In order for Fresh As Wake Up in the Morning

Most people find it difficult to get out of bed in a fresh condition when the alarm sounds. Even so there are some things you can do so fresh and spirit when I wake up in the morning. Condition of a person when I wake up in the morning depends on several factors that can actually be modified or changed, therefore small changes can make a difference. Waking up in a fresh condition for both health and make the body more prepared to deal with daily activities.

Here are some things to do in order to be fresh and energetic when I wake up in the morning, as quoted from Lifemojo, Thursday (08/18/2011), namely:

1. Create a sleep environment that is refreshing, poor air quality or ambient temperatures are not consistently able to cause headaches, nasal congestion and allow for carbon dioxide gas. Also do not forget to give a comfortable mattress and pillows to use.

2. Go to the toilet before bed, the kidneys will continue to work when someone is sleeping so the bladder will feel full when the morning that makes a person wake up to go to the bathroom. If he does not go to the toilet before bed, then there is likely to be awakened at night to go to the bathroom.

3. Try to breathe deeply and clear the mind before sleeping, breathing techniques and simple meditation for a few minutes before bed will make a person more soundly, so wake up refreshed in the morning.

4. Install an alarm a short distance away from the bed, the alarm should not be put right next to the bed but a bit away from what makes a person must get up and walk to turn it off. If someone is holding the alarm she could not sleep due entirely to anticipate the next alarm, this condition makes it feel more tired than if he just got up when the alarm first sounded.

5. Wake up with a smile, began the day with a smile will give an additional passion for live events and the incoming sunlight will make a person more awake which is the body's natural response of the light.

6. Drinking a glass of water when you wake up, the body loses fluid during sleep so that people will feel tired when you wake up. Consuming a glass of white IAR on an empty stomach will raise your metabolism and makes the body more alert and awake.

7. Stretch so that the fresh air entering into the body, this condition will release endorphins that make the body feel better and refreshed.

8. Get up at the same time every day, especially on weekends so that the body has the same biological clock, if during the weekend hours of awakening changed the body's biological clock must be set back so that would make it difficult to get out of bed.

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