7 Ways to Prepare for Your Divorce

7 Ways to Prepare for Your Divorce - Don't go into your divorce unprepared. If you're unprepared, you risk taking a huge financial hit and having fallout from your divorce that haunts you for years to come. By being well prepared, you put yourself in the best position to ensure a fair, equitable outcome to your divorce.

Here are 7 things you can do to start preparing for your divorce.

1. Speak with a Florida divorce attorney-The first step you should take when facing divorce is to consult with a Florida divorce attorney. You might think that you can't afford to hire an attorney, but that's not the case. Look for an attorney that charges on a low cost, flat fee basis. This could save you thousands of dollars in legal fees, and it will probably help you resolve your divorce more quickly and with less drama. Most importantly, a good attorney will be able to give you sound guidance throughout your divorce and will fight to ensure your rights are protected.

2. Focus on the kids-Your divorce will take up a lot of your time, and it will takes its emotional toll on you. But if you have kids, you have to make them your top priority at this moment. Children are the ones who suffer the most during a divorce. You have to make an effort to put them first and focus on their well-being. Try to keep their routines as close to normal as possible. Don't let yourself fight with your spouse in front of the kids. Make sure you stay involved in all of your kids' activities. Most of all, just show them love every day.

3. Gather all financial documents you can get your hands on-Get a head start on the discovery process by obtaining copies of all the financial documents you can find. Make copies of tax returns, bank statements, credit card statements, investment statements, retirement statements, insurance policies, wills, check stubs, and anything else you can find. This ensures that you have a clear picture of the family finances, so that inaccurate information doesn't ruin your case.

4. Inventory household possessions-Go through your home and make an inventory of all the major items. This includes things like big electronics, furniture, jewelry, artwork, and other items of significant value. Don't waste your time inventorying smaller, inexpensive items like silverware.

5. Get a clear picture of family debt-Don't just note your assets. Make sure you know what debt your family has as well. You don't want to get stuck with all of the debt the two of you have acquired. It's important to take stock of your debt, determine its source, and find a way to pay it down.

6. Set a budget for your new lifestyle-You're entering a new chapter of your life, and you're going to have to make some adjustments. You no longer have a joint income to rely on. It's all on your shoulders now. You have to take care of yourself, and your divorce may leave you with some new expenses and fewer assets. Start budgeting for your new life now, so you can make a successful transition.

7. Start building your own nest egg-As soon as you know divorce is imminent, it's a good idea to start saving some of your own money for legal fees and any unexpected expenses that may pop up.

If you follow these 7 tips, you'll be well prepared to get through your divorce.
7 Ways to Prepare for Your Divorce

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