Unlike humans with animals

Unlike humans with animals - Humans different from animals, but the holy verses of the Qur'an are often declared man like an animal. Al-Qur'an assert it not to show that man is a true low-and no dignity, but rather to show that there are opportunities for people to fall is not civilized. Equality of man and animals occur due to various causes, especially when people do not want to follow the call God has breathed the spirit of Him. On the contrary, keep the temptation from appetite syahwati essence of the earth.

Does not mean God created is not perfect, because it brings the two poles of a contradiction in itself. But his kemahasempurnaan mirror for human testing which is able to manage themselves. How he will manage the earth, if it is not able to organize and memenej himself.

Earth is the complexity, the human self as a complex microcosm. Human ability to control themselves personally be a good indicator for the ability to carry out the mandate of God.

At the moment there is no creature that feels appropriate to the task of managing the earth, man is being tested to try it. He will be able to, because God has been complete with the ability.

But he will fall when the God-given ability to utter. Ultimately up to man whether he will fight showed that he was worthy to be his Deputy or as indication of the angels, only to destroy and create bloodshed.

It is said that when Adam would be the caliph dipermaklumkan God on earth, the great council objected very angelic. The angels instead of objecting to the will of the Almighty, or even question his decision. There is the impression of doubt on the ability of the creature called man, who was represented by the figure of Adam.

Are you going to give a mandate to manage the earth to the creature who likes to do mischief and shed blood, God. Yet here we are with the hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee. Merekamenyatakan such views.

In contrast, man's first impression in the eyes of an angel close to God. Human beings are destructive and bloodthirsty, while the angels are holy creatures and always served.

Perhaps angels fear to see the fate of the earth which has been prepared with a variety of beauty, with a range of potential to grow flowers adorn Mayapada, into a paradise in the universe, he suddenly became objects to be pitied because of human activity.

Do humans do have a tendency or disposition to destroy and shed blood? Or the angel only reflect the empirical reality that they have seen on earth before Adam was sent to reform? For those questions, God answered, I am all-knowing about what you do not know.

Adam. later became the prototype of human offspring in the future management control of the earth. Adam is the world's first caliph, the pioneering life's berkeadab are expected to demonstrate the qualities themselves, not as doubtful by the angels.

Suppose the earth before Adam. has developed a form of life, the presence of Adam is a new era in the way the universe of creatures and globally. How the prediction of life in a new era of life on Earth, among others, can be observed from what was in Adam as a natural human protoripe will process them at a later date.

There are some things that Adam lived at the beginning of its existence. First, Adam. not simply mirror the spirit of the Almighty-God with all your Quddus kemahasempurnaan name, nature and his masterpiece, but a combination of elements-earth elements (thin, Turab, shalshal, etc.) that have a characteristic non-ruhiyah.

Thus in man there are two basic dimensions, each of which has its own temperament. Second, Adam. Allah is given a science-specific, where the angels are close to Him alone do not acquire this knowledge.

This science is imaged surpassed knowledge of angels so that they become respect for the human ability and readiness to carry out the mandate in
Caliphate. Third, Adam tested to demonstrate their quality.

In other words Adam achievement must be tested in this case he could show karyadan product of God's perception of science. Up to this stage before Adam. worthy of respect.

Lessons from the elaboration of the above is obtained her an invitation for all of us to perform the re-evaluation of the civilization we live today. Lest we live in a place that is going on with angel signaled very clear. We only creatures who like to create the damage to life after this life laid out by law and a balanced sunatullah (ba'da ishlaahihaa).

We take a look at the land-an and in the oceans as a symbol of the various lines of our life. Look at
all areas of our lives, our economy, our culture, social life, politics, in the field of education, and morality of our humanity. Damage, inequality!

In some parts of our earth, so many human beings as children of Adam. SESA prey on the innocent his name by the abominations that are not measurable. Spilled blood soaks their homeland, children babies put out her future, her dignity demeaned women, the youth were arrested and diperjarakan with torture, the scholars advocate of truth and connective intimidated and silenced the voice of God.

Symptoms are present, when men still dominated by bloodthirsty urge to fight for defending the legitimate desire egotism, wat are they? When the Lord their voices sank into the sides of life?

Is not this highlighted the sanctions against the angels of human nature as the mandatory amanahnya God? I'm all-knowing about what you do not know, God said so. Then there's what's behind his words?

Instead of questioning even ask for accountability Lord, how
more introspective introspection if we do it. Because then He taught us so. Lest we miss the three main capital is exemplified Adam as our fathers:

(1) we no longer care / care about that aspect of our ruhaniyah have valuable character to uphold the values ​​of the divine on earth, so that people no longer represent him. Humans have lapsed from the image of God,

(2) humans are no longer regard it is important to do God's perception of the sciences in particular that wallaahu 'true nature as it constructs, but this should encourage us to approach the owner. Bukah away from and even hostile,

(3) we no longer have the enthusiasm and motivation to excel and work, to prove that we deserve to be a representation of God's work.

Because we lost a third of this capital, we do not have a price, so do not deserve respect from anyone. Moreover, from the God who has been mandated for the management of the civilized earth.

If we no longer marketable, then nothing needs to be blamed when we suffered much humiliation. Because of our quality that's so. Not to mention the quality caliphs who deserves to be His representative on earth. Wallahu'alam.
Unlike humans with animals

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