The Road to al-Quds Still Long

The Road to al-Quds Still Long - ON the day Friday (23/09/2001), for the Palestinian Authority is a very decisive day of recognition associated as one of the UN member states to borders before the 1967 war. Even until the final seconds before the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinians apply for full membership in the world body, the various efforts of some parties continue to press Abbas to shut his intentions.
Western donor countries remain in his position that the negotiations (rather than demanding the recognition of the UN) is the only way to get recognition of Palestinian independence while providing assistance termination signal (read: loans) to finance the authority or at least minimize it. Zionist own country many times convey a threat because it was unilateral actions that endanger the Palestinian existence.
While the Zionist main protector, the U.S. is also ready with a variety of measures such as telling a veto in the Security Council (UNSC) United Nations to thwart international recognition in addition to a threat to shut down Palestinian offices in Washington. Even two days before that fateful day, the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy trying to install `` `` trap by proposing a middle way.
President Sarkozy in a speech to the UN General Assembly in New York on Wednesday (21/o9/2011), proposed that the UN give observer status to the Palestinians. In addition, he also suggested that there are definite timetable to resolve the problem of Israel and the Palestinians are expected within a year had reached `` `` final agreement between the two countries.
Sarkozy's proposal as a `` middle way `` to avoid a confrontation on the UNSC that could encourage the U.S. to use its veto to stem the Palestinian desire to be a full member of the UN, not just an observer member. Some Arab analysts refer to this proposal as a `` trap `` because basically only wanted to save face kecamanan U.S. and Israel from the international community.
U.S. to save face, because if the land called superpower that uses the veto of the world community to clearly see the country as a major cause of ongoing conflict in the region. Israeli rescue means, to remove the stigma that the Zionist state as a major cause of failure of any peace efforts so far.
When Abbas finally agreed to Sarkozy's proposal that he personally reap the greatest losses while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will return to Al-Quds with the victory. Zionist position that any country will be stronger as an invading country that continues to impede efforts to achieve Palestinian Arabs of their rights as well as removing it from international isolation since the barbaric attacks on Gaza late 2008 and attacks on humanitarian accompaniment ship in May 2010.
"Abbas should carefully trap Sarkozy's face, he must be really careful to determine the final choice because if it failed to submit the full membership of the UNSC so he suffered the biggest losses, while Netanyahu will be the winner, `` wrote the daily Al-Quds Al- Arabi, head of the Palestinian Authority warned that, in its editorial on Thursday (09/22/2011).
Pitfalls to watch out because it deserves to have brewed likely also joint U.S. and Israel because it offers the possibility of Sarkozy's proposal without first submitting to the two countries. Moreover, this proposal is also not much different from the U.S. strategy to block the Palestinian efforts to achieve full membership of the UN.
As it is known that since the Palestinian authority decides to apply for full membership to the UN as the main option after 20 years of negotiations failed, the land of Uncle Sam's bottom line has been set up at least two strategies to prevent it. The first is to strive for Abbas nevertheless apply to the United Nations with a variety of appointments and incentives include political, economic and even freeze on Jewish settlements.
After the first strategy that fails, then the second is to avoid filing a membership of Palestine to the UN Security Council that forced him to use the veto so it really appears as an enemy of the Palestinians and Arabs in general. In return, Palestinians were forced to ask its membership to the General Assembly (MU) confirmed a two-thirds of UN membership but support the Palestinians through the UN MU not only a full member observer member.
It is almost certain that Palestine would be impeded if the U.S. vetoes remained adamant filed its full membership to the UNSC. Cues that can be read from President Barack Obama's speech at the UN to hdapan session MU-66 on Wednesday (21 / 9) in New York, among others, asserted that the Palestinian effort was a unilateral action that would not be realized because the country would oppose the recognition of Palestinian sovereignty over United Nations.
Or to escape the scorn of the world community could have been stalling tactics of the U.S. to do that is by freezing the Palestinian demand that the next few months on the pretext of want to study and consultation with its allies in advance to request it again slowly forgotten. This is the same stalling tactics worry about the veto as expressed by the Palestinian UN Representative, Riyadh Mansour recently.
Mutual concern
With Obama's assertion, the Zionist leaders seem increasingly convinced that the Palestinian state would not be realized from UN forums, is not the same as the Zionist state that was born through the forum of the world in 1948. Efforts to block the Palestinians is due to the existence of deep concern to the possibilities that endanger the existence of the Zionist it if steps were not facing serious Palestine.
The Jewish leaders saw at least three dangers that could befall the country if the Palestinian Zionists gained international recognition.
First, the release of tens of thousands of Palestinians into the streets that lead to violence in order to oppose the occupation that could bring new armed resistance.
Second, is the possibility of international organizations will use the recognition pro-Palestinian UN to seek an embargo on Israel. While the third concern is the Palestinian authority can be called world bodies to impose an embargo due to the continuation of settlement construction (read: the annexation of) Jews in the Palestinian West Bank territory.
Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Shalev told the daily Maariv Ghabriela has recently expressed deep concern that Palestinian steps to create a situation similar to the fate of South Africa during the apartheid (racial differences).
"This recognition can lead to the political tsunami that Israel has never faced before," he reminded.
But the real concern that the Zionist state to international recognition of Palestinian state even if only on paper is related to settlement expansion (annexation). Recognition will be able to stop the expansion of the annexation is currently pursuing expansion targets that have not been completed, including the expulsion of all Arabs from the holy city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
On the other hand, despite the international recognition through the UN forum is important, but some Palestinian leaders also expressed concerns about the impact of the recognition question. At least three impacts of concern experienced by the Palestinians when it finally gained the recognition of the authority through the forum the world body (although this possibility is remote).
The first concern is the recognition that can lead to rupture the right of return for Palestinian refugees in foreign countries to the Palestinian homeland because recognition would remove their status as refugees. `` If they are not granted Palestinian citizenship, that means breaking ties with the homeland so that the newly established state can not defend the rights of most citizens living in exile, said Mohammed Abu Hashim `` a Palestinian expert at the University of York, England recently.
Another concern is that such recognition will change the issue from the issue of occupation of Palestine by Zionist Israel into the conflict issue of the boundary between the two countries. This fact will weaken the Palestinian issue itself and remove the moral dimension of this issue is the strength for this so it gets majority support of the international community.
While the third concern is, the confession that had been targeted by Palestinian authorities in an effort to revive peace talks, it could be otherwise.
`` Targeting the Palestinian Authority to revive the talks could be otherwise because Israel is likely to invalidate the entire agreement has been reached, `` said Saleh Al-Na `ami, one Palestinian analyst.
Worries some Palestinian leaders are fine since departed from the fact that the position itself is very weak with the Palestinians is still the occurrence of internal cracks. Expected support from Arab and Islamic countries would not be able to emulate the strong support of U.S. allies, especially Israel and the European Union.
Still long
What is presented above is a brief overview of the `` war `` in recognition of the United Nations both before and after submission of application for admission to the world body. But the more important question is how the conditions on the ground after the confession if we suppose the Palestinians gained recognition, whether aka tone changes?
A similar question asked reporters to Palestinian PM, Salam Fayyadh around the end of June, or three months before the official submission to the UN. He said simply `` My answer is `` no ``, recognition is only a symbolic victory and will not change anything in the field. `` Therefore, do not expect to excess when recognition will `` change the conditions of Palestinians.
Fayyadh answer is an honest answer rather than making it up because whatever the outcome of `` war `` in recognition of the UN will not change anything in the field. End the suffering of Palestinians caused by the Zionist occupation still need a long struggle with serious help from the Arab world and Islam.
Abbas' arrival brought the petition to the world body's recognition solely for black and white to get recognition for a state illusion, without land, without clear boundaries and without sovereignty. His arrival is not based on any force solely because the proverbial impingement of a sense of desperation after 20 years of negotiations without results.
"The main purpose of Abbas only wants to be remembered even if only a limited history to be recognized on the paper. Then he can be proud of themselves to Palestinians that he has posted achievements that he could be more calm after the retirement of the Palestinian authority, said Abdul Bari Atwan ``, Palestinian analysts the mukim in London on Monday (9/19/2011).
When the limited recognition, in fact since 1988, when the Palestine National Council declared an independent Palestinian state, about 123 countries have been admitted and the Palestinians have opened many embassies and representatives in foreign countries. However, no significant change related to the continuity and the Zionist occupation of any results from the `` war `` this recognition will also meet the same fate.
In essence, the Palestinian Authority can not just rely only through the country's independence efforts `` `` diplomatic triumphs even though it is also important, but the important thing is to return to the option of resistance with this Zionist state can be forced to submit to the agreements reached. Order a change in the Arab world today, enabling the return of the option.
In short the struggle for Palestinian independence with the current Palestinian internal conditions, as well as the condition of Arab and Islamic world are still not solid, it still requires a fairly long time. That meant a trip to the holy city of Al-Quds is still long but definitely .* / Sana `a, 24 Syawal 1432 H.
The Road to al-Quds Still Long

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