If Not Want senile, Do Aerobics

Aerobic exercise was able to maintain a person's cognitive abilities. So it should not be overlooked as an aerobic treatment necessary to resolve or senile dementia. All the heart-pumping exercise can reduce risk and slow the progression of dementia or senility. Thus the conclusion of research conducted by the Mayo Clinic and published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings quoted as saying on Sunday (09/18/2011).
Aerobic exercise produces oxygen means a lot. Movement is done continuously which makes the feet and hands moving. Examples of aerobic exercise are jogging, running, gymnastics, cycling, swimming, brisk walking. In contrast to aerobic is anaerobic movements that are not carried out continuously so that oxygen production is not continuous such as weightlifting, tennis court which moves at certain times.
Physical exercise such as aerobics can increase heart rate and increase the body's need for oxygen. Physical exercises include walking, sports and home activities such as shoveling snow or raking leaves.
"We conclude that there is a very interesting about the exercise as a strategy to modify the disease and prevent dementia and mild cognitive impairment," said J. Eric Ahlskog, MD, PhD, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic.
Research using brain imaging have shown objective evidence regarding the positive effects of exercise to the survival of the human brain consistently. Animal studies also have shown that physical exercise produces factors that enhance brain function and strengthen brain connections (neuroplasticity).
The researchers then recommend further research to find out more the relationship between exercise and cognitive function. They also encourage patients to perform physical exercise, especially for those who are worried about the cognitive problems.
"In primary care or neurology clinics, we must continue to encourage patients to do physical exercise. Not just for general health, but also cognitive health," said Dr.. Ahlskog.
"We are combing all the scientific literature we could find about the link between physical exercise and cognition, including animal studies and observational studies. We opened more than 1,600 papers with 130 titles that got right to the issue. We are trying to collect a balanced viewpoint," said Dr.. Ahlskog which explains his research methods.

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