message from Erdogan

The answer to question a number of parties in the Middle East about the seriousness of the rift between Turkey's relations with Israel since three years is further compounded by the Zionist state's barbaric attacks on Gaza in late 2008, then fire the wrath of the country's former center of the Caliphate Othmaniyah ignited again with assault Israeli troops aboard humanity komandos Mavi Marmara about a year ago, at least answered already on Friday (2/09/2011) ago.

Because a number of countries in the region through its mass media seem to remain skeptical stance under the leadership of the Turkish PM, Recep Tayyip Erdogan was linked to anger over Israel. They are still in doubt two-state rift that had been a strategic ally in such a rapidly occurring especially due to the Palestinian issue (including the blockade of Gaza did not berprikemanusian), which in their view did not get attention so far.

But with the events of the humanitarian ship attack left nine people died as a martyr Turks, more than a year ago, Erdogan has proven that man's anger against the land of Israel that his country was not a joke or a farce to gain public sympathy in the Muslim region. Ijinkah I use the word dude, because it recalled the struggle song "Halo-halo Bandung" in which one reads the lyrics "let's bung reclaim".

From man's word, the writer certainly hopes teriring prayer, man Erdogan as Turkey today's generation of leaders, can reclaim the glory of the Caliphate Othmaniyah (Ottoman by Western designation), so as to become the inspiration for the major countries in the region, especially other Muslim Egypt has now entered the era of post-regime change Hosni Mubarak, who for three decades as Israel's strongest ally in the Arab world.

On Friday it is still in the atmosphere of Eid Eid ie three days for the Eid on Tuesday (30/08/2011) or two days for the Eid on Wednesday (08/31/2011), man no half-hearted Erdogan has done surprise move that had not previously been suspected by many parties. Proverbial as a comforting message widths of hundreds of millions of Muslims the region even further 1.5 billion worldwide.

This step can also be a source of inspiration for other Muslim leaders in the region to build solidarity in earnest and ensure that the true enemy, after all this time only a discourse. Country's decision to expel Ambassador to Israel from Ankara, downgrading of diplomatic representation to only the level of Secretary II down, freeze military cooperation and the cancellation of a number of trade agreements is a surprise move.

In the ethics of diplomacy, diplomatic representation degradation is one form of `` abuse ``, meaning the Turkish who felt harassed by the Zionist state for refusing to apologize for his humanitarian ship attack, replied with a degradation harassing Zionist representatives. Secretary II is a rank that is still very junior diplomat because before reaching the rank of ambassador needs much more that is Sekterais level I, Councellor, Minister Counsellor, Minister and Ambassador to the average takes 20 years.

Although the move was not maximized as severance of diplomatic relations, but it should be raised because the thumb did not rule in the future will lead to termination if the Zionist state would still be arrogant without looking at the nature of the Turkish state has ever respected the world are currently being bounced back to recover mentioned the triumph of man under the leadership of Erdogan.

Actually, Israel has tried to do a series of conspiracy to foil the plan of the Turkish government to fail to do these steps, but the various conspiracies that are not ignored. Call it for example, Zionist country's efforts to build strategic relationships and provoke neighboring countries such as Greece Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus, moving the Armenian lobby in the U.S. Congress as well as undermining the stability and security of Turkey with the support of Kurdish violence.

And the last is the engineering team reports the results of the UN blockade of Gaza and attacks on the ship of humanity Mavi Marmara, led by former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Geoffrey Palmer is very disappointing Turks and Muslims around the world at large despite the report's 105 pages thick mentioned the Israeli attack on ship humanity's very excessive.

Various efforts of Israel, did not dampen the Erdogan government to continue to prosecute the country's Zionist crimes mempertangungjawabkan once wanted to end Israel's status that has been a de facto always be beyond the reach of international law. Turkey does not want to see the Jewish state by arbitrarily lowering the Muslim nation after all this time Israel had always assumed that he did not deserve to apologize to Muslim nations as a result though barbarous crime which he did for them.

Double message

The steps undertaken Bung Erdogan is at least contain a double message. The first is certainly addressed to the leaders of the Zionists and the Arab countries in the region, some of which have managed to change the authoritarian rule by a popular revolt, and some others are still in the struggle demanding change.

There are at least some of the following message has been sent Turkey to the Zionist state of Israel. First, Ankara warned that the Zionist leaders of the account as a result of the mistaken attack that claimed nine martyrs of Turkey, Marmara humanitarian passenger ship after all this time was limited under fire when slaughtering hundreds and even thousands of Arabs, especially in Palestine and Lebanon.

The second message is, Erdogan government that gets the absolute confidence of his people warned that the Turkish people very angry and feel trampled on their self-esteem when the Zionist state was only expressed his regret over the incident and just ready to replace the loss of about 100 thousand U.S. dollars for each victims.

The third message, Erdogan's government wants to remind the leaders of the Zionist state that they had mistaken view that Turkey's domestic situation about three months ago and managed to carry out elections to strengthen the position of the Justice and Development party (AKP) by a majority vote of the people that make the leaders of the AKP did not will menyiakan away this belief. Israeli leaders have also forgotten a fundamental change in Turkey with the weakening role of the military that had been used as a backrest for the sake of the Zionist state.

While the fourth message as mentioned a number of Arab analysts is to prove that Turkey is no longer state that is identical region as a strategic ally of Israel are always obedient to Tel Aviv or the Western imperialist powers was the main supporter of the Zionist state. Ankara wants to prove that the country's position has changed and has rediscovered the path to the restoration of its glory so it refuses to always be under the armpit of Israel or Western countries.

Although the cooperation with Israel, at least in the short and medium term forward is maintained, but the rules of the game is certain to change. Turkey does not want to harm the cooperation of national interests and its role as one of the leading countries of the Islamic Conference Organization (OIC) and the major countries in the region as well as the determinant.

To prove that the country Othmaniyah former imperial center can not be identified again as an ally who is always didekte Zionist country, including Ankara's steps to continue its complaint to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands related to the invalidity of the embargo on Gaza to fight the decision of the UN team that mentions the embargo was legal.

As reported on Sunday (4/09/2011), Foreign Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu will cast a sort of pledoi to the International Criminal Court in response to the UN team's decision regarding the embargo on Gaza. Davutoglu warned that the problem of Gaza is not just related to the problems between Turkey with Israel, but also between Israel and the international community and the public conscience of the world.

While the message for the Arab region, namely in order to perform its core a brave step in facing the Zionist state. More specifically mention here is that Egypt and Jordan have diplomatic relations with Israel that menimalnya must perform these steps or more major Israeli embassy closed in case of aggression on one of the Arabs (especially Palestinians) in the future.

"The arrogance and the arrogance of Israel must be stopped because the devotion and humiliation have passed after the fall of the dictatorial regime of Egypt, said Abdul Bari Atwan ``, Arab analysts mukim in London (2/09/2011). `` Now that Turkey has given a new lesson that government put forward the aspirations of the people have great strength against a sense of superiority and arrogance of Israel. Message Turkey shall we respond right now, `` said Fahmi Huweidi, Muslim scholars and prolific writers of Egypt (6/09/2011).

New partnerships

One way for the Arab world respond to the steps Turkey is supporting the Erdogan government's efforts in defending the Palestinian issue, especially those assembled with the termination of the embargo on Gaza and condemned the UN team's report is very essential to favor the interests of the Zionist state. Regarding the embargo on Gaza, the first step should be done is visited the people of Gaza as Erdogan will be done soon and stop these unjust embargo unilaterally.

But for the long term future, it is not enough merely because the main thing is to reconstruct a new Arab-Turkish partnership that politically there is no obstacle to make it happen. Considering there are still many obstacles to Iran's main focus now is the Arab-Turkish partnership before the establishment of a partnership triangle Arab-Turkish-Iranian.

Encouraging gesture toward the Arab-Turkish strategic approach can be seen from the plan of PM Erdogan's visit to Egypt in the coming days for further menyambang Gaza. Although a visit to Gaza can not be ascertained because it requires the approval of Israel, but more important is the possibility of achieving strategic cooperation pact between Egypt, Turkey is very concerned about Israel.

That concern can be seen from reports such as daily number of leading Zionist. Yodiot Ahronot daily, Monday (4/09/2011), for example, writes that the Israeli-Turkish rift that has reached its peak it will encourage the achievement of a new strategic pact between Egypt and Turkey in the upcoming visit of Erdogan to Israel membayakan course. The daily also quoted the report of El-Youm Egyptian newspaper Al-Sabi on the agenda of Erdogan's visit and the high-level delegation including the signing of strategic cooperation between the two countries.

Former Director General of Israeli Foreign Ministry, Eleon Leiel stated that the Israeli government could not say surprised by the reaction because Turkey is Ankara has repeatedly warned.

"It's Israel's right to refuse to apologize to Turkey but Turkey's powerful blow is extremely painful and difficult for Israel, `` he said as quoted arabonline, Monday (5/09/2011).

Related Erdogan's planned visit to Gaza, Israeli officials judged that will not negatively affect at all for Turkey's position as the country will remain as a member of NATO and the European Union will continue negotiations to Turkey joining the European Union.

"This visit, also will not affect Turkey's relations with the United States," he added.

In short, the new Arab-Turkish partnership in the atmosphere of the Arab world that has begun to change that have marked too wide open pro-active efforts of Turkey. Stay now awaiting a positive response of the Arab world, especially Egypt as the largest Arab country as an earnest effort to release the Muslim nations from the region Zionist hegemony prolonged. Hopefully .* / Sana `a, 10 Syawal 1432 H
by: Mustafa Lutfi

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