Many of us often wonder why Americans seem to change his opinion about politics so quickly. For example: President Barack Obama came to power in January 2009 with 82 percent approval rating. One week later its ranking dropped to 68 percent.During that week he delivered a speech, which reaffirmed his campaign promises, signed an agreement to close Guantanamo within a year, and introduces economic stimulus plan.When it feels like Obama is taking appropriate steps in the same direction that he has vowed to do that in the months before the election, but then his support ratings drop 14 percent.
Please note, Obama is not the only politician who received such treatment from the American people.In Wisconsin, people who vote Republican for the office of the state legislature and governor's office, ask the candidate they remember when they implement policies that it says.
It is true, of course, that politicians tend to change their attitudes and opinions. It is true that they are campaigning to win the public but once elected, their stance will always be influenced by interest groups. But sometimes, people also changed his mind, and why is it happening?A film "The Other Guys" provide some statics about the American economy, which could be one answer to why the American people can change their opinions and expectations of his government.
Moviefone highlights some of the quotes characters in the movie:
- That the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) which is the cost of bailout everyone in America enough to travel around the world.
- That after the bailout, approximately U.S. $ 1.2 billion as tax payers expense is used to pay a bonus of 73 executives of AIG, while Goldman Sachs gets tax break originally 34 percent to 1 percent.
- That the average CEO earned about eight times the average salary of employees of another century, but now earn more than 300 times the average American worker today.
- Retirement benefit, has lost nearly half its value over the last five years
- That the New York police to obtain a maximum pension of about $ 48,000, while the average CEO retirement reap about $ 83,600,000. Number of very jomplang of course!
Perhaps many are asking whether the film was accurate. But the film says that figure is based on official reports, while some unofficial reports describing conditions even more bleak than that described this film.
In this case, is actually very interesting that there are still people who do not know the causes and consequences of the Great Recession in 2007. Anyone, even though brief, will know a bit about the Bush administration and the Obama administration's bailout package and how they spend it on big corporate interests.
Some American students aged 20 years who lives in Pleasanton, Calif., and San Francisco offered a few questions, just to get a general sense of how many generations of American know-or care-to the economy of their country.
Question: What do you know about the U.S. debt?
Answer: I know that our nation a lot of debt.
Question: Do you know what will happen on August 2, if the money was not raised?
Answer: Not too know.
Question: Did you ever hear about the possibility of U.S. debt if Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a plan to raise the ceiling?
Answer: I heard it a few months ago.
Question: Did you know that if they fail to agree on a plan this time the Federal Government will face closure similar to what happened in Minnesota?
Answer: Oh, I've heard about the closure in Minnesota. I heard some activists send their pizza.
From the above discourse, the younger generation looks a bit if the U.S. does not seem so concerned with economic matters that affect almost every aspect of life of their country. When asked several questions about the American electoral system, the students answered correctly. When asked who he would choose in the next election, he replied, "Well, usually about one or two months before the election everyone starts talking about the candidates."
He further explained that such practices are common among his friends, who will spread the story of dri-mouth about the agenda and policies of each candidate.
It's the same with the study of Newsweek, where the magazine recently gave 1,000 U.S. Citizenship test and found that their knowledge of history and run their own country are less serious. The survey found that "70 percent of Americans do not know what the Constitution," the Daily Mail reported.
During a press conference July 11, President Obama asked that 69 percent of Americans, according to a CBS poll, which opposes raising the state debt limit and is not represented at the conference about why the increase in U.S. debt.
"Well, let me distinguish between professional politicians and the public at large. People do not pay attention closely the intricacies of how the Finance (State) goes so far. And they really should not. They're worried about their families; They worry about their jobs; They worry about their environment; They have a lot of other things in their lives; And we are paid are paid to think about it, "Obama said.
In other words, the president of the United States seems to encourage people to avoid "excessive interest" to politics and let the politicians do the job.
But how could then the American people could elect a presidential candidate if they should not consider them a major problem?
The American public was never given informed enough about politics and major decisions that affect and the U.S. government wanted to keep it that way for the benefit of politicians, corporations and lobby groups.
Please note, Obama is not the only politician who received such treatment from the American people.In Wisconsin, people who vote Republican for the office of the state legislature and governor's office, ask the candidate they remember when they implement policies that it says.
It is true, of course, that politicians tend to change their attitudes and opinions. It is true that they are campaigning to win the public but once elected, their stance will always be influenced by interest groups. But sometimes, people also changed his mind, and why is it happening?A film "The Other Guys" provide some statics about the American economy, which could be one answer to why the American people can change their opinions and expectations of his government.
Moviefone highlights some of the quotes characters in the movie:
- That the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) which is the cost of bailout everyone in America enough to travel around the world.
- That after the bailout, approximately U.S. $ 1.2 billion as tax payers expense is used to pay a bonus of 73 executives of AIG, while Goldman Sachs gets tax break originally 34 percent to 1 percent.
- That the average CEO earned about eight times the average salary of employees of another century, but now earn more than 300 times the average American worker today.
- Retirement benefit, has lost nearly half its value over the last five years
- That the New York police to obtain a maximum pension of about $ 48,000, while the average CEO retirement reap about $ 83,600,000. Number of very jomplang of course!
Perhaps many are asking whether the film was accurate. But the film says that figure is based on official reports, while some unofficial reports describing conditions even more bleak than that described this film.
In this case, is actually very interesting that there are still people who do not know the causes and consequences of the Great Recession in 2007. Anyone, even though brief, will know a bit about the Bush administration and the Obama administration's bailout package and how they spend it on big corporate interests.
Some American students aged 20 years who lives in Pleasanton, Calif., and San Francisco offered a few questions, just to get a general sense of how many generations of American know-or care-to the economy of their country.
Question: What do you know about the U.S. debt?
Answer: I know that our nation a lot of debt.
Question: Do you know what will happen on August 2, if the money was not raised?
Answer: Not too know.
Question: Did you ever hear about the possibility of U.S. debt if Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a plan to raise the ceiling?
Answer: I heard it a few months ago.
Question: Did you know that if they fail to agree on a plan this time the Federal Government will face closure similar to what happened in Minnesota?
Answer: Oh, I've heard about the closure in Minnesota. I heard some activists send their pizza.
From the above discourse, the younger generation looks a bit if the U.S. does not seem so concerned with economic matters that affect almost every aspect of life of their country. When asked several questions about the American electoral system, the students answered correctly. When asked who he would choose in the next election, he replied, "Well, usually about one or two months before the election everyone starts talking about the candidates."
He further explained that such practices are common among his friends, who will spread the story of dri-mouth about the agenda and policies of each candidate.
It's the same with the study of Newsweek, where the magazine recently gave 1,000 U.S. Citizenship test and found that their knowledge of history and run their own country are less serious. The survey found that "70 percent of Americans do not know what the Constitution," the Daily Mail reported.
During a press conference July 11, President Obama asked that 69 percent of Americans, according to a CBS poll, which opposes raising the state debt limit and is not represented at the conference about why the increase in U.S. debt.
"Well, let me distinguish between professional politicians and the public at large. People do not pay attention closely the intricacies of how the Finance (State) goes so far. And they really should not. They're worried about their families; They worry about their jobs; They worry about their environment; They have a lot of other things in their lives; And we are paid are paid to think about it, "Obama said.
In other words, the president of the United States seems to encourage people to avoid "excessive interest" to politics and let the politicians do the job.
But how could then the American people could elect a presidential candidate if they should not consider them a major problem?
The American public was never given informed enough about politics and major decisions that affect and the U.S. government wanted to keep it that way for the benefit of politicians, corporations and lobby groups.
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