Single mothers are strong courageous

Single mothers are strong courageous - Being a single parent might be taxing, but it also makes you a stronger person, say the city's single moms. Come Mother's Day and the entire family takes pride in the mothers of their home and showers her with immense love. It is no wonder, then, that people even bake a special cake to honour their mothers. While we often relate this day with a mother getting pampered by her husband and children, single moms defy this cliched image.

'Being a single parent makes you courageous'
 For entrepreneur Emma Trinidad, who has three daughters aged 10, 14 and 19, being a single mother made her a strong person. "It made me very courageous and independent. I wouldn't have done so much if I were not a single parent. You get to know more about yourself as you are put in various situations. Being the lone parent makes you feel special. My kids write letters to me about a dish I prepared or how well I looked on a certain day. I'm verbally expressive with them to make them feel secure," says Emma.

'Every day is mother's day for us'
 Though being a single parent has its share of good and bad days, it does have a lot of advantages, says PR consultant Kirin Singh. She says, "All the cuddles and kisses from your child are only for you and one needn't share them. As a single parent, you also tend to spend a lot of time with your child and he/she ends up looking up to you. Earlier, it was difficult to announce your single status. But things have changed now and the mindset of people has changed."

'You needn't take care of the child in the man'
 For filmmaker Kavitha Lankesh, it's all about the quality time spent with her child. "I needn't deal with a full-time man and take care of the child in him," she laughs, adding, "Being a single parent can be taxing, but all that is required to tackle the situation is to organize things ahead of time. For me, it's all about spending quality time with my child. It's important to respect their privacy and freedom as well. But it's also vital to prioritize."

'Your child becomes a strong person'
 Marketing professional Amitha Singh thinks that single mothers rock. "The number of things we do is just not possible for others to do. One of the positive things of being a single mother is that you can give your child your undivided attention. You tend to do things the best way possible for your child and make every experience for him/her special," she says. "But what's more advantageous in being a single parent is that it makes your child grow as a strong person. He/she would have seen the way you brought him/her up and it leaves a deep impact on him/her to become a courageous person. However, being a single parent also has its share of disadvantages. We don't live in an accepting and a safe society. Nevertheless, you need to have a lot of grit to be a single mother. Nobody trains you to become a parent, so you learn as you bring up your kids."
Single mothers are strong courageous

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