Islamic Worldview: Time to Islamisation!

In Indonesia, which popularized the term "Islamic Worldview" is none other than ust. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. His name is quite known as a scholar INSISTS very active in the war of ideas against the ideologies of anti-Islamic. Together Adian Husaini, Adnin Armas, and Henri Saladin, he is often become a scourge for the propaganda of the secularists-liberalist.


Without having to bother with the official definition (I personally prefer the description of 'flexible' and easy to understand), the Islamic Worldview is the worldview of Islam to the world. Whose name is of course limited to the dimensions of the world we live in today and as far as we can explore.


Pornography, for example, is an object that can be understood by anyone, although not recognized by everyone (not least because humans have the nature of a liar). Though wrapped in traditional rituals, art show, or given a justification as a form of freedom of expression and creativity, but all healthy human minds can understand the meaning of pornography is clearly, as he relates to the feelings that are contained within human nature. As humans do not need to be taught too detailed about the insult (because all humans can feel insulted), harassment, torture, and quarrels, humans can directly recognize the pornography of the feelings that arise in him.


However, human perception of pornography appeared in diverse forms. According to the teachings of Islam, something bad, useless and banned religion should be shunned, avoided, even closed the doors to enter it. Never open the door and entered it, was not allowed to approach him. Because pornography can be easily shared meaning and we understand due to poor, then he should be kept away from society.


On the other hand, secularists, liberals have a methodology of thinking is completely different. If pornography produces an excess of sexual desire, then there is no harm in the adult entertainment channel. If channeled in a lawful place (eg with the husband and wife own) then there is no problem. But that was distributed to other than legitimate origin consensual. If later pregnancy, sex is wrong is not free, but a safety device that is not used, or calendars that are not addressed. In case of rape, then it is wrong is the act of rape, without anything to do with pornography. Although the rapists cursed like a man who had raped women universal, but the country-style liberal courts only rewarded him a prison sentence is pleased so many years alone. For the sake of human rights, he said. For the sake of all human rights, pornography should be allowed, because its essence is open the nakedness of each and not accompanied by the imposition on others to open up his private parts. Another problem is the age restriction, in which children's elementary and junior high school should not be seeing or reading material-laden spectacle pornography. Therefore, the sellers of the magazines 'hot' must stand on and cast out all the little children who pass through lapaknya within a radius of at least five meters. Then lived generations who crave immediate passage of childhood, to immediately be able to do sexual follies like the adults who diteladaninya. Do not be surprised if the solution 'style liberal' seems so complicated, because as an explanation of the other day Ulil Abshar Abdalla, secularism can "absorb the energy of devotion and energy disobedience at once".


Differences perspective of the world (worldview) can also produce a very serious difference analysis. The Orientalists boasted that they could examine Islam with honor, even if they do not believe in his teachings. However, their study contradicts the belief that Muhammad. was not a prophet, but he clearly called himself the Prophet. They also believe that the Holy Prophet. is the author of the Qur'an, as he stated otherwise. Thus, analysis of the Orientalists rests on the assumption that Muhammad. is a liar, since admitted the Prophet and do not claim to be the author of the Qur'an. Although some of them are able to write in a way that is very alluring, as if they had great respect for Islam, but basically they still believe in the Prophet. as a liar. In the view of Islam, thinking the Orientalists are very reasonable and do not have to worry about. All you need is regrettable that Muslims quack opinion that the Orientalist is based on the principle of 'Muhammad. is a liar, 'instead of' Muhammad. is the messenger of Allah '. It is clear that following the way of thinking is equivalent to rectify syahadatain Orientalists themselves. Na'uudzubillaah ...


Ulil Abshar Abdalla and his colleagues colleagues appear as defenders of the orientalists. He said, it is not based on faith assessment that is most objective. Then how to judge a study conducted by Ulil own? Is the study objective is not guaranteed, because Ulil still believe? Or Ulil want to declare themselves as unbelievers, in order to maintain the credibility of the study?


In ancient Egyptian religion, 'god' is represented by various types of gods. There is a perfectly shaped like humans, there is a human form-headed dogs, eagles, and so on. Each one had a 'hobby' is typical: there are people whose hobby is deadly, there is a hobby of making farm land so fertile, there is a hobby prosecute human spirit, and so on. Ancient Greek civilization had another picture of 'god'. In addition to a 'hobby' respectively, the gods and goddesses also have their own interests, and ultimately conflict. Even Zeus was the most powerful and the powerful had to clandestinely in the affair with a man, so that the scandal was not known by his wives are angry. Eventually Zeus should be tolerant even watch his son, Hercules, being chased by the jealous gods. Christians believe that God is three but one, one but three (trinity). God has a son, and his son is god too, but in principle there is only one god. The Hindus have another concept of God, and the Hindu Bali was not identical with the Hindu India or Malaysia. The concept of God in Islam is explained by very short and definitive in sura Al-Ikhlash. Islam has always had his own way to address everything in human life; a typical way that is not similar to any other worldview. Islamic Worldview That!


The Clash of Worldviews

The clash of civilizations (the clash of civilizations) version of the Samuel P. Huntington would not have happened if not for the clash of worldviews. Indian civilization will not conflict with the whites of European descent were it not for the gap between their worldview. Problems are bound to occur if there is a group of people who go around breaking the limit in the land of others, especially if the trespassing was not at all feel wrong to do it, because felt he was on top of the evolutionary tree. Which one feels their rights are violated, one feels entitled to violate. It is obvious differences in thinking between the Indians and cowboys, as well as among the Yankee soldiers with the Iraqis, or Gus Dur with the Palestinians.


In a debate on a private television station, appear as if all the issues should be debated by the Islamic camp and 'non-Islamic'. 'Non-Muslims' here does not mean his supporters not Muslim, but a way of thinking that is not Islamic. Problem Ahmadiyya, arguing instead that the government (which published the decree) against the counter-decree, but rather between clerics and Islamic scholars on one side and supporters of Ahmadiyah on the other side. Problem of Sharia law, which brought the Islamic political parties, namely MCC, against the PDS. And who supports Sharia law in areas that have been applied not only limited to Islamic political parties only. The debate about the Bill of PP was inevitably have to mention about Islamic views on pornography, either through the interpreter oral debate and its supporters in the stands.


Some see this phenomenon is sad, because it seems the Muslims want dibentur-crush continues with other parties. But on the other hand, it also shows that what is being promoted by the feat. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi it was really real. Islamic worldview does have its own distinctive and different from that in others. Islam provides a solid guide in addressing everything, and not nervous in the face of issues that developed around it.


This is a crushing blow to the secularists, liberals who recently showed his true identity has intensified. They are constantly waging a war of opinions and to counter all the thinking that comes from the scholars, and often also sued the Qur'an and Sunnah. They waged a massive deconstruction program in order to break down the door of ijtihad. What warning, what they did actually cause the response was the antithesis of their own propaganda; Islam is not the doctrine of partial, rather than Arabization, not the result of propaganda Quran Caliph Uthman ra version., Nor the formulation of the Quraysh ideologue named Imam Syafi 'i. Islam is a complete, solid, firm, unambiguous, no-mencle mencla, and his teachings do not know the revision. Islam has its own worldview that can not be 'cheated' with the worldview of any other kind.

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