9 Ways of Doing Business through Social Media

9 Ways of Doing Business through Social Media - Today there are many novice businessman who started his business in the virtual world through social media. According to Agnes Marlita, a principal social media marketing, this step is done because these entrepreneurs in the beginning are the ones who have formal employment remains, but want to have a side business. "When they have limited. By utilizing social media, like Facebook or blogs, they can still monitor and run the business in the office, on the sidelines of the main work," Agnes explained.
In his personal account, an entrepreneur can enter information about his wares. However, Iim Fahima Jachja, CEO of Virtual Consulting, warned, because it basically is a showcase socializing social media, we can not expect people to immediately buy when we are promoting something. At a minimum we should make them happy with our being first, especially people or new acquaintances. It takes a process for getting there, can not instantaneously.
Having met and talked, people get interested in our business. Afterward did he want to buy the products offered. "So if you use social media, we have a long wait," said IIM with a laugh.
To be able to use social media effectively, there are tips that you can follow:
1. Select only one blog. Form of a blog is plentiful, but does not mean you have to have it all. To be more focused, choose one only. We also have to allocate separate time for running a blog. If you have more than a blog, we can keteteran, such as taking care of a lot of stores everywhere.
2. Create a nice blog. No need to be meticulous or strange, it is important blogs can convey our intent to sell.
3. Avoid promoted by writing a message on the wall someone and use the "tag" (on Facebook), and features "mention" (on Twitter). IIM said, ethics in social media is tantamount to ethics in real life. The point is we must appreciate and respect others. "Giving comments, tags, and mention indiscriminate littering tantamount to browse Facebook and Twitter one. Though Facebook and Twitter are like a house. If you do not want our house littered, of course, we do not pollute people's homes," said IIM.
4. Berpromosilah at the appointed time on the mailing list. The aim is that other members are not disturbed and the main discussion is maintained.
5. Practice your skills using Twitter. Because it can only write 140 characters, we must be smart to look for effective ways to communicate its goals. We also have to think of ways that if anyone had retweet, it is not truncated. According to the IIM, the way out is with a lot of practice and learning.
6. Quick response. Life in social media takes place every second. In IIM assumption, when engaged in social media, we also have to live every second. But this does not mean we should update the status every second. "If there are people who comment or ask a question, then we also have to respond," said IIM.
7. Find a follower as much as possible. According to Agnes, this is what should be done as a beginner on Twitter. We can start from their own friends. "We must be diligent nge-tweet information about the product," he said. We can target people with a lot of followers, but remember, the approach should be fine, yes. If you are interested, he will mention our product. It's a free promotion to his follower, you know.
8. Learn from other businesses that have been successful. Take a look at blogs, Facebook, and Twitter them. What was different, that's what makes them superior to other entrepreneurs. When trying to attract the attention of potential new customers, do not offer the product itself, but the benefits to be gained for buying our product. For example, when you sell a washing machine. Rather than offer a washing machine, better offering time savings gained from the purchase of a washing machine.
9. Always ask the opinion of the customer. Ask them what repairs or improvements that can be done on our products. If satisfied, they will promote our business to others.
9 Ways of Doing Business through Social Media

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