Future Catastrophe For Israel

Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Los Angeles Times, where as an expert to make a critique of the excessive reaction to terrorist attacks. Remembering those who died in drowned in the bathtub with the same die due to terrorist attacks, he said. Indeed, terrorist attacks had a profound effect on society and economy. The death of ten people in the accident will not cause people to fear leaving their homes. But imagine the impact of the death of 10 people in the terrorist bombing of the shopping mall or movie theater? And imagine if it happened more than once. The economic impact can be devastating.

But Goldberg actually criticizing the impact of legalized state terrorism by the constitution, and collectively to limit and bind to free and open society. We can not only see the events of 9 / 11, which then become stressed, and legalize all the security measures that severely limit freedom, he said.

James Fallows confirms outlook Goldberg, in which precisely the attitude that confuses people and unwise disproportionate response to terrorist attacks, who refused to leave their homes, and agree to restrictions on civil liberties. Should now be able to persuade and direct people, wherever they are to not overreact, he added Golberg.

Goldberg spends much of his time in Israel, and recognizes that the ability to remain calm in the face of terrorist attacks to be an important component of success. With poise community can preserve most of the democratic freedoms and quality of life.

As in the face of terrorism is much higher level than what America has ever faced. For example, two weeks ago, a group of Palestinian Islamic fighters crossed into Sinai from Gaza, and then sneak across the border into southern Israeli Negev Desert.

They ambush bus, killing eight people of Israel, before they were killed by Israeli troops. I would speculate that the number of Israelis who canceled a vacation to Eilat Negev or as a result of this attack is zero. I take his own family with camels in the Negev south, there was never any suggestion that it should postpone the trip, he said.

Goldberg, an American Jew, seeing how today's panic time Israelis, after the Arab Revolt. The events that occurred in the Sinai that killed eight Israelis, and a member of the Israeli special forces, making them panic, and a bad dream, which continues to haunt. Feeling their country, Israel is no longer safe from enemy and terrorist attacks.

In the past, Israel has a "body guard" who always maintain the security of its borders, the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak. However, Mubarak was lying now and still have to face trial. This is what makes the Israeli people is much more frantic and frightened. Israel surrounded by Arab countries that its people have changed. Including panic the people of Israel, seeing their flag burned in their embassy in Cairo by the Egyptian people are angry.

A loyal ally of Israel, and during this, the security guard joined the Jewish state, chose to change attitudes, which caused Israel's actions. Turkey severed all bilateral relations with Israel. Including cooperation in the field of defense industry, which has lasted since 1996. This is very important.

Not only that. Turkey has lowered the level of diplomatic relations secretary only level two, and the Turkish ambassador had gone home, while Turkey has also expelled Israel's ambassador out of Turkey. This is the calamity facing Israel.

Israel only rely on the only "savior" is the United States. However, the country was led by Barack Obama, now bankrupt and impoverished, and it is difficult to expect its role to support Israel.

What if the entire Arab world changed? The new ruling appears to no longer friendly to Israel? What is the attitude of the people in the Arab world, which is "fed up" against Israel, which is very arrogant for this? Israel just left alone. There is no longer her best friend in the Middle East. The entire Arab people restive and demanding termination of diplomatic relations with Israel. Starting from Egypt to Jordan.

Still plus the domestic political situation in Israel, where immigrants are highly fragmented, ranging can no longer accept the existing situation, particularly the increasingly severe economic conditions, especially the poor majority of Jewry, which originated in Russia, Africa, and Middle East. They demanded the renewal and improvement of their lives, and this can create conditions for increased Israeli "collapse".

No more Arab rulers who dared to play the eye with Israel today. This is absolutely disastrous for Israel's future.

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