim a shot. Because, politics and power have a price to be paid.
Life and moral, rather than considerations to be made until the wrinkles in his forehead popping. Lives if necessary, will be eliminated, so the plan goes according to plan. Moral, folded once so as not to inconvenience the decision-making.
Really like living in the land mafia is very large. Everything is determined by the amount of money and strong violence. And if necessary entertainment, adultery and women could be something satisfying. So no need to ask if any member of the House who revealed nude photographs have a million reasons. Powers never run out of excuses to defend the position.
Do not be too surprised if hundreds of civil service has a deadly virus revealed the results of adultery and illicit sexual relations in his body. They are living with HIV / AIDS, and it is normal. Because, in the country's most lucrative entertainment mafia is sexual behavior that is more wild than the animals. Also toying with the lives of people. Not to forget to count the money looted, really exciting.
A writer Jeremy Bentham formulate simple sentences that really hit. "Right, is the child of law: from real laws come real rights. But from imaginary laws, from laws of nature, fancied and invented by poets, rethorician and dealers in moral and intellectual poisons, come imaginary rights. A bastard Brood of monsters. "
Today we live in a country like the Mafia, the laws and regulations by thinkers are born mad. They are good at rhetoric and a million times to mention that Indonesia is a country of law, but billions of times what they have said violates its own.
Today we live in a country like the mafia, where law enforcement and the justice process is determined by the bargaining process involving the threat and temptation, bullets and breathy female.
Today we live in a country like the Mafia, in which all the rights and obligations just a collection of the imagination. Nothing is real, everything is a mirage. There was only them, the Don, monsters and conspirators. And stories in the land mafia is still going very long, because they are not The Last Don.
And worse, when issues of political and legal mafia have no control anymore, cases of corruption and misuse the power to threaten the existence of the Don, suddenly appeared a new issue to cover. Often, a new issue is called terrorism. And every time it appears, is always more sophisticated and more excited than ever. Therefore, the case will be transferred and also covered a very large and sophisticated.
But believe me, the Don is wicked, people are not fools. Race is not a collection of innocent people before the idiot who let all be over soon. They took notes and digest all, they behave and get ready in time. Your injustice has its limits, for sure! While the strength of this people is infinite and has its own resistance .*
By: Herry Nurdi (The author, a former Pimred Sabili)

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