Magazine Islamia, the Islamic fortify from Liberal Group

A magazine quarterly named Islamia has launched its inaugural publication on March 6, 2004 in Jakarta Hotel Sofyan Cikini. Magazine format and appearance remind magazine Ulumul Qur'an, only fully featured counter the secularism Islamia Islamic Liberalism is often promoted "late" Ulumul Qur `an. Although the Ulumul Qur'an  magazine, long dead, but the secular thought that has always promoted scientific journal claiming that it thrives. Just look at the bells and whistles appearance-Islamic group that spearheaded the Liberal Ulil Abshar Abdalla. Note also the followers of Nurcholis Madjid through various means of media continually eroded under the pretext of Islamic fundamental renewal, liberal, and the like. Their group continues rampant. Fiqh book published last Paramadina Interfaith is of course very horrendous. Not to mention the commotion diidap Hermeneutics now also by a number of figures such as Muhammadiyah Amin Abdullah and Abdul Munir Mulkhan.

Increasing number of figures successor Nurcholish Madjid, who was born with a variety of media which are owned at this time, apparently very disturbed conscience of a number of students Ph.D candidate at the International Institute of Islamic Though and Civilization (ISTAC, IIUM) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, particularly from Indonesia, as Adian Husaini, Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi (son of the founder of Pondok Modern Gontor, Alm. Zarkasyi KH), Adnin Armas, as well as several professors there like Dr. Ugi Suharto (from Indonesia) and Prof Dr Wan Mohamad. David Nor wan, an alumnus of Chicago University American one armed with Syafii Maarif and Amien Rais.

Starting from the concerns of some students at ISTAC, IIUM Kuala Lumpur, then they raise an attempt to head off the misguided thinking Secular-Liberal group. Late February to early March 2004 a number of names of ISTAC, IIUM was in Indonesia to become resource persons at various seminars, including the National Seminar held at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Muhammadiyah. Their presence among the elderly is expected to explain his seat Muhammadiyah case that in fact a matter of Islamic Liberalism forwarding style Nurcholis Madjid's renewal of Islam that is now pervasive and endemic among intellectuals Muhammadiyah.

Inevitable debate takes place in a seminar a few days. A number of central figures of the pro Muhammadiyah Islamic Liberalism as Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yunan appear sober. While the ISTAC, IIUM, as Adian Husaini, etc. prepared with scientific papers and ready to be tested in the forum. As a result, Yunan Joseph overwhelmed and often sued floor. However-like style ala Nurcholish Madjid other reformers-they are adamant in his stance that it was untenable.

Attitudes like this, Adian Husaini said in a release of the Quarterly magazine Islamia, is the typical style of children's Liberals. Adian gives an illustration of two men in the desert debating whether objects are visible in the distance is black. Friends of the Prophet declare it is Crow, but the other states as a goat. Both were then approached the object. When the closer the object, suddenly flew into the air which proving the object of a bird. But the hypocrisy is still stating that the object was clearly visible even though he goat flying into space.

In an interview with the Tabligh, Adian states Nurcholish Madjid true inconsistency continues to appear, but never used as evidence of mistakes made Nurcholis by audiences and the public who had already raised Nurcholis as "Scientists Founding Fathers" and so on. Adian then called marriage Nurcholis daughter named Nadia in Washington in late September 2001 with the Jewish youth. Supposedly, said Adian, if Nurcholish consistent with his thought; All religions are equal, surely he need not rush to make an explanation that the son had converted to Islam. This statement is even fatal, because Nurcholish was a big lie.

Syamsi According to Ali, a teacher of the Koran in New York who is on leave returned to Indonesia in March 2004 and then, Nadia itself even criticize his father as having lied to the public. Because according to Ali, who was interviewed Syamsi Radio Dakta Bekasi, Nadia himself admitted that he was never converted to Islam to this day. This is where the inconsistencies Nurcholish Madjid. That his daughter should have applied instead the fruit of thought and renewal summit to implement. Why should worry?

However, Adian Husaini still assume cs Renewal group together various types of descendants of the Liberal Islam to the Hermeneutics lovers hit the Tafsir Quran, it must be dealt with adequately by science that they outperform. Within that framework by Adian, published a scientific magazine that constantly mengkupas thought and Islamic civilization that is named Islamia. Journals that are very similar to "late" this Qur'an Ulumul raised a number of personnel of the ISTAC, IIUM, like Hamid Zarkasyi as Editor in Chief, and Adnin Armas as deputy editor in chief. Adian Husaini own while sitting as a member of the editorial board. Publisher Islamia, is a collaboration between INSISTS (Institute for the Study of Islamic and Civilization) by Publisher Khairul Bayan Jakarta, which is known for publishing tabloid Fikri.

Islamia prime numbers, which was launched 1 Muharram 1425 H, peel-out problem Hermeneutics misleading Muslims, but now "loved" Islamic scientists Indonesia. Among the titles in the lift, Introduction to Beyond Hermeneutics, Critical Hermeneutics, Critical Studies Hermeneutics Habermas, Tafsir al-Qur `an or the Hermeneutics of Al-Qur` an, Is the Qur `an Requires Hermeneutics?.

In addition, there are also articles titled "Islamic Law: Between Nash and Maqasid provisions of the Shari'a, Interview Dr. Anis Malik Toha, Religious Pluralism As New Religion, and a number of other scientific rubric.

Islamia, no doubt will be heavily opposed to the Liberal group. But are they able to respond adequately Islamia, given the weight of the science they contain? Maybe they still insist that the dark matter that it was goat, although she clearly had flown into space. (

Publishers of this book is Khairul Bayan and can be found at the Islamic Book Fair March 4 to 12, 2006, Senayan Jakarta. Khairul Bayan stand is located right near the main stage. In Islamic Book Fair, the magazine release Khairul Bayan Islamia from 2004 to 2005 edition with a very cheap price from the original price of Rp 12,500 to Rp 5000 per magazine. What are you waiting, prepare yourself for the ghazwul fikr (war of ideas).

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