Learning from Philosophy Boat

Learning from Philosophy Boat - A wooden boat across the river visible sit and clear. Along the way, the passenger boat completely carried away with the green trees bordering the river banks. The passengers who were on the top floor was really lucky with the beautiful scenery. Two floors of the passenger boats did have different rents. The upper floor is more expensive than the one below. Even doubled. Even so, passengers on the lower floors can still see the scene from behind a small window covered with glass.

The surplus, passengers could be more fun downstairs in silence sleep. There was no sound of birds, no sun and no wind. If it is asleep, time is not long anymore.

One time, still in the distant river flows clear, water pumps boat jam. Drinking water crisis feels so fast. Luckily, the passengers can still enjoy the fresh water they can take directly from the river as they passed. Stay grab the container and rope, water can be obtained.

A few shouts from the passengers continue to be heard downstairs. "Hey, for us water!" Said the passengers below. "Yes, you can grab onto here!" Replied the passenger floor.

This is where the problem. If the upstairs passengers can take the water directly, while those at the bottom should be climbing the stairs in order to reach the boat. And this is so troublesome.

One night, still in the boat, some passengers on the lower floors felt great thirst. Sleepiness they feel it sometimes intersperse thirst. At that moment, feeling reluctant to descend they struggled toward the top.

One of them said, "Why should bother to the top, after all the water we need on our feet." And saying it was as if aware of the other passengers if they are actually closest to the location above the water rather than passengers.

One of them tried hard to pierce the wall under the boat with a crowbar. In their minds just one: how can the water without necessarily effortlessly upwards. Because after all, that the above did not feel the need to share with the bottom.

Togetherness in a container, whether it be companies, organizations, and households; not enough just to put the point of view of self.

Practice to be able to capture the view from the perspective of people who are with us. Because with so, the boat will be able to continue moving together toward the desired goal. Learning from Philosophy Boat  

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