Libyan Revolution Ended Not Good

Libyan Revolution Ended Not Good - ALMOST all parties no one lament the death of former absolute ruler of Libya, Muammar Qadhafi except for a handful of people, including a number of prominent scholars who predicated mendapt considerable financial assistance from the former dictator. Nevertheless, we must be fair to address the last moments before his death because his death still a mystery and engineering impressed because it can actually captured alive to dimejahijaukan fairly.
Surely the death of the former ruler of Libya for 42 years, Thursday (20/10/2011), created the impression that the Libyan people's revolution that erupted in mid-February, ending less beautiful. His death was, impressed intentional so many things that should be revealed from the mouth of the former dictator is identified by the public and Libya in particular and the general public likely will never be revealed.
Not only the actual amount of assets owned by the Libyan people are abused by the Qadhafi regime and deposited in several banks in the West alone, which revealed important, but there are many other secrets that may be more important to the public. Call it for example, security cooperation with a number of Western countries Qadhafi regime in oppressing, torturing and killing the Libyan opposition figures.
Actual events and the origin peaceful revolution that turned into bloody in the country's third largest oil producer in Africa Benoa, it is also very important also disclosed including the mystery of power is mainly related to Qadhafi during his fellowship with the West for leading the country with an iron fist, so that the Libyan people behind day could not easily swallow lies information about the "great participation" in the West Qadhafi their liberation from tyranny.
When all the mystery was not revealed of course the lives of more than 20 thousand people who died since the Libyan revolution would erupt in vain and the changes were feared just sheer power without much change brings benefits to the people, even more so when the cake (rich) country, especially oil will be divided by many parties in foreign countries who are credited with helping `` `` burned their country and paved the way `` `` kill the dictator.
On Munday (23.10.2011), the National Transition Council (NTC) Libya has officially announced the country's liberation from the Qadhafi regime. Like the saying goes `` because of a drop of indigo milk sebelangan `` broken, joy at the liberation of the old regime tarnished by the actions that are too driven by revenge, including the treatment of the corpse of the former dikator on display to the public in one mall in the city of Misrata .
Misrata city's main witness malignancy brigades during the bloody revolution Qadhafi in Libya so that when the former strongman was captured alive in one of the sewer hole in the city of Sirte, which was hiding like a rat, reminding the public of the country and the world public generally to Qadhafi's speech before the people who call jirdzaan (rat). Residents near the town of Misrata the capital city of Tripoli bombarded with bombs and killed like a rat that was worthless.
Perhaps that is the main reason why the bodies of the dictator whose death is still a mystery was deliberately taken to the city so they can be witnessed by local residents. Ways that are un-Islamic as it is very unfortunate because it could be counterproductive in the eyes of Muslims around the world and the public will still be recorded as a disability lasting revolution in the country of origin was a great hero Omar Mukhtar.
"No one denies the former dikator savage treatment of his people. He was known as a bloodthirsty villain who does not hesitate to torture and kill people who are not on the street with him. But this can not be an excuse for treating him like he treats his subjects, to demonstrate and prove that the NTC is different from the old regime, among other conclusion `` some comments some Arab analysts who are surprised by this action.
In ways that are not Islamic in treating the body was feared to be an inspiration revenge loyal followers in the past day or even from any group that is not satisfied within the next power-sharing. Moreover if the new authority will forward the interests of the West was more than the aspirations of its people.
Surprisingly, the West saw silent treatment according to the dose they violate human rights (human rights) it. Does not sound criticism from Western leaders about the action elements even though all this time until now they will not cease to preach `` `` eastern countries of the Arab and Islamic world, especially on human rights and the importance of law enforcement, aka the rule of law.
Just imagine, how they react if Hamas movement in Gaza forced to kill the hostage Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit (who had been released on 18 Ooktober ago as part of a swap of Palestinian prisoners) subsequently exhibited for public Gaza. Certainly, their reaction is not only criticism would even more be a pretext to continue to imprison citizens of Gaza and the Israeli Zionist soldiers encouraged to perform a new massacre as revenge on behalf of self-defense.
"Therefore, since we did originally dubious NATO intervention in Libya, not because we do not want to protect civilians from Qadhafi regime's savagery, but because we realize that this intervention will not for humanitarian reasons but based on their own colonization and other interests, `` said Abdul Bari Atwan, one Arab analyst mukim in London commented that the death of former dictator of Libya.
Regardless of the West's attitude, many people remain concerned that due to a drop of indigo `` `` it will have an impact long into the future because retaliation would be difficult inevitable. Indeed, Qadhafi has been swallowed by the earth and all penyelewengannya mempertangungjawabkan for more than 42 years in power in the supernatural, but in ways treated him near death and now has become the body will continue to be remembered.
It is feared that there are still quite a lot of loyalisnya especially among the tribe who will take the fight underground after this. Moreover, later proved the new figures Libya only driving (harness) young subjects true fighters for freedom from the dictator was nothing more than a puppet figure for Western interests.
Bloodshed if this is the case, it is likely to erupt again although seporadis and could take place in the long term that can cause devastating destruction. Look at the important lessons from the case of Iraq, which until the scheduled departure of allied occupation in late 2011, the signs of the country would be stable is not yet convincing.
Libya with such a vast area of ​​approximately 1.8 million km2 (the fourth largest in Africa) and a very small population (about 7 million people) would not be difficult for groups that wanted to avenge the death of Qadhafi is pathetic to perform the action. This is exactly the desired West and Zionist that every country that has undergone a revolution of the people continue in a vicious circle of violence. Look at Egypt was plagued by unrest SARA attempted, but so far no luck.
Then who most make profits after this? The answer is very easy and does not need to look like a school exam answer keys almost everyone would answer in unison the West, especially the countries directly involved in the NATO attack. No doubt that nothing is free, in addition to the cost of war must be borne by NTC later, as well as various kinds of division pie `` `` must be done in line with Western interests.
It is estimated that more than 160 billion of Libyan assets deposited in Western banks are frozen while the country's oil revenues every year about 50 billion. The UK government for example is reported to have decided to take over Libya's oil facilities in connection plan that British Petroleum announced plans to resume operations in the country's oil-rich North African.
When the Libyan opposition fighters took over Tripoli, Libya's capital, the superpowers in the world is also getting ready to take over the hegemony of the African country by securing a contract. They use the excuse that Libya rebuild the country's economy, will again rely on the hegemonic power.
Before the beginning of the revolution in Libya in February, Libya produces about 1, 6 million barrels per day. Libya is an oil producing country in the world's seventeenth largest and third largest in Africa. However, after six months of the war, the country's oil production was reduced dramatically to only 100 000 barrels per day. The experts consider the world economy has, in some time soon, British Petroleum could dredge 1 million barrels per day within a few months, in connection with their plans to return to Libya when the situation is possible.
That's not to mention Britain's new other Western countries like the U.S., Italy, France and other European countries are actively involved in the NATO attack. While Russia and China and other countries including a number of Islamic countries who have signed oil contracts with the old regime will likely bite the fingers.
It is true, abundant assets of the Libyan-owned oil sector could accelerate to overcome many problems after the fall of the old regime. However, this abundant wealth will not be effective as a guarantee of stability would be restored if not accompanied by immediate restoration of national unity so that the coexistence of all clans / tribes and regions returned to normal and far from the logic of winners and penyundang.
If all or most of the assets that fall precisely into the hands of the big countries who feel deserving help drop the old regime, we are concerned as mentioned previously, can be trapped in discord and civil war although Qadhafi has been killed. Indications of this concern is already looking like an uncontrollable weapon mastery, competition between Islamist stronghold with liberal, competition between western and eastern regions. This concern, too often thrown from the speech a number of leaders of the NTC.
A bit entertaining
Final views of the Libyan revolution seem less elegant that causes a lot of public grief and anxiety for the future of Libya's oil-producing country in Africa's third largest, a little amused by the successful inaugural elections in Tunisia after the fall of dictator Zainal Abidin Ben Ali. Tunisia's electoral success suggests that a change in the Arab demands not just a spontaneous reaction due to socio-economic conditions are very bad as Western analysts have been emphasized.
The elections in the country showed that the olive is the changing demands of the strategic options against tyranny and corruption that characterize almost all countries of the region. Elections that took place on Sunday (23/10) showed that the people of this country was not going to back to back (the time of authoritarian rule) even surprised many observers predicted that previously would only be followed at most 50% of the total citizens entitled to vote, it is proven to around 90% participation rate perpenduduk people of the country about 11 million people.
"Tunis is now a concern because as an example of determination of the people who want a peaceful change which managed to beat the bare chest where water gas and live bullets. Now the more striking because they flocked stormed polling stations to prove that the demands of change is not something accidental, but the choice people from all circles, `` wrote an Arab newspaper on Tuesday (10/25/2011).
Certainly hope that the Arab public's successful elections in Tunisia positive influence on other Arab countries either already successfully recorded changes and those still in the process. While waiting for the prime elections in Egypt after the fall of the Mubarak regime and also the recovery in Libya, Tunisia elections exude hope for the success of `` `` the Arab spring that will bring a better change for the nations of the region.
Hope all Arabs are also successful elections in Tunisia was a good opener (faith Kheir) for other Jurdil elections in Egypt, Libya and other Arab countries in order to reach the real reform that provides an opportunity for the people in the region to choose the vice- their representatives in order to reach a program that brings prosperity and strengthen stability. Ma `assalamah (goodbye) dictatorship that had collapsed causing the Arabs, that's the message from the election.
There is one important note that needs to be observed that if the nations in this region are given the freedom to choose representatives and programs of the parties participating in the election, it seems the majority will choose programs based on the teachings of their religion. Although the educated classes who understand the true teachings of Islam, actually not much, but the authors see that the reason the majority will choose programs Islamists because they had proven the concept of failure of socialism and capitalism have been the only brings misery.
Therefore, was not a surprise when the party's program of Al-Nahdah Tunisia (Islamist) finally gets the most votes in the elections in Tunisia's first Jurdil of about 30% according to the announcement of results late Monday (24/10). Parties likely to carry the Islamic-based programs in other Arab countries, also will receive the most votes later. Surely it's not just the most votes will win but also a challenge to prove the concept in the field of manifestation Islamists who can bring prosperity to the people and the glory of the Arabs
Libyan Revolution Ended Not Good

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