5 of 10 Kids Parents complain Like Angry

Parents are often time-consuming preoccupation with family togetherness. The result, the proximity of parents and children was no longer awake. Are you experienced?In modern times like now where the dynamics of living is so high not only affect the individual alone but also the family. Moreover, fatigue due to strenuous routine is enough. No wonder when the parents get home, their energy also decreased. In the end, fatigue was fruitful with keminiman communication with up to anger against the child's family.
This was compounded by the existence of gadgets such as laptops and mobile phones are increasingly time-consuming parents and children. The intensity that should wake up even more marginalized and not even terlalui altogether.
Vanda Ratana, Marketing Manager Savory Snack PT Kraft Foods Indonesia in a press conference to socialize "Eight Ways Secure the family is" the offering of Kraft Kejucake in Birdcage Parc Resto, Jalan Wijaya, Jakarta, Tuesday (26/07/2011) says, it's important for parents bagiorang always spend time together with family both physically and emotionally committed loving and respectful. As a solution together with family became a welcome activity for fun and can serve as a good medium to develop the child's positive behavior. For this reason, Kraft Kejucake gives tricks "Eight Ways Secure the family".
Controlling emotions
The survey results showed that approximately 5 of 10 children thought that their parents like mad. Avoid negative emotions like anger, upset and disappointed when something does not match your expectations also avoid interrupting and blame the child.
"If it is too tired and annoyed, avoid talking directly with your child. Instead, leave a while and just say hello to the kids when you just got home from work and just chatting when the mood is broken, "said Hanny Muchtar Darta as the Parenting Consultant.
Move along
The survey results show, one of 10 children feel close to her father and three of 10 children feel close to mother. Try to spend some time each day at least 15 minutes with the family, for example by making breakfast, dinner or worship together.
"Do any activities with the family. The most important thing is the togetherness factor, "continued Hanny.
Set the rules
Make it a rule when a family is together, phone and computer must be turned off and communication is done directly. This is part of the developing discipline of behavior.
"Parents should set an example prior to the time set aside for a moment gadgets along with their children so as not mutually defensive (claiming one reason or another)," he said.
Eye contact
While I was listening to give a loving gaze and attention. So that children feel cared for and listened to. By doing good eye contact, watching the facial expressions and body language, we can understand the feelings of our children.
The survey showed, only 2 of 10 parents to share stories with children. Though this activity is very important to build emotional closeness with children. Begin by telling your feelings about what happened on that day. Afterwards, the children's turn to talk. If children do not want to, avoid to impose and compare it with his brother or sister.
Listen and repeat
Listen to children with attention and repeat his statement as evidence that you have to listen carefully and you understand her feelings. For instance, "So Randy is upset because your friend said earlier in the school weird haircut?"
The survey showed about 8 out of 10 parents improve children's negative emotions. Avoid to improve the child's feelings. Should things you should do is validate the child's feelings, for example, "Mother of Randy and understand the feelings you think what you should or mother do to make you more comfortable?"
Positive Messages
Use the time together convey positive values ​​to develop positive behavior, build good habits, such as a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

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