Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems consisting of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and land / coastal ecosystems. Bunaken is an island covering an area of 8.08 km ² in Manado Bay, located on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. This island is part of the city of Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken island can be traveled by speed boat (speed boat) or a rented boat with about 30 minute trip from the port city of Manado.
Bunaken National Park has marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Island Mantehage follows several children of the island, and island Naen. Although it covers an area of 75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.
Plant species in the mangrove Rhizophora Bunaken National Park is sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as gulls, herons, sea virgin, and cangak sea.
This type of algae found in this park include the type of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Seagrass dominated mainly on the island Montehage, and Nain island Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum.
Recorded 13 genera of corals living in waters of Bunaken National Park, dominated by fringing reefs and coral reef barrier. The most interesting is the vertical cliffs as far as 25-50 meters.
How to reach the location:Bunaken National Park can be reached via the port of Manado, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) in the District of Molas and Marina Blue Banter. From Port Manado using motor boats to the island can be reached Siladen + 20 minutes + 30 minutes Bunaken island, island Montehage + 50 minutes and +60 minutes Nain island. From Blue Banter Marina with a yacht that is available to the tourist area on the island of Bunaken are within 10-15 minutes, while from the port of NDC to the dive sites at Bunaken island by speed boat to within + 20 minutes.
Bunaken National Park has marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Island Mantehage follows several children of the island, and island Naen. Although it covers an area of 75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.
Plant species in the mangrove Rhizophora Bunaken National Park is sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as gulls, herons, sea virgin, and cangak sea.
This type of algae found in this park include the type of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Seagrass dominated mainly on the island Montehage, and Nain island Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum.
Recorded 13 genera of corals living in waters of Bunaken National Park, dominated by fringing reefs and coral reef barrier. The most interesting is the vertical cliffs as far as 25-50 meters.
How to reach the location:Bunaken National Park can be reached via the port of Manado, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) in the District of Molas and Marina Blue Banter. From Port Manado using motor boats to the island can be reached Siladen + 20 minutes + 30 minutes Bunaken island, island Montehage + 50 minutes and +60 minutes Nain island. From Blue Banter Marina with a yacht that is available to the tourist area on the island of Bunaken are within 10-15 minutes, while from the port of NDC to the dive sites at Bunaken island by speed boat to within + 20 minutes.
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