Behind the Lapindo mud disaster, there was a blessing that can be taken. The reason, experts Physics Institute of Technology November (ITS) Surabaya, Prof. Dirmanto find new raw materials of cement makers.Dirmanto states, the former mud out of Lapindo Brantas Inc. drilling holes. It can be used as a raw material of cement (portland). Initially, Dirmanto interested in the cottage industry carried out by local people who take advantage of Jombang Ngoro Lapindo mud that had dried as a mixture of making paving block. Then, he made small-scale research assisted by students facilitated by the Center for Settlement of Engineering, Department of Public Works of East Java Province.
"From the research it was found if the paving blocks that use materials that have been dried mud Lapindo has better quality than usual paving block of lands," said Dirman, so he was usually called. Of course in the manufacture of paving blocks are still using cement. Lapindo mud while it is only used to replace the soil mixture that is usually used.In that study, Dirman experimented with mixing the Lapindo mud approximately 20-60 percent. From the experimental results that, she got the results, paving block with a 60 percent blend of Lapindo mud is the best result.
"The result is good. Compressive strength can even be two times stronger than regular block paving, "he said.Not satisfied with the experiment, Dirman Lapindo mud and then bring the samples to his laboratory at the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (Natural Sciences) ITS to determine the content of the Lapindo mudflow.
The result, says Dirman, Lapindo mud contained in a silica (SiO2) is quite good. Silica sand is one of the main component in the manufacture of cement. As is known, to make the necessary raw materials cement, lime, silica sand, and other additives to create cement.
From these findings, he then experimented with the raw materials to make cement Lapindo mud. Hasilnyapun quite satisfactory. From the results of mixing the cement-making materials were like chalk, silica sand and other additives, the result is commonly referred to as larnit shaped lumps. To be the size of nano or fine granules, to be heated.
"From the results of the experiment, larnit from Lapindo mud cement reaches 59 percent. While the cement (portland) commercial, larnitnya content by 61 percent. However, larnit from Lapindo mud is actually still be improved again by heated to 1,400 degrees. While the time of testing, we only heated to 120 degrees centigrade, "he said.
This research has been adopted by the University of Gastric Mangkurat, Banjarmasin. They adopted this research to take advantage of waste sand and the remnants of many diamond mines in South Kalimantan.
"Cement is made from raw sludge remaining mines the results are good enough to be applied in buildings. Because it can close the pores of the concrete is better than ordinary cement. This makes the iron corrosion of concrete is not easy, so suitable to be applied in peatlands as in Banjarmasin, "said Dirmanto.
Despite the scale of laboratory test results were satisfactory, the use of Lapindo mud as cement raw material that can not be exploited commercially. Because there must be a more serious follow-up research to exploit this Lapindo mud as raw material for cement.
"There should be further research to be used for industrial scale. Because treatmentnya will vary with the manufacture of ordinary cement. For example, before using this Lapindo mud must be washed from the chlorine (cl) because if not clean, even can lead to corrosion, "explained Dirman.
From the results of the study, at least can be an entry point to the Lapindo mudflow could be utilized rather than wasted.
"From the research it was found if the paving blocks that use materials that have been dried mud Lapindo has better quality than usual paving block of lands," said Dirman, so he was usually called. Of course in the manufacture of paving blocks are still using cement. Lapindo mud while it is only used to replace the soil mixture that is usually used.In that study, Dirman experimented with mixing the Lapindo mud approximately 20-60 percent. From the experimental results that, she got the results, paving block with a 60 percent blend of Lapindo mud is the best result.
"The result is good. Compressive strength can even be two times stronger than regular block paving, "he said.Not satisfied with the experiment, Dirman Lapindo mud and then bring the samples to his laboratory at the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (Natural Sciences) ITS to determine the content of the Lapindo mudflow.
The result, says Dirman, Lapindo mud contained in a silica (SiO2) is quite good. Silica sand is one of the main component in the manufacture of cement. As is known, to make the necessary raw materials cement, lime, silica sand, and other additives to create cement.
From these findings, he then experimented with the raw materials to make cement Lapindo mud. Hasilnyapun quite satisfactory. From the results of mixing the cement-making materials were like chalk, silica sand and other additives, the result is commonly referred to as larnit shaped lumps. To be the size of nano or fine granules, to be heated.
"From the results of the experiment, larnit from Lapindo mud cement reaches 59 percent. While the cement (portland) commercial, larnitnya content by 61 percent. However, larnit from Lapindo mud is actually still be improved again by heated to 1,400 degrees. While the time of testing, we only heated to 120 degrees centigrade, "he said.
This research has been adopted by the University of Gastric Mangkurat, Banjarmasin. They adopted this research to take advantage of waste sand and the remnants of many diamond mines in South Kalimantan.
"Cement is made from raw sludge remaining mines the results are good enough to be applied in buildings. Because it can close the pores of the concrete is better than ordinary cement. This makes the iron corrosion of concrete is not easy, so suitable to be applied in peatlands as in Banjarmasin, "said Dirmanto.
Despite the scale of laboratory test results were satisfactory, the use of Lapindo mud as cement raw material that can not be exploited commercially. Because there must be a more serious follow-up research to exploit this Lapindo mud as raw material for cement.
"There should be further research to be used for industrial scale. Because treatmentnya will vary with the manufacture of ordinary cement. For example, before using this Lapindo mud must be washed from the chlorine (cl) because if not clean, even can lead to corrosion, "explained Dirman.
From the results of the study, at least can be an entry point to the Lapindo mudflow could be utilized rather than wasted.
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