Between "postmodern" and Aurat Women

Between "postmodern" and Aurat Women - ON Sunday (9/18/2011), members of the Society for Women's Rights Defenders staged at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout (HI) to protest the statement of Governor of DKI, Fauzie Bowo, on appeal does not memakain miniskirts for women. Statement Fauzie Bowo (Foke) was backed by the occurrence of cases of rape in public transportation a few days ago. He called for the female passenger did not use the mini dress when in public transport so as not to invite a negative reaction.

The statement invited strong reactions of liberals and feminism. Pro-feminist activists believe that the skimpy clothing is women's rights. So they do not receive if skimpy clothing associated with the cause of abuse against women

Ulil Abshar Abdallah, activists of the Liberal Islam Network (JIL) Indonesia in between that help support their action. According to appeal to female genitalia menurutup merupkan reflection of conservative thinking.

"For me, looking at the issue purely from a moral dress dress code (dress code) religion, it is too narrow. Because of advances in modern society is reflected in the diversity of dress, especially among women," he said. ( 9.22).

Ulil statements and Defender Association of Women's Rights activists shows they are adherent to understand the so-called "postmodern". Postmodern philosophy Postmodern called because used as' akidah' it.

Principle of Suspicion

Islamic model of postmodern (posmo) is promoted by the Liberal thinkers from Algeria, Mohammed Arkoun. Adherents can be called "Moslem Postmodernism". Characteristic of the Islamic model is: equality, secular humanism, dualism, anti-authority, relative to Islamic law, anti-universalism, reject non-empirical knowledge, and pluralism.

The models are so real has long been entrenched in the West. However, in the Islamic world, Islam is sticking model after appearing liberalization movement in the Arab world.

Islamic postmo model is introduced by Mohammed Arkoun in about the seventies. Arkoun including fan of postmodern philosophy. Compared with other liberals, he is infatuated with postmo epistemology.

Islamic Studies Applied Islamology called (al-al-Tathbiqiyyah Islamiyyat). And its main characteristic using the method of deconstruction. Namely theology and deconstruction deconstruction Shari'ah.

In Islamology applied, the concept of totality and Islamic universalime removed. Rights and vanity torn down. There is no definite law. 'Syari'ahnya' is humanism. God's law is disqualified. Secular Humanism-appointed authority determining value.

The assumption, in the legal verses of the Koran contains a myth, as the Bible is rich with mythology. In addition, the laws of fiqh and tafsir assessed ideological and political bias.

Thus, the "postmodern" refused legal establishment. All the Islamic laws as oppressive minority interest and weak.

Suspicions over the majority and the men are other unique features.

The feeling comes from the epistemology of postmodern philosophy, deconstruction of the opposition binner. Opposition binner, originally applied structuralist linguistics, was rejected on the grounds to maintain the concept of totality and alignments to the majority or the party which is considered strong.

Thus if the applied epistemology aka misplaced misplaced. Linguistic post-struktrualis by philosophers initially applied in the field of literature and art.

Linguistic post-struktrualis was then applied by liberal scholars in religion. As a result, the phenomenon of religion as language. There is no connection with matters of non-empirical. Capricious, as well as spelling can be changed.

The concept is thought to cause the opposition binner thought potentially to master. Therefore, all should be dismantled (deconstructed) by them.
In matters of dress, for example, marriage law and other related matters, suspicion is always addressed to him.

If the male genitalia are more open why not open to women as men, so they called it. If a free man bounded out why women must be accompanied by a mahram.

These logics are in fact the logic of the postmodern. Where's outlook on life totally unrelated to God. God in the human mind in the language of John Hick is 'the real phenomenon', not absolute.

Muhammad Syahrour, Liberal thinkers Syrian Arab origin, is the bearer of the most industrious postmo flow deconstruct the concept of female genitalia. Even in theory at least limit (nadzariyyat hudud) says that the minimum limit of female genitalia which must be closed to the breast, underarm and rectal-qubul only.

Because theology was disqualified in fiqh, dumped in epistemology, the "postmodern" it falls to exclusivism.

Exclusivism that emerged from the journey creed postmodernism always a confrontational stand with faith and Islamic law. Appearance is highly suspicious of religious doctrine. This raises the suspicion of excessive radical reactions.

So, when the followers of 'schools' postmodern self-defense, they always act in a radical or a statement that religion nosedive. In the demo dressed politely refused an appeal be some time ago, activists of Women's Rights Defenders Association just shows skimpy clothes and some even lack redundant. Chanting blame men.

Ulil made a sound, he called the party that defends aurat diksebut Muslim conservatives. Similar comments Postmodern bearers, Mohammad Arkoun, who called the orthodox tradisionali for those who carry the universal truths and ordinances of Islamic law.

Since the establishment reject it, in fact there is no certainty that championed the bearers of postmodernism. Epistemology had only reached the level of syakk and speculative. If it's called liberals today, then surely they are no longer the adherents of modernism, but postmodernism.

Therefore, how could practice the religion of knowledge that is still at the level of uncertainty. However, the bearer of Postmodernism does not question the religious knowledge which is uncertain, the destruction of religion is not a problem for him, because his spirit is secular humanism.

Is reasonable if the defenders Ulil and miniskirts are not concerned about nakedness. For any minimal extent they are not social problems. Because it is already disqualify legal norms in their worldview. Therefore, the real social problems triggered by the 'schools' of this postmodern, because these are groups that really anti-establishment .*
Between "postmodern" and Aurat Women

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