vocal technique

vocal technique - Busyness make this blog a little neglected. In this post, I try to share tips on basic training classical announcer must have been well known by those working in the broadcast world, namely "Vocal Gymnastics Sports". May be useful for readers who were being trained to become a broadcaster, or broadcaster who wants to re-remind me of what they once did in the days training. These exercises can we do to flex the muscles that we need when we broadcast.

1. Face of a lion / lion face
To relax the facial muscles. Face shortlisted along with pursed fingers of both hands, then face widened as he stuck out his tongue, fingers developed. Count of 5 times.

2. Massage the jaw
To relax the facial muscles. The fingers caress the cheeks of the face rearward, at the same time the lower jaw laterally motion. Counts 10 times.

3. Folding the tongue to the top
To flex the tongue. The tongue is folded upwards to touch the palate. Count of 5 times.

4. Folding the tongue down
To flex the tongue. The tongue is folded down and the tip of the tongue pressing down the line gear. Count of 5 times.

5. Tongue lip sweep
To flex the tongue. Tongue extended and then rotated swept the top and bottom lip. In principle, the tongue must touch the surface of the lips. Counts 10 times.

6. Vibrate the lips / motorboat
To flex the tongue as well as train breathing. Inhale deeply, then bend the body while breathing out through your lips. When the air out through the mouth, make lips vibrate, giving rise to sound like a motorboat engine. And when the body bent, let your arms hanging limply, while shaking hands. Counts 10 times.

7. Clenched teeth
To relax the jaw muscles. Teeth clenched tightly, while at the same time both hands firmly clenched, and lips in a wide open position. Counts 10 times.

8. Neck exercises
To strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Legs spread, hands waist, then moved to right-left neck without stopping in the middle. Counts 10 times.

9. Massage the throat
To flex the throat and vocal cords. Inhale, remove it slowly while saying the sound "A", meanwhile, fingers massaged my throat / neck move up and down. Counts 10 times.

10. Rotate the shoulder
Strengthen the shoulder muscles so that the chest into the field and make the bear to sit in a long time. Rotate the shoulder joint backward, while the hand in a straight position. Notice the elbow, not to bend. Counts 10 times.

11. Angel wing / angel wings
To strengthen the shoulder muscles flexed at the same time in order to cause resonance in the back. Both hands straightened forward with fingers spread. Then thrust your arms forward alternately left and right. At the time the arm was pushed forward, the fingers move like the Kecak dance. Note, waist position does not participate in the move. Counts 10 times.

12. Ping-pong
To strengthen the articulation as well as train and anti-popping. Movement like no. 11, only the position of the hands clenched like boxing. The arm is moved forward and hit the slide, like a boxer do jab punch. When the arm was pushed alternately, sounding mouth the words "ping-pong" interchangeably. Movement ends by pulling both arms up. Counts 10 times.

13. Sigh
To strengthen the respiratory tract. Dongakan head, inhale deeply through your nose and remove the air from the mouth of the tebukasepelan possible without spending a breeze. When the air is running out and daada felt tight, bend the body quickly to remove remaining air. Counts 10 times.

14. Attractive belly / pig-PAF
To flex the abdominal muscles as well as learn techniques to steal your breath. Inhale deeply, to the stomach inflates, then remove it quickly deflates through the movement of the abdomen which is moved quickly. Counts 10 times.

15. Reaching star / Reaching the stars
To strengthen the back muscles and hips. Body with the hands hanging bows. Then move laterally left or right hand as high as possible as if to reach the stars. Keep your hips and torso straight, and when the stars reach the right hand, then left foot menjinjit, and vice versa. vocal technique  

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