What is organic phosphorus ?

What is organic phosphorus ? - Organic phosphorus in phosphorus-containing organic compounds, a wide range of agricultural widely used insecticidal, fungicidal and acaricidal, with a garlic odor, it is easy to be absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract, skin, eyes or respiratory tract, causing local or systemic effects . If the protection is poor, is likely to accidentally poisoning in spraying or handling process.
Organic phosphorus - basic overview

Organic phosphorus to humans and animals is mainly the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine accumulation and cholinergic nerve by the continuous impulse, leading to failure in the excitement after a series of muscarinic, nicotinic and central nervous system and other symptoms; severely ill patient may be due to coma and respiratory failure and death, organophosphorus pesticides were tested oily or crystalline color from light yellow to brown, slightly volatile, and garlic. In addition to trichlorfon, generally insoluble in water, readily soluble in many organic solvents, easily decomposed under alkaline conditions to failure. Commonly used formulations are emulsions, oil and powder. R and R 'is alkyl, aryl, hydroxylamine-based or other genes, X-alkoxy, propyl, or other substituents, Y is oxygen or sulfur.
Organic phosphorus - harm

The main hazards of organic phosphorus on the human body, it will combine with the body of the acetylcholine esterase, acetylcholine can not be decomposed by water. The light blurred vision, headache, dizziness, fatigue, tearing, salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting, chest tightness, nausea, boredom, discomfort, sweating, diarrhea or mild movement disorders. In severe cases, may lead to miosis, difficulty breathing, muscle fibers, tremor or weakness, convulsions, confusion , pupillary response disappeared or coma, pulmonary edema , incontinence, and finally due to tracheal contraction, excessive respiratory secretions, the diaphragm contraction fatigue, caused by breathing the central nervous system failure and death.

The severity of organophosphate poisoning with organophosphorus species, toxic dose, the body of poison absorption and the removal rate related. In general, in addition to a very small number of organophosphorus pesticides (such as Fen kill pine, etc.) slow the onset of symptoms, most in a few minutes to 12 hours after the poisoning, there will be symptoms of poisoning, untreated, death. occurred within six hours. Discovered and make the appropriate treatment as soon as possible after poisoning, often slowly recovered after the acute phase, so the appropriate precautions and first aid treatment is very important.
Organic phosphorus - detection methods

Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning mortality was high, one important reason the diagnosis is not timely. Japanese scholars Inoue et al study validated a simple and rapid new method - liquidchromatography - atmospheric pressure electrical ionization - mass spectrometry (LC-A PC -MS method), the results confirmed that this method can effectively determination to enter the body 10 kinds of organic phosphate concentration in the serum (JPharBiomedlAnal2007, 44:258). Liquid-liquid extraction or solid extraction method is the most commonly used clinical organic phosphate extraction method, but the compounds of some special ingredients such as acephate invalid.

Inoue et al. Namely liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) have developed a simple and rapid method used to determine the 10 kinds of organophosphorus pesticide concentrations in the serum of patients with acute poisoning acephate, methidathion , dichlorvos, fenthion, benzene, parathion, enemy horses parathion, methyl ethyl phosphorus (Phenthoate to), malathion, fenitrothion, fenitrothion nitrile. 10 kinds of organophosphorus pesticide widely used in Japan. With gymnastics program as follows: using acetonitrile deproteinized after each test is required of biological specimens injected XTerraMSC18 a stainless steel kits, 10mmol / L ammonium formate - methanol solvent gradient elution.

The results show a satisfactory rate of recovery of extraction absolute recoveries of the serum samples from 82.2% to 107.2%, the relative recovery was 60.0% ~ 108.1%. Serum measurement range (the LODs of) 0.125 ~~ 1.000 μg / ml, and the detection of a maximum of 0.25 ~ 1.25μg/ml. From this detection limit concentration gradually increased 8μg/ml, we can observe a good linear correlation. In all experimental samples, the mean value in the range of 20% of the desired concentration, and the correlation coefficient (r2)> .9838. Most of the organophosphorus pesticides analysis results show that the accuracy of the analysis samples of internal and approved, the accuracy is satisfactory. Temperature stability point of view, can be found in all organic phosphate analysis, dichlorvos and malathion at room temperature can dissolve the fastest. Kill the flutter phosphorus, and the enemy's horses parathion in the entire four-week determination period for all temperatures are relatively stable.

The study confirmed that the protein precipitation method as the sample purification procedure, this LC-MS method is rapid and feasible determination of organophosphorus pesticides in human serum, and in the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in serum samples with high selectivity, sensitivity , precision, accuracy, linear regression and stability. This simple and accurate detection method can be successfully used in clinical acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning.
Organic phosphorus - preventive measures

First, the rapid removal of the poison immediately left the scene, removing contaminated clothing and fertilizer, soapy water to clean the contaminated skin, hair and nails. Oral poisoning with water, 2% sodium bicarbonate solution (trichlorfon hanged) or 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution (hanged) parathion repeatedly wash the helmet until cleared so far. And then give sodium sulfate catharsis. Eye pollution 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or normal saline. The rapid removal of the poison and should seek early with organic phosphorus antidote treatment, in order to save lives and alleviate the symptoms of poisoning.

Second, the use of antidotes

(A) cholinesterase cholinesterase the resurrection drugs oxime compounds can inhibit the recovery activity. The principle is that the nitrogen in the pyridine ring of the oxime compounds are positively charged, can be Phosphoryl cholinesterase anionic site attracted; its oxime with phosphorus atom has a strong affinity, and thus with the Phosphoryl cholinesterase in the phosphorus to form conjugates, so that separation of the ester solution site of cholinesterase, thus restoring acetylcholinesterase phosphorus to form a conjugate with the cholinesterase ester solution were isolated, to restore AChE activity.

Commonly used drugs the the ① pralidoxime (pyraloximemethiodide, P AM -1) and pralidoxime chloride the, cholinesterase resurrection drugs on the lifting of the toxic effects of nicotinic more obvious, but the efficacy of a variety of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning not identical, pralidoxime and pralidoxime chloride internal phosphorus uptake and the efficacy of parathion, methamidophos, phorate poisoned, trichlorfon, dichlorvos poisoning efficacy of dimethoate and Mara parathion poisoning suspicious efficacy. Double-complex of phosphorus on the toxic effects of dichlorvos and the enemy trichlorfon than pralidoxime as well. The cholinesterase resurrection drugs no resurrection of the aging of cholinesterase, and therefore the efficacy of chronic cholinesterase inhibition is not ideal. Cholinesterase resurrection drug efficacy and poor suffering from dry, should be mainly atropine treatment or in combination therapy. The cholinesterase resurrection drug use, side effects of short-term vertigo as blurry double vision, such as elevated blood pressure . Excessive use can cause epilepsy and inhibition of cholinesterase activity. Pralidoxime in large doses, there are mouth pain, sore throat, nausea. The injection speed is too fast can cause temporary respiratory depression. Side effects than double complex phosphorus, perioral, limbs and body New Village burning sensation, nausea, vomiting and facial flushing.Overdose can cause ventricular premature beats and conduction block. Individual patients with toxic liver disease.

(B) anti-cholinergic drugs atropine atropine blocks acetylcholine muscarinic receptors in the parasympathetic and central nervous system, alleviate the muscarinic symptoms and against the respiratory center inhibition, but the nicotine-like symptoms and no effect on recovery of cholinesterase activity.

Atropine dose according to the disease every 10 - 30min or 1 - 2d administered once, until muscarinic symptoms improved markedly or patients "atropine" performance so far.

Atropinization, clinical pupil than the former to expand, dry mouth, dry skin and facial flushing, pulmonary rales disappeared and heart rate. Should be reduced care product dose or disabled. Such as pupil dilation, blurred, manic anxiety, convulsions, coma, and urinary retention, suggesting that atropine poisoning, should be discontinued atropine. To have tachycardia and fever patients, atropine should be used with caution. Atropine application process should be closely observed in patients with systemic reactions and pupil size, and dose adjustment at any time.

The treatment of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning ideal cholinesterase resurrection drug combination with atropine, the two drugs. Mild poisoning can also be used alone the cholinesterase resurrection drug. The combination of the two antidotes, atropine dose should be reduced in order to avoid atropine poisoning.
What is organic phosphorus ?

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