Lessons From A Monkey

Lessons From A Monkey - A junior hunter has difficulty to capture the long-tailed monkeys alive. While in the woods that so many long-tailed monkey group, the junior still clueless. Because the monkeys were so nimble and deft. A senior hunter junior hunter was eventually approached to give a special trick. "Actually, it kind of monkeys caught alive is very easy," he said breaking the junior confusion. The senior hunters took a jar like a bottle. The difference, neck jar slightly larger and longer than the neck of the bottle.

"For what this weird jar?" Said the junior hunter is still in a confused state.

"You just put a peanut into the jar, and bury the jar in the ground," said the senior hunter while providing the jar containing the bean was to the junior.

After the jars are buried, they were peeking from a distance. Sure enough, soon the monkeys seemed to tiptoe sniffing existing beans in jars. After his entry into the jar, the monkeys were screaming. The monkey was in a trap hunter.

Found that, the junior utterly bewildered by the workings of the monkey trap. "Why, why monkeys can not let go of his hand, whereas before he could put his hand into the jar?" Said the junior.

"That's the nature of the monkey, brother. He could not remove his hand from the jar, because the monkey did not want to lose a nut that is in his grasp, "explained the senior hunter.

If we want to reflect the attitude and behavior of the natural world around us, so many lessons to be drawn.

Probably, not a few of us who lose rationality in order to keep grasping something that is actually small. Also, not a few of us are hard to find the extent of common sense because it locked in kerdilnya hatred and revenge. Lessons From A Monkey 

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