Benefits of Horse Riding

Benefits of Horse Riding - Each sport has its benefits of each. Horse riding although it seems that the more mobile, but the rider was actually a good benefit from it. The perceived benefits of not only physical but also psychological horse rider (jockey). What are the benefits for the jockey?

Physical - Horse Riding is good exercise for cardiovascular and muscle. After your first ride, you will feel muscles you never knew had it. This is because the effect of movement of the horse to the jockey.

If the calculated perkalori, those weighing 150 pounds for an hour, riding, jogging or biking produce the same calorie burn, which is about 315-480 calories.

Psychic - Horse Riding has been known to be one good way for medical treatment, especially for people with disabilities and mental retardation. Through the ride, the train can pengedara motor system, coordination, and also increased confidence.

When riding in the wild, there will be a unique sense of its own so as to release the inner stress. Trusted even patted the horse can lower blood pressure.

Interwoven deepening relationship between the jockey and horse, increase feelings of friendship and responsibility of the rider.

For Muslims, this sport is a recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad.

In one of the equestrian training in Depok, West Java, the rate was accompanied by an instructor riding for 30-45 minutes are charged 484 thousand rupiah.

So, who wants to try?
Benefits of Horse Riding

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1 Response to "Benefits of Horse Riding"

  1. The therapeutic benefits of horseback riding for people with disabilities is a known fact. Therapeutic horseback riding provides a soothing and calming relationship between horse and rider.

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