Democratic People's impoverished - Six-six years of Indonesia's independence under a democratic system, but some communities in Indonesia have never experienced prosperity. According to World Bank reports (Reuters, 2006) 100 million of Indonesia's population lives below the poverty line.
With the economic crisis is so severe saatpada in 2008 and the raising fuel prices recently by the government, of the poor is increasing.
Though all people know that Indonesia is a rich country, almost all types of minerals in Indonesia. Petroleum, gas, coal, gold and copper in it, even in the levels of abundance. Indonesia's marine wealth was incredible. Indonesia also has a very wide area of tropical forest.
Indonesia is the world's number four producer of coffee, tea world number six, number two of the world palm oil, tin number two and number six of the world natural gas. Total wealth of Indonesia reached U.S. $ 13,869 per capita.
However, due to the implementation of the capitalist economic system, a large sebahagian country's natural wealth enjoyed by the few, who sebahagian magnitude is a foreign party. Especially since the 60's the Government of Indonesia to open pintung private sector involvement in development, that since the issuance of Domestic Investment Law (Law no. 6/1968). This law provides the opportunity for private companies to control 49 percent stake in the publicly owned sector, including SOEs. An 90-year government then issued a PP. 20/1994. Contents that may be controlled by foreign investors of capital in the sectors of public property, including state-owned enterprises, up to 95 percent.
So, in Aceh, the gas reserves which reached 17.1 trillion cubic feet, is 70 percent depleted by Exxon Mobile, but Aceh ranks fourth as the poorest regions in Indonesia. In Minahasa the gold reserves of 2 million ounces of gold total, 80 percent of income for Newmont, 20 percent for PT. Sarapung headland, while the deposit to the government only U.S. $ 104.12 million. In Papua at U.S. $ 4.2 billion dollars a maximum 90% stake taken by PT Freeport, and the government only gets 10% plus tax. According to Central Bureau of Statistics 2004, Papua has the largest gold reserves in the world is classified as the poorest province with the largest population. Even worse, in the Natuna Gas Block with considerable potential reserves of 46 trillion cubic feet, the government did not control any shares of one percent, due entirely (100 percent of shares) controlled by Exxon Mobil. In the history of foreign investment in the world, Indonesia is said to exist only for the results of 100:0. incredible!
In Riau, which is known as one of the largest oil-producing areas in Indonesia, where the government only gets Rp. 68 Trillion from the results. However, according to the Riau Province of 4543.584 Balitbang population, 22.19 percent are classified as poor. Even the rich province is a model of problem areas with the most complete of the various aspects of poverty.
Another with East Kalimantan, this area could even be called the richest provinces in Indonesia. Coal production to approximately 52 million cubic meters per year, 16.8 tons of gold a year; silver more than 14 tons per year; natural gas in 2005 reached 1650 billion cubic meters; 79.7 million barrels of oil per year, with remaining reserves still exist 1, 3 billion barrels. But of the 2.5 million inhabitants, about 313 040 people or 12.4 percent are poor.
That's the ironic fact of this country, which has more than half a century to implement democracy, even as the latter is the most democratic country in the world.
This happens, because sovereignty is in the hands of the owners of capital rather than people. The proof of the law that was born of the deputies were all loaded with the interests of capital owners.
Birth of the Constitution amendment 2002 was the beginning of the tap foreign intervention in the legislation. Thus was born the Oil and Gas Law, Law on Electricity, Water Resources Law, Investment Law are loaded with foreign interests. The impact of foreign semangkin freely plunder the natural wealth of this country, which is owned by the people. The result, people's misery. Who is to blame? Surely the people. Because pursuant to the meaning of democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people.
As a result, democracy was never the welfare of the people, because democracy is never promised to the welfare of the people, in addition to the democratic system is also misleading. Why mislead? For democracy in mechanism of majority voting to determine the truth.
Though al-Quran has clearly said, "And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you from the path of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture, and they are nothing but a lie (against Allah). "(TQS al-An` am [6]: 116)
Islamic People's welfare
To realize the people's welfare, then there is no other way to get rid of democracy and capitalist economic system that has been shown to fail the welfare of the people. Then replace it with a fair system that can bring prosperity of the world is implementing Islamic Sharia in kaffah by the state.
History has proved it, Islamic law has created for the welfare of millions of people for centuries, without meneganal said the crisis.
At the time of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, he has commissioned one of his employees named Yahya bin Sa'ad to distribute alms to the poor inhabitants of North Africa region. Not long after he returned to the caliph, and reported that no one is homeless and destitute, are entitled to receive zakat. This illustrates that for the first time in history, no African residents are homeless and destitute, prosperity and welfare of all living. And it only happens when Africa was under the Islamic system.
Because the political system of Islam, sovereignty belongs only to sharia does not belong to the people. Imam ash-Syaukani, in his book states that since there were no differences among the Muslims that sovereignty belongs only to sharia. Syariahlah meaning that manage and control the will of the individual and the community. Then the question arises, what are the advantages and benefits of sovereignty in the hands of sharia?
First, as to which we all know, sovereignty is the supreme power, there is no higher power, even though equivalent. Second, the power is absolute. That is, cover all the cases, all people and all conditions. Third, the power is to have full control over all affairs.
Thus, because it is the sovereign power to manage and control the will of a people. So in Islam, the highest authority is absolute, absolute, and the right to issue the Supreme law is all-everything that is God Almighty, who comes from al-Quran and Al-Hadith. As He says QS, an-Nisa ': 59:
"O ye who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger (it), and ulil amri among you. Then if you differ on anything, then refer it to Allah (Al Quran) and His Messenger (Sunnah), if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. such that (advantageous) and better in the end. "Allaah knows best bi-shawab ash. *
The writer is a Masters Candidate Political Science Student at International Islamic University Malaysia
With the economic crisis is so severe saatpada in 2008 and the raising fuel prices recently by the government, of the poor is increasing.
Though all people know that Indonesia is a rich country, almost all types of minerals in Indonesia. Petroleum, gas, coal, gold and copper in it, even in the levels of abundance. Indonesia's marine wealth was incredible. Indonesia also has a very wide area of tropical forest.
Indonesia is the world's number four producer of coffee, tea world number six, number two of the world palm oil, tin number two and number six of the world natural gas. Total wealth of Indonesia reached U.S. $ 13,869 per capita.
However, due to the implementation of the capitalist economic system, a large sebahagian country's natural wealth enjoyed by the few, who sebahagian magnitude is a foreign party. Especially since the 60's the Government of Indonesia to open pintung private sector involvement in development, that since the issuance of Domestic Investment Law (Law no. 6/1968). This law provides the opportunity for private companies to control 49 percent stake in the publicly owned sector, including SOEs. An 90-year government then issued a PP. 20/1994. Contents that may be controlled by foreign investors of capital in the sectors of public property, including state-owned enterprises, up to 95 percent.
So, in Aceh, the gas reserves which reached 17.1 trillion cubic feet, is 70 percent depleted by Exxon Mobile, but Aceh ranks fourth as the poorest regions in Indonesia. In Minahasa the gold reserves of 2 million ounces of gold total, 80 percent of income for Newmont, 20 percent for PT. Sarapung headland, while the deposit to the government only U.S. $ 104.12 million. In Papua at U.S. $ 4.2 billion dollars a maximum 90% stake taken by PT Freeport, and the government only gets 10% plus tax. According to Central Bureau of Statistics 2004, Papua has the largest gold reserves in the world is classified as the poorest province with the largest population. Even worse, in the Natuna Gas Block with considerable potential reserves of 46 trillion cubic feet, the government did not control any shares of one percent, due entirely (100 percent of shares) controlled by Exxon Mobil. In the history of foreign investment in the world, Indonesia is said to exist only for the results of 100:0. incredible!
In Riau, which is known as one of the largest oil-producing areas in Indonesia, where the government only gets Rp. 68 Trillion from the results. However, according to the Riau Province of 4543.584 Balitbang population, 22.19 percent are classified as poor. Even the rich province is a model of problem areas with the most complete of the various aspects of poverty.
Another with East Kalimantan, this area could even be called the richest provinces in Indonesia. Coal production to approximately 52 million cubic meters per year, 16.8 tons of gold a year; silver more than 14 tons per year; natural gas in 2005 reached 1650 billion cubic meters; 79.7 million barrels of oil per year, with remaining reserves still exist 1, 3 billion barrels. But of the 2.5 million inhabitants, about 313 040 people or 12.4 percent are poor.
That's the ironic fact of this country, which has more than half a century to implement democracy, even as the latter is the most democratic country in the world.
This happens, because sovereignty is in the hands of the owners of capital rather than people. The proof of the law that was born of the deputies were all loaded with the interests of capital owners.
Birth of the Constitution amendment 2002 was the beginning of the tap foreign intervention in the legislation. Thus was born the Oil and Gas Law, Law on Electricity, Water Resources Law, Investment Law are loaded with foreign interests. The impact of foreign semangkin freely plunder the natural wealth of this country, which is owned by the people. The result, people's misery. Who is to blame? Surely the people. Because pursuant to the meaning of democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people.
As a result, democracy was never the welfare of the people, because democracy is never promised to the welfare of the people, in addition to the democratic system is also misleading. Why mislead? For democracy in mechanism of majority voting to determine the truth.
Though al-Quran has clearly said, "And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you from the path of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture, and they are nothing but a lie (against Allah). "(TQS al-An` am [6]: 116)
Islamic People's welfare
To realize the people's welfare, then there is no other way to get rid of democracy and capitalist economic system that has been shown to fail the welfare of the people. Then replace it with a fair system that can bring prosperity of the world is implementing Islamic Sharia in kaffah by the state.
History has proved it, Islamic law has created for the welfare of millions of people for centuries, without meneganal said the crisis.
At the time of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, he has commissioned one of his employees named Yahya bin Sa'ad to distribute alms to the poor inhabitants of North Africa region. Not long after he returned to the caliph, and reported that no one is homeless and destitute, are entitled to receive zakat. This illustrates that for the first time in history, no African residents are homeless and destitute, prosperity and welfare of all living. And it only happens when Africa was under the Islamic system.
Because the political system of Islam, sovereignty belongs only to sharia does not belong to the people. Imam ash-Syaukani, in his book states that since there were no differences among the Muslims that sovereignty belongs only to sharia. Syariahlah meaning that manage and control the will of the individual and the community. Then the question arises, what are the advantages and benefits of sovereignty in the hands of sharia?
First, as to which we all know, sovereignty is the supreme power, there is no higher power, even though equivalent. Second, the power is absolute. That is, cover all the cases, all people and all conditions. Third, the power is to have full control over all affairs.
Thus, because it is the sovereign power to manage and control the will of a people. So in Islam, the highest authority is absolute, absolute, and the right to issue the Supreme law is all-everything that is God Almighty, who comes from al-Quran and Al-Hadith. As He says QS, an-Nisa ': 59:
"O ye who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger (it), and ulil amri among you. Then if you differ on anything, then refer it to Allah (Al Quran) and His Messenger (Sunnah), if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. such that (advantageous) and better in the end. "Allaah knows best bi-shawab ash. *
The writer is a Masters Candidate Political Science Student at International Islamic University Malaysia
Democratic People's impoverished
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