Mini Golf there are facilities in the plane

Mini Golf there are facilities in the plane - It seems now, the premium airlines are competing to create comfort for passengers. One way is to bring the super luxurious facilities such as, beds, advanced games, wifi access, and others. However, the facilities presented by the airline which one is the first time in the world. It is Air New Zealand, one of the airlines that bring in new zealand mini golf facilities in the plane.

As quoted from, Tuesday (3/04) of this breakthrough presented by airlines Air New Zealand as part of a promotion, because Air New Zealand to sponsor a golf tournament.

"So from now on, passengers can play golf while flying with the airline's Airbus A320 aircraft from Auckland to Queensland us," said James Gibson, Head of Sponsorship Air New Zealand.

How you're interested in playing golf at an altitude of 30,000 feet? Feel free to try!
Mini Golf there are facilities in the plane

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