Stalin Museum Built Birthday

Stalin Museum Built Birthday - When the museum was built earlier in the year 1937 presents the greatness of Josef Stalin, now the museum is presenting the atrocities committed during the Soviet dictator in power. As quoted by AP news agency on Wednesday (11/04) Minister of Culture, Georgia, Nika Rurua, said that since his country is free from the Soviet Union in 1991 can no longer be a place for a museum that 'cheered the Soviet dictator'.

At first the museum was established in honor of Soviet leader Josef Stalin during his rule. Stalin himself was born with the name Josef Dzhugashvili in the town of Gori, Georgia in the middle of 1989.

Giant museum includes the house where Stalin was born and exhibit some of the 47,000 items in it, including personal belongings and death masks.

The museum remained open despite the de-Stalinization campaign and the complaints of the cult of personality that is declared by Stalin's successor, Nikita Khrushchev, in 1956.

Stalin, who died in 1953, remains a divisive issue in the former Soviet Union countries. According to the Russian right is quite prominent, Memorial, Stalin had ordered the killing of at least 724 000 people, while millions of people died as a result of forced labor system in the Gulags, the Soviet prison system.
Stalin Museum Built Birthday

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