Trick To Kids Not Picky Foods

Makes children want to eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruit, usually a quite difficult task. Some kids are very picky eating, and most of them do not want to eat vegetables or fruit. In fact, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that help the growth of the child. Take your frustration because it fails to make kids want to eat healthy.
As quoted from the All Women stalk, here are some tricks to persuade children to eat healthy.
1. Give a Good ExampleDo not expect the child to eat healthy food if you do, his parents, nor apply a healthy diet. All parents would want their children to eat healthy, but it should start from the parent.
Be a good example for your child. Children tend to quickly replicate what the adults. Avoid eating fast food or junk food in front of him. Get used to eating vegetables, fruits or other healthy foods when you eat with him and show that eating healthy food is tasty and fun.
2. Serve in small portionsIf you want your child want to eat vegetables, do not 'intimidate' to put the greens in a plate full. Simply serve a tablespoon of vegetables and serve with rice and side dishes pauknya. To make food more interesting, give a little color. For example stir beans with carrots, or add chunks of fresh tomatoes. If your baby has started eating, you can add to the portions.
3. Do not ForceDo not force him to eat something he does not like. The child will be more hate and stay away from these foods. Makes children want to eat vegetables and fruit is not an easy task. Ask gently, coaxing or persuasion of your child (but do not mengiming-iminginya with prizes).
Do it again and again until he wants to eat. Maybe at first he would only eat a little, for example, one small scoop of each meal. But this is good progress. Slowly, add more vegetables when feeding. Slowly he will get used. Remember, do not serve vegetables and fruits as well as a lot. Focus first on the food he likes.
4. Invite a Little Help CookingChildren are usually more interested in tasting what he had done. Why not invite your child make a dish with you? Find recipes that are easy to make and does not harm the child. Eg meat sandwiches and salads, help decorate a ready-made foods, or stirring ingredients.
You can create a scenario, where you and your little chef in a restaurant on duty so that should make food for the guests. In this case, you could invite her husband to participate. After cooking so, ask the child to taste it.

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