Soon, people's revolution in a number of Arab countries that started from Tunisia, at the northern tip of Benoa Africa entered the eighth moon which also coincides with the holy month of Ramadan. Nevertheless, the stronghold of change of young people still do not seem to have projections and signposts are clear so that is like a ship without a compass pointing the direction of sailing.
Urging changes that led the young leaders demanding the implementation perinsip essence of freedom, social justice and the restoration of self-esteem. But so far, which appears on the surface accompanied by some kind of hope alone without a political plan that can turn that hope into reality, or in other words, the revolution that is still half-baked.
One Egyptian scholar and author at the University of Durham, England, Khalil El-Anani said that the leaders of the revolution is more focus on secondary issues such as their respective roles in the formation of post-regime political system. `` They do not have a primary focus the problem that is projected revival of the order of the changes should as a main target of the revolution, `` he explained in an article in the daily al-Watan on Wednesday (07/20/2011).
Could be one reason for the lack of draft revival in question is weak and vulnerable divisions among the figures marked a change because it is still a strong rivalry between the Islamist stronghold on the one hand with the liberal camp and the secular on the other. After the fall of autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt for instance, is re-emerging competition and more widespread, and they re-engage in polemics cliche.
More menyediahkan again, back to the opinion of El-Anani, there are a handful of revolutionary figures who want to take Arabic and Islamic culture that is considered the cause of decline and stagnation (stagnation) and turned their faces to the West is considered a symbol of freedom and democracy. `` They do not understand that the West did not want progress in the Arab world with a lot of reasons, either for political reasons, strategic and psychological and cultural reasons, `` he explained.
Not to mention if you see the position of the people associated with the changing demands of today that is at least divided into three parts. The first is the fear of change for fear of worse condition after the change of the status quo, while the second is a thirst for change and the third is passive because it is still waiting for the results that can be felt from such changes.
The division of people's position is logical, given the situation in several Arab countries that have been successful either depose the regime and those still struggling melengserkannya still has not shown the expected changes. The situation in Egypt for example, like it was yesterday Hosni Mubarak's ouster from power chair because it still takes a long time to achieve the desired target people's revolution.
"With us still see the protesters in Cairo's Tahrir field it can be concluded that the revolution is still unfinished and still having trouble finding the path until the goal is reached. The situation in Tunisia is also not much different because people still mencar-looking final settlement is still not visible, `` comments a number of Arab observers of the changing demands that it immediately entered the eighth month.
"The situation in Libya is very different from other Arab countries because the military solution is difficult to determine who wins losing has become an option. While in Syria has its own peculiarities because as one of the deciding state in the region who still need a caliber leader Bashar Assad. While in Yemen, still difficult to understand what exactly is going on inside, `` comments Zahir Majid, an Arab analyst.
In essence, entered the eighth month of the age of revolution in a number of Arab countries, the situation remains uncertain and signposts the direction of the desired changes are also not yet apparent. Many people are still difficult to predict in which direction the change will end because the Muslim nations in the region will certainly resist if the changes are limited to regime change.
Recognition of independence
In conditions such as those described above, the Palestinian authority to do an intensive effort recognized the independence of members of the UN in September after negotiations with the Zionist state of Israel could not reach an agreement on Palestinian independence. As is often alluded to earlier that among the signs of the success of the change in the Arab world is the Palestinian issue back into the central issue which is fought in earnest.
But in the Arab world conditions today, the Palestinian struggle to gain international recognition ensured only limited recognition in the paper since before the Oslo Accords of 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in fact has been recognized more than 100 countries. But the reality on the ground, the country remains under occupation Zionist annexation even more widespread, including the city of Al-Quds.
In his speech, the Palestinian Forum Ambassadors second Saturday (23/07/2011), in Istanbul, Turkey which was also attended by Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that it was forced to seek recognition through the UN for Israel continue to expand the annexation and refuse negotiations according to the borders before the war June 4, 1967.
At the same time, Abbas acknowledged that these efforts do not necessarily rule out the continuation of negotiations with the Israeli annexation because the expansion is a major problem as a constraint failure of any negotiation. Abbas's visit to Turkey is one part of the quest for international support plan related to the Palestinian declaration of independence at the UN in September.
Abbas related businesses, many observers are worried that later gained international recognition is limited to the Palestinian territories today, less than 26%. While the rest controlled by the Israeli occupation that Israel could have been understood implicitly that in recognition of his mastery 74% of the Palestinian territories so that the Zionist state was increasingly keukeuh later to expand the annexation, including control of the entire city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
"Confusing will we achieve victory or defeat in efforts to reach the recognition of independence of the total 130 votes of 193 UN member votes. Worried only be achieved recognition for 26% of Palestinian land, not to mention the right of return of refugees will be forgotten just like that, `` said Aqla Arsan Ali, an Arab analyst.
And when referring to the UN resolution number 181 of 1947 stated that the former British colony of Palestine was decided upon an area of 54% for the Zionist Israel and about 46% for the Palestinians. With the defeat in the 1967 war and the expansion of large-scale annexations, especially after the 1993 Oslo agreement, the rest of the Palestinian-controlled areas only 26%.
Negotiations have not produced any progress since the Jewish state's desire for peace that is both simultaneously (ie security) and control areas. Barter with the principle of land for peace (land for peace) that discourse since the 1991 Madrid talks was rebuffed by the Zionist leaders to this day.
If the limited recognition on paper, appears not to be too difficult for the Palestinian Authority to get it, but the recognition that sovereignty in accordance fruitful territory before the 1967 war, without the unity of the Palestinian internal attitude and direct involvement of the Islamic world, especially Arab countries to memeprjuangkannya, seems still very difficult achieved.
Abbas himself in another part of his speech in Istanbul confirmed the importance of achieving a permanent reconciliation and unity of the whole attitude of the Palestinian factions before the United Nations. Although it has reached an agreement of reconciliation between the two major factions (Fatah-Hamas) in Cairo in late April, but still many fundamental differences that cause difficulty permanent agreement is reached within the Palestinian body.
Pasalanya still many obstacles and hurricanes are still a good prop that appears on the surface and hidden from the public. Basic problems encountered in the body of the Palestinian viewpoint is not simply the difference between internal Palestinian factions, but still the existence of two mutually contradictory political agendas that have yet to find a middle way.
The first agenda that carried the authority is on target recognition of Palestinian independence through negotiations is unclear when it will be achieved despite the more than 20 years of negotiations took place. While the agenda of the two that carried the resistance factions, is the belief in the use of armed struggle as a way to achieve a full and comprehensive sovereignty.
The proof after the reconciliation agreement reached, the authorities still insist that the era of armed resistance is outdated and there is no other way except through negotiations to achieve independence. This attitude was evidenced in the field while maintaining a security agreement with the Zionist occupiers and arrests against opposition activists.
On the other hand the resistance factions insisted that the armed struggle option is not ruled out although negotiations continue. Or in other words, the option of armed struggle with political negotiations complementary option to improve the bargaining position of the Palestinian negotiations.
Indeed, many parties in Palestine and the Arab world to recognize that reconciliation is the red line to the Palestinian Zionists and the U.S. and eventually sacrificing principle in order to satisfy the Zionist-US coalition. Although the agenda of the factions struggle for Israel's logical but absolutely supported the U.S. can still push it hard to accept as the basis for the struggle for Palestinian independence.
In order for the agenda of the factions that struggle could be the basis for the struggle for independence, of course, need the support most of the Arab world is currently preoccupied with internal affairs of each due to the changing demands. Therefore, the phrase seems appropriate given the Arab writer, Abu Nawaf Heija on Thursday (07/21/2011), that ship sailed Palestinian reconciliation is still waiting for further notice .* / Sanaa, 21 Sya `ban 1432 H
Urging changes that led the young leaders demanding the implementation perinsip essence of freedom, social justice and the restoration of self-esteem. But so far, which appears on the surface accompanied by some kind of hope alone without a political plan that can turn that hope into reality, or in other words, the revolution that is still half-baked.
One Egyptian scholar and author at the University of Durham, England, Khalil El-Anani said that the leaders of the revolution is more focus on secondary issues such as their respective roles in the formation of post-regime political system. `` They do not have a primary focus the problem that is projected revival of the order of the changes should as a main target of the revolution, `` he explained in an article in the daily al-Watan on Wednesday (07/20/2011).
Could be one reason for the lack of draft revival in question is weak and vulnerable divisions among the figures marked a change because it is still a strong rivalry between the Islamist stronghold on the one hand with the liberal camp and the secular on the other. After the fall of autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt for instance, is re-emerging competition and more widespread, and they re-engage in polemics cliche.
More menyediahkan again, back to the opinion of El-Anani, there are a handful of revolutionary figures who want to take Arabic and Islamic culture that is considered the cause of decline and stagnation (stagnation) and turned their faces to the West is considered a symbol of freedom and democracy. `` They do not understand that the West did not want progress in the Arab world with a lot of reasons, either for political reasons, strategic and psychological and cultural reasons, `` he explained.
Not to mention if you see the position of the people associated with the changing demands of today that is at least divided into three parts. The first is the fear of change for fear of worse condition after the change of the status quo, while the second is a thirst for change and the third is passive because it is still waiting for the results that can be felt from such changes.
The division of people's position is logical, given the situation in several Arab countries that have been successful either depose the regime and those still struggling melengserkannya still has not shown the expected changes. The situation in Egypt for example, like it was yesterday Hosni Mubarak's ouster from power chair because it still takes a long time to achieve the desired target people's revolution.
"With us still see the protesters in Cairo's Tahrir field it can be concluded that the revolution is still unfinished and still having trouble finding the path until the goal is reached. The situation in Tunisia is also not much different because people still mencar-looking final settlement is still not visible, `` comments a number of Arab observers of the changing demands that it immediately entered the eighth month.
"The situation in Libya is very different from other Arab countries because the military solution is difficult to determine who wins losing has become an option. While in Syria has its own peculiarities because as one of the deciding state in the region who still need a caliber leader Bashar Assad. While in Yemen, still difficult to understand what exactly is going on inside, `` comments Zahir Majid, an Arab analyst.
In essence, entered the eighth month of the age of revolution in a number of Arab countries, the situation remains uncertain and signposts the direction of the desired changes are also not yet apparent. Many people are still difficult to predict in which direction the change will end because the Muslim nations in the region will certainly resist if the changes are limited to regime change.
Recognition of independence
In conditions such as those described above, the Palestinian authority to do an intensive effort recognized the independence of members of the UN in September after negotiations with the Zionist state of Israel could not reach an agreement on Palestinian independence. As is often alluded to earlier that among the signs of the success of the change in the Arab world is the Palestinian issue back into the central issue which is fought in earnest.
But in the Arab world conditions today, the Palestinian struggle to gain international recognition ensured only limited recognition in the paper since before the Oslo Accords of 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in fact has been recognized more than 100 countries. But the reality on the ground, the country remains under occupation Zionist annexation even more widespread, including the city of Al-Quds.
In his speech, the Palestinian Forum Ambassadors second Saturday (23/07/2011), in Istanbul, Turkey which was also attended by Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that it was forced to seek recognition through the UN for Israel continue to expand the annexation and refuse negotiations according to the borders before the war June 4, 1967.
At the same time, Abbas acknowledged that these efforts do not necessarily rule out the continuation of negotiations with the Israeli annexation because the expansion is a major problem as a constraint failure of any negotiation. Abbas's visit to Turkey is one part of the quest for international support plan related to the Palestinian declaration of independence at the UN in September.
Abbas related businesses, many observers are worried that later gained international recognition is limited to the Palestinian territories today, less than 26%. While the rest controlled by the Israeli occupation that Israel could have been understood implicitly that in recognition of his mastery 74% of the Palestinian territories so that the Zionist state was increasingly keukeuh later to expand the annexation, including control of the entire city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
"Confusing will we achieve victory or defeat in efforts to reach the recognition of independence of the total 130 votes of 193 UN member votes. Worried only be achieved recognition for 26% of Palestinian land, not to mention the right of return of refugees will be forgotten just like that, `` said Aqla Arsan Ali, an Arab analyst.
And when referring to the UN resolution number 181 of 1947 stated that the former British colony of Palestine was decided upon an area of 54% for the Zionist Israel and about 46% for the Palestinians. With the defeat in the 1967 war and the expansion of large-scale annexations, especially after the 1993 Oslo agreement, the rest of the Palestinian-controlled areas only 26%.
Negotiations have not produced any progress since the Jewish state's desire for peace that is both simultaneously (ie security) and control areas. Barter with the principle of land for peace (land for peace) that discourse since the 1991 Madrid talks was rebuffed by the Zionist leaders to this day.
If the limited recognition on paper, appears not to be too difficult for the Palestinian Authority to get it, but the recognition that sovereignty in accordance fruitful territory before the 1967 war, without the unity of the Palestinian internal attitude and direct involvement of the Islamic world, especially Arab countries to memeprjuangkannya, seems still very difficult achieved.
Abbas himself in another part of his speech in Istanbul confirmed the importance of achieving a permanent reconciliation and unity of the whole attitude of the Palestinian factions before the United Nations. Although it has reached an agreement of reconciliation between the two major factions (Fatah-Hamas) in Cairo in late April, but still many fundamental differences that cause difficulty permanent agreement is reached within the Palestinian body.
Pasalanya still many obstacles and hurricanes are still a good prop that appears on the surface and hidden from the public. Basic problems encountered in the body of the Palestinian viewpoint is not simply the difference between internal Palestinian factions, but still the existence of two mutually contradictory political agendas that have yet to find a middle way.
The first agenda that carried the authority is on target recognition of Palestinian independence through negotiations is unclear when it will be achieved despite the more than 20 years of negotiations took place. While the agenda of the two that carried the resistance factions, is the belief in the use of armed struggle as a way to achieve a full and comprehensive sovereignty.
The proof after the reconciliation agreement reached, the authorities still insist that the era of armed resistance is outdated and there is no other way except through negotiations to achieve independence. This attitude was evidenced in the field while maintaining a security agreement with the Zionist occupiers and arrests against opposition activists.
On the other hand the resistance factions insisted that the armed struggle option is not ruled out although negotiations continue. Or in other words, the option of armed struggle with political negotiations complementary option to improve the bargaining position of the Palestinian negotiations.
Indeed, many parties in Palestine and the Arab world to recognize that reconciliation is the red line to the Palestinian Zionists and the U.S. and eventually sacrificing principle in order to satisfy the Zionist-US coalition. Although the agenda of the factions struggle for Israel's logical but absolutely supported the U.S. can still push it hard to accept as the basis for the struggle for Palestinian independence.
In order for the agenda of the factions that struggle could be the basis for the struggle for independence, of course, need the support most of the Arab world is currently preoccupied with internal affairs of each due to the changing demands. Therefore, the phrase seems appropriate given the Arab writer, Abu Nawaf Heija on Thursday (07/21/2011), that ship sailed Palestinian reconciliation is still waiting for further notice .* / Sanaa, 21 Sya `ban 1432 H
Oleh: Musthafa Luthfi
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